Why is the word ‘lesbian’ in the heading? Why is the word ‘lesbian’ even mentioned in the story?
It’s self-evident that, if two women are in a relationship, they are homosexual. And why is it only the man’s cousin who is described as a lesbian? Obviously, if his ex-girlfriend has left him for her, then she’s a lesbian too.
That apart, I can’t help thinking that this is the stuff of Eastenders.
timesofmalta.com, this afternoon:
Man in custody for allegedly harassing lesbian relative
A 21-year-old man from Msida has been remanded in custody after pleading not guilty to harassing his cousin, threatening to use violence against her, insulting her and carrying an unlicensed firearm and an unlicensed knife.
The court heard that the man’s former partner, with whom he has a child, was now cohabiting with his lesbian cousin.
The court heard that the man had been following his former partner and last Wednesday threatened to kill his cousin during an argument.
During this argument, he allegedly bent down to pick up something and a knife fell from his pocket.
Police Inspector Jason Sultana said that during the same argument, the man also threatened to shoot his cousin. The cousin, together with his former partner, filed a police report and, on investigating, the police found a gun and nine cartridges in the man’s car.
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So their readers can imagine what goes on behind the closed door and drives that poor man insane.
Is one of them called Delilah?
Probably thinking ‘honour killing’.
If a crime has an element of homophobia, that element should be considered as an aggravating factor by the court when handing down its sentence. The article does not mention this detail, but it could be the case.
The word “Lesbian” is an attention grabber.
It is so good at grabbing attention it should be used in traffic signs. For example:
Sharp curve ahead
Slow down
Shush, don’t say that or Franco won’t stop using it.
Who’s Franco?
It’s even worse on MaltaToday:
“A 21-year-old man from Msida was remanded in custody after he allegedly threatened he would shoot gay woman for ‘sitting’ with his former girlfriend.”
Sitting? Really? Of course they tried to translate “pogguta” which is a pretty vulgar term anyway. Couldn’t they come up with co-habitation given it’s such a topical subject?
The same reason you used it twice in this post’s headline, because “Lesbian” is a word that gets clicks.
Surely there are heterosexual men out there that have had some homosexual episode in their lives, but that does not make them homosexual or gay. Similarly, there are women who have had some homosexual episode in their lives, but that does not make them homosexual or gay.
And by episodes I don’t mean that they fell into someone’s pants haphazardly, but rather deliberately, premeditatedly resulting in enjoyable episodes.
I think that we have all witnessed girl/female couples in public where one party was blatantly butch, masculine, and usually the controlling type, coupled with a sweet, feminine and subservient type girl/female.
Typically, girls who have lesser developed personalities or some type of low self esteem and who end up with the type of guys who badger them and abuse them in every kind of way (usually because they are mummy’s boys), seek an escape from this kind of relationship once it becomes unbearable.
It so happens that for such girls, temporarily pairing with another girl, most often emotionally rather than sexually is a more bearable outcome than remaining in that abusive relationship. It also so happens that such types of coupling occurs when it is familiar and trusted, thus the boy’s cousin!
One must be careful before applying labels. This is not a case of black or white but of shades of grey. (No pun intended!)
Any psychologist reading this to back up or critique my claim?
Did he say something to his ex companion for being lesbian and hid her homosexuality from him or only his relative was the culprit in all this?