JOHN DALLI, father confessor to the Evil Click
JEFFREY PULLICINO ORLANDO SMITH, who has spent the last three years lauding Dalli and holding him up as an example of wronged probity. Dalli was Pullicino’s only witness in his failed attempt to secure the expulsion of Richard Cachia Caruana from the Nationalist Party.
JESMOND MUGLIETT, a main target for corruption accusations by the Labour Party in the 2008 general election campaign, who then expected to be made a cabinet minister and has been sulking and backbiting since.
Well, you all know by now who this is.
LABOUR LEADER JOSEPH MUSCAT, who liaised and cooperated with all of these to further his own ends, and who has now been hoist by his John Dalli petard. Labour’s magic plan for lowering water and electricity rates was, to quote future deputy prime minister Anglu Farrugia, “Il-pjan ta’ John Dalli”.
Well to think that these four jokers belonged to the party that I believe in. What can i say except good riddance.
Franco’s blogging his heartfelt appreciation for Louis Galea now.
Ma jafx ikun IPOKRITA!
Imma kollu ghalxejn! Franco l-vuci tieghek issa bye bye!
Four pricks and a cock.
[Daphne – To use the terminology of Snatch, actually it’s five ‘orrible c**ts.]
Nice way how to introduce your teenage followers to adult language. Sooner or later they have to learn no, so what better way than jumping at the deep end of the pool forthwith.
[Daphne – Teenagers are experts in bad words, mandango. If you don’t know that, you must have been one hell of a Tal-Muzew nerd.]
Mandango, biex tiskongra trid tkun pur. Titkellimx inti dwar kiem hazin. Aqra l-kummenti kollha li qatt bghatt fuq dan is-sit u tkun taf x’qieghed nghid
Just in case you forgot, tomorrow JPO(S) will be in court fighting for his right to change surname.
Court Civil Court, First Hall – Malta
Judiciary Joseph Azzopardi
Names Pullicino Sive Pullicino Orlando Smith Jeffrey Vs Direttur Tar-Registru Pubbliku
4 19/10/2012 09:45 – First Hearing – Joseph Azzopardi
U sad bitch, You have no life
[Daphne – I know. Tragic, isn’t it?]
How does investigating corrupt officials imply no life?
You cannot possibly do this to me. Please guide me through the pictures. Its John Dalli, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, Jesmond Mugliett and the last one is who? Excuse me but I do not know the guy. A friend of mine who happened to see the picture said he is one of Malta’s most renowned comedians.
You are right not to recognise the last one. His form 2c report is by now more recognisable than him.
Daphne – you forgot the old fart responsible for his “independent” daily.
You mean L-Orizzont, don’t you?
And here’s one of the Evil Click’s useful tools
Do you mean ‘clique’ or really ‘click’?
[Daphne – Sigh. I mean clique, but ‘click’ is how Jeffrey POS pronounces it.]
Dalli’s pronunciation in the interview was novel : ‘gee opperdise’. Never heard that one before.
I’ve given up trying to defend pronunciation skills.
@ john
Right on, I heard that too and cringed.
Whenever a man has cast a longing eye on offices, a rottenness begins in his conduct. ~Thomas Jefferson