Ara madoff, dan bata ukoll, bhal Franco

Published: October 17, 2012 at 1:36am

15 Comments Comment

  1. A. Charles says:

    He sounds constipated.

  2. Bob says:

    He is the one who made his family suffer.

  3. I.R.A.B. says:

    I can’t understand how grown men aren’t embarrassed to talk like this. Grow a pair.

  4. Joe Azzopardi says:

    I’m sure that we’ll soon see him with Silvio Zammit on some discussion programme on One TV

    • Clifford says:

      Not really, John Dalli is the typically dirty politician. He leaves the dirty work for somebody else. Then, when he is exposed, he disowns that somebody else.

  5. Jozef says:

    Triplets can be quite painful.

  6. Paul Bonnici says:

    ‘Bata’ means starving in Africa with five children and a wife, two of them sick. No water, no food. That is suffering. This guy needs a reality check.

  7. a. attard says:

    Bata my foot. Pensjoni ta’ Ministru, salarju ta’ Kummissarju ghall-Unjoni Ewropea, he must be kidding. L-izjed li seta jimmissja kienet il-hobza maltija biz-zejt u t-tadam.

  8. ciccio says:

    Has One TV been running a tele-series under the name “Il-Misteri tat-Tbatija” starring the Commissioner and Franco?

  9. TROY says:

    Issa sew, ghax anke il-Libjani iridu jinvestigawh.

    O Gesu, kemm kellek tbati, Gann.

  10. Toula says:

    So he is now at large…no longer in prison in Brussels.

  11. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Dan il-blog mhux qed ihallini norqod. Kemm qed inbati, jien u l-familja.

  12. ClS says:

    We have not heard the last of him. He will certainly go on One TV whenever they invite him – plead his innocence and talk bla bla against Dr Gonzi.

  13. Libertas says:

    Kemm bata bis-SARGAS.

    Miskin kemm bata…

    Imma issa la jitla’ Joseph il-wegħda titwettaq.

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