Please don’t tell me next that EU Commissioner Dalli was a silent investor in a circus operation

Published: October 28, 2012 at 5:34pm

Iosif Galea’s work CV on Linked In makes no mention of employment with a circus company or circus/theme park operation, but then he lists his specialisation as being THEME PARKS AND CIRCUSES MANAGEMENT.

Read it here. Iosif Galea – Malta _ LinkedIn

And here he is, posted stuff on events websites about Silvio Zammit’s circus agency.

I hold my breath in fearful anticipation of what comes next.

Oh, and you should also know that Silvio Zammit is a very heavy gambler – addicted, compulsive – at casinos. He has won lots of money and lost lots of money. And his closest business associate is an official of the Lotteries and Gaming Authority. Nice.

That’s also a very nice friend and associate for an EU Commissioner to have. Any drunkards and assorted rogues to complete the picture?

Next question: who pulled strings to get him on the PN ticket for the Sliema local council?

68 Comments Comment

  1. Uninterested Bystander says:

    Did you used to spend hours in research libraries before the internet came along?

  2. Daphne: X’serjeta ta’ partit hux ?

    • Tana toilet paper says:

      Tal-PL ahjar, ghax ic-cirku jaghmluh huma stess u l-annimali ma jzommuhomx fil-gagga.

      • r pace bonello says:

        Of course. So Mr Privitera is/was involved in the toilet paper business. Did not do too badly in the good old days of import substition.

    • Neil Dent says:

      Eddy – the the words ‘pot’, ‘kettle’ and ‘black’ spring to mind.

      But that aside, Eddy. What’s your point?

    • Jozef says:

      Ask Cyrus.

    • Village says:

      Vera Eddy ghalhekk tajjeb li jkollna l-labour fil gvern. Il tortura fiz-zmienkhom saret bis-serjeta w ma kienitx cajta.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      In-naha l-ohra x’toffri li huwa differenti, Privitera?

      Ghallinqas fost lista ta’ kretini, fottituri u marmarlja tal-PN hemm isem wiehed sura, li huwa dak ta’ Simon Busuttil. L-MLP lil min ghandu?

    • Angus Black says:

      Il-PL tant hu serju li anke lill ex-ministru, forsi l-aktar korrott bil-provi, li kellu l-gvern Lejburista, ghamlulu monument!
      Zero tolerance a tipo Labour.

      Mur inheba, Eddy.

      • Angus Black says:

        Eddy, imsiehba fil-PN u li jaghmlu xi haga mhux korretta, nibghatuhom fl-iskip ta Joseph. Ma nahbuhomx ghal ftit zmien u nerghu nirreciklawhom aktar tard bhal ma jaghmel Joseph .

      • winwood says:

        “Mur inheba Eddy”. If you don’t mind Angus, I feel I should change “b” to “x”.

    • TinaB says:

      Il-partit Nazzjonalista lil min mhux serju jitfghu fl-iskip – imbaghad jigborhom il-partit tal-progressivi, Privitera.

      Safrattant lil nies bhal John Dalli u Franco Debono int qieghed taghtihulhom l-appogg u mhux il-Partit Nazzjonalista.

      Sur Privitera, meta ma tikkummentax taghmel figura isbah. Wiehed mil-akbar assets li ghandu il-PN ma hu hadd hlief int.

    • ciccio says:

      Jien nahseb li Eddy qed jghid ghal-Labour, u l-mod kif dak il-partit akkomoda lis-Sur Dalli ghal hafna snin fuq is-Super One.

      Sur Privitera, ftit ilu – qabel is-16 ta’ Ottubru – kont int stess li gejt hawn tiftahrilna li s-Sur Dalli kien ser ikun fuq Bla Agenda, ma’ Norman Hamilton.

      Taf x’naf. Li dakinhar Dalli kien jaf li kien qed ikun investigat mil-OLAF, izda lil Norman u lit-telespettaturi tas-Super One ma qalilhomx. Dak kien ikun scoop.

