The Times has got it terribly wrong and skewed the entire story, through poor translation

Published: October 19, 2012 at 2:21pm

The Times has got its translation from the Swedish completely wrong and as a result has changed the entire meaning of the report.

It was not Swedish Match that offered to pay EUR60 million. It was Silvio Zammit who asked for it.

When you use GoogleTranslate, what you get is “the amount that Silvio Zammit offered to be paid (by Swedish Match)”, which means ‘proposed’ or ‘asked for’ or ‘suggested’, so this might be how The Times made its stupendous error with its resulting fundamental change of meaning.

I can’t see how, though, because even that messy translation makes it clear that Zammit is the one demanding the money.

14 Comments Comment

  1. Il-Pestezz!! says:

    Forsi jista’ jkun, peress li din il-gazzetta issa imtliet b’qatt jurnalisti inkapaci (mhux fisikament).

  2. Ed says:

    14:22 The heading now reads “Silvio Zammit asked for €60 million, Swedish newspaper says”.

  3. lola says:

    Mhux ta b’xejn in-nies isiru sinjuri malajr. Min jahdem ma jistax isir sinjur f’minuta. Il-flus isiru mod iehor. J’Alla l-gid il-kulhadd. Alla qal ser nohloq xi haga li in-nies ihobbuha aktarminni u dawn huma l-flus. But then it is very much worth it trying to” earn”such a big sum.

  4. ciccio says:

    Mela ghal ftit ma gabuhiex li Silvio Zammit offra Euro 60 miljun lil Swedish Match.

  5. canon says:

    Min qal li Silvio Zammit ma jafx jghodd.

  6. Uninterested Bystander says:

    If Silvio Zammit is innocent then I expect his lawyers to be firing off writs left, right and centre.

    If not, why has his collar not been felt?

  7. anthony says:

    They must have asked Silvio to write the translation.

    He did his postdoc at the Karolinska.

  8. Zeppi says:

    Ghali dal-maqrut.

  9. Candida says:

    Not for a billion billion. Never ever ma tarax!

  10. Natalie Mallett says:

    Mr. Dalli, one’s happiness depends on the amount of wealth one can do without but it seems that you have become rather greedy.

  11. Il-Hajbu says:

    Gann, ma tafx li l-qawl Malti jghid:- “Il-garra gejja u sejra, fl-ahhar tinkiser “?

    Ghamilt hafna ghal zaqqek!

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