Is Jeffrey Pullicino going to request John Dalli’s expulsion from the Nationalist Party? Like hell he is.

Published: October 19, 2012 at 12:44pm

Look, I’ll stop dying my hair brown next month, all right?

Poor little (literally) Jeffrey Pullicino. His star witness has just blown up in his face, in a major EU scandal that has embarrassed Malta worldwide.

Ma’ min rajtek xebbahtek, eh, Jeff? But then we knew that already.

What a sad little twerp – deserted by his the hordes of Facebook supporters who buoyed him up when he was doing his worst, he is still ploughing away on his Facebook wall, writing the same old things his music, his tea, his clinic and Evil Daphne, to four responses from a seedy Laburista policewoman and an anonymous internet slanderer who’s wanted by the police for criminal defamation.

And now he’s told us that he won’t “enter into the merits” of the Dalli scandal. Of course not. Ma tarax.

Pathetic and, as it turned out, mind-bogglingly dangerous, the lot of them. The sooner we get rid of this Evil Click, the better, even if it means a Labour government.

Seedy, unsavoury, amoral and unprincipled, the lot of them.

17 Comments Comment

  1. el bandido guapo says:

    Unrelated, sorry – nutjob lawyer to be investigated:

  2. Uhuru says:

    The link (writing) opens a web page about “ADD/ADHD and other learning difficulties – How to stop the nightmare”. Although this is quite apposite I don’t think its what you meant.

  3. SPAM says:

    on Aftonbladet which is the main Swedish News Portal – it looks like they wanted 600M KR which is approx 70 million Euros.

    Startsidan / Nyheter 2012-10-19
    Mutsumman som erbjöds för snuset: 600 miljoner

    600 miljoner kronor.

    Det var summan snustillverkaren Swedish Match erbjöds betala i muta för att få EU att slopa snusförbudet.

    – Jag kan bekräfta att det är de nivåerna vi pratar om, säger Patrik Hildingsson, informationschef på Swedish Match.

  4. Terror says:

    Is it possible to grow tobacco at Mistra?

  5. Catsrbest says:

    I don’t agree with you at all when you say: ‘even if it means a Labour government’, as the PL is much more than seedy, unsavoury, amoral and unprincipled.

    It is also highly incompetent in all aspects and not fit for government. It is Malta’s greatest factual misfortune that there is no alternative to the PN.

    • ciccio says:

      If Godfrey Grima has it his way, we might see John Dalli rising again, and perhaps Labour will appoint him as Malta’s EU Commissioner once again.

      • A. Charles says:

        He will not be accepted by the EU.

        Richard Cachia Caruana should be sent back to Brussels as commissioner and f***k Debono, Muscat and Co. I can’t imagine him ever embarrassing Malta on this scale, but rather the opposite.

  6. ciccio says:

    And will the Leader of the Opposition use Anglu Farrugia as a smokescreen to bring a motion in the House to condemn John Dalli’s behaviour as the EU Commissioner from Malta for embarrassing us with the entire world, and for there being circumstantial evidence linking him to an attempt to influence EU tobacco legislation without the permission of our Parliament, the highest institution of the land?

  7. Jozef says:

    What a po-faced git.

  8. Village says:

    During the past year or so, the conspirators have accelerated the damage machinizations against the government and the party. It all forms part of a ploy to wear out the party’s chances for re-election.

    Politically and ethically this is an unpardonable misconduct which goes punished by expulsion from the party.

    Clearly they have more evil schemes in store which they plan to express in the coming crucial months.

    The Nationalist party would do well to position itself and confront the conspirators.

  9. Just Watching says:

    Well said Daphne….Keep it up

    In Maltese there is a saying:

    Il-hanzir taqtaghlu denbu…

  10. Il-Hajbu says:

    Kif kulhadd immuta! Filli attakki minn kul naha, issa kulhadd ixxukjat!

    Serqilhom ix-xena lil Franco Debono u lil JPO. Diga’ intesew. Issa l-ahhar att u daqshekk.

    Il-lejla wiehed minn taz-Zoo qallu biex jaqsam il-kamra u Debono wiegbu, Le ta! Dak li ma naghmilx!

    Kemm u fidil miskin, ghax il-kamra diga’ qasamha meta vvota mal-Labour.

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