    • Buffu says:

      Eddy, int ser titkaza bis-serjeta ta’ partit?

      Mela nsejt meta ras tal-partit tieghek inqabdet taghmel il-film pornografici? Kif qatt ma issemmi lil minn kellu jirrezenja ghax dawwar ghat-tfal? Dan biex ma nsemmux l-gharukazijiet tas-snin 80 imwettqa bil-barka ta’ nies gholja fil-partit tieghek u forsi bil-barka tieghek ukoll. Taqax ghan-nejk aktar.

    • Village says:

      Kemm ilkhom ma tohorgu tkissru xi kazin? Meta ser tibdew, tergaw?

    • Gahan says:

      Iva, il-Partit Laburista serju hafna, l-iskartati tal Partit Nazzjonalista u li fi zmien Dr Alfred Sant, il-Partit Laburista kien isawwat qatta’ bla habel fuq korruzzjoni, kollha spiccaw spalla ma’ spalla ma’ Joseph Muscat jattakkaw lil Lawrence Gonzi.

      Jesmond Mugliett

      John Dalli

      Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando

      Biex ma nsemmix lil Nicky Dimech, Cyrus Engerer, u eks-kunsilliera ohrajn li kienu mal-Partit Nazzjonalista.

      Ma nistghageb xejn jekk il-PL idahhal lil Silvio Zammit mieghu jekk mhux ukoll lil Dalli flimkien ma’ Francon Debono.

  3. Ken il malti says:

    Imagine how much gambling fun Mr. Mqaret could have had with his portion of the 60 million.

    He could have blown that much juice at the casino in less than a month.

    Juice (money) is the gambler’s heroin.

    And this guy is trusted to be the deputy mayor of Sliema and associate of an EU Commissioner?

  4. andi says:

    Wanna bet it’s the same person who introduced him to Sliema Wanderers FC. The one who was backing Dalli’s premiership for years before finally giving up and apparently shifting his chances on a young lawyer from Gozo. Ask Saviour Balzan, he ought to know.

  5. mandango70 says:

    Don’t have the answer to your last question. But why do you seem to blame any othersider rather than the PN itself and its inner circle for the choice of its candidates?

    [Daphne – What is an othersider? In answer to your question: the Sliema local council seems to have been under the influence of a member of parliament particularly close to the Father Confessor John Dalli, who allied himself to Mugliett and Pullicino and who has since thought it best to keep quiet after making idiotic comments about slow punctures on Super One television to show us all how clever he is even though he wasn’t included in the cabinet.]

    • Jozef says:

      People like Mandango70 won’t give up on the gonziPN inner circle thesis, especially now that it’s imperative that we forget where Dalli, Mugliett, Arrigo, JPO and Franco spent the best part of the last four years.

      Inkontri, TX, Affari Taghna and One’s breakfast show.

      Then there’s Cyrus, Bundy, Musumeci e bella compagnia.

      Compagni di sventura all of them. According to Mandango70, the simplest explanation, that it is they who’ve decided to create an exclusive circle charming their way into Joseph’s movement, isn’t plausible.

      Oh no, let’s create even more conspiracies to distract the electorate, so silly of you if you think we’re that gullible.

      It won’t go away Mandango, your leader shouldn’t have been allowed to play with your party, he’s not up to it.

      Ask your core voters, and you’ll be surprised at their growing impatience.

    • mandango70 says:

      Apologies. I meant “outsider”.

  6. Silvio says:

    At long last we are all becoming conscious as to why the P.N. is in such a state.

    Is this the type of company that our representatives should keep?

    We are at the moment only pointing fingers at Dalli, but the question follows, are the others, or at least some, keeping the same type of company?

    Is this the reason why some persons seem to be untouchables?

    Isn’t it time for us to clean our stables?

    Unfortunately,only a change in government can do this, but of course the P.L has to first get rid of its old faces, and only than can we start hoping that after all there is a chance for our country.

    Daphne, sometimes you run away with the idea that I am a P.L.supporter. No, I’m a true Nationalist and I am sure that the only way of saving the party can only happen if it goes for some time in the opposition thus having time to clean up the party and going back to its original principles.

    [Daphne – That’s where we part company, Silvio. You think the country and its people should be sacrificed to the party’s requirements, and I believe the country and its people are the priority and should come first, and to hell with the PN’s need or otherwise to clean out its stables. The very idea of dumping a Labour government led by a Super One reporter on us just so that a political party – the PN – can clean out its stables is beyond absurd. It’s not as though the process isn’t already well underway. ]

    Going back to Dalli, of course he has his bad side, as we all do, but we must not forget he is still suffering from the bad time he had from his FRIENDS, and being betrayed by you friends, maybe for the second time, is something that takes a great man to endure.

    [Daphne – He doesn’t seem to be particularly upset at Silvio Zammit. So I don’t know exactly what betrayal you’re talking about. Or which friends, either. And this is quite apart from the fact that he is the one who’s been doing all the betraying, including major betrayals of trust.]

    • Catsrbest says:

      I believe that people stating that ‘the PN should go in opposition to clean out its stables’ are not true Nationalists. A real Nationalist will never even think along these lines, let alone put it in writing.

      I immediately dismiss such comments as being written by false Nationalists. It is evident that the PN is actually cleaning out its stables brilliantly while in government – ridding itself of all those who are upsetting it and posting them into the PL’s skip.

  7. andi says:

    The Circus is promoted by JS Productions Ltd. Company Reg. C40060 Registered Address. G.A. investments House, Triq Guzeppi Xuereb Ix-Xudi, Birkirkara

    Using the same address we find Route Direct Ltd. Tel 21454545 on searching GO Directory

    Perhaps we will be learning more of these companies eventually.

  8. andi says:

    Iosif Galea: PETA supporters have blood on their hands (PETA – People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals)

    He’s got a good pen too, wonder if he writes emails.

  9. GiovDeMartino says:

    JS Productions. J.S.?

    [Daphne – Johann Said, Said tac-Cirku.]

  10. Jozef says:

    As usual, whenever Joseph’s in a bit of a fix, Herrera comes along to show us what Labour could be.

    ‘Above everything else, however, it affirms how ethically correct our judicial system here in Malta really is.’

  11. Ken il malti says:

    The question is why is John Dalli such a depressing sad sack?

    With the ample wealth he has acquired over the years as a wheeler-dealer supreme, you would think that he would be sitting on top of the world.

  12. Marisa borg says:

    Check out Emanuel Cuschieri’s Facebook page. He is proposing that Malta International Airport to be changed to Duminku Mintoff Airport once Labour are in power.

    [Daphne – Can somebody get a screen shot, please?]

  13. Min Weber says:

    I have a question.

    What has happened to the fireworks case against Silvio Zammit? Was he arraigned? Why was he allowed to be a PN candidate?

    • Murdock2 says:

      Silvio Zammit is not a candidate anymore. CHe even resigned from the Local Council and doesn’t even give any more interviews after this huge Dalligate debacle.

  14. Cawlun says:

    As Alice in Wonderland used to say, It’s getting stranger and stranger.

  15. silvio farrugia says:

    I do not know the whole story about John Dalli but everytime corruption was done in Malta always with an associate of the minister.

    The minister is never seen. Some of these people play out to be holier then the pope but Malta is small and people talk.

  16. Sean says:

    A circus is a good way to launder money.

  17. GABS says:

    Hi mhux hekk tghid. Insemmu l-airport ghal dak iz-Z**B Duminku li hexa Malta.

    Taf kif kien l-airport fiz-zmien dak il-qamla Duminku, kien ghar mill tat-tielet dinja. Issa immishom isemmu il-Maghtab ghal Mintoff.

  18. allamana says:

    Mitjar Duminku Mintoff

    Port Lorry Sant

    Triq Danny Cremona

    Sqaq 1981

    Vera trid tkun gandra perfetta biex tissugerixxi tbiddel isem airport.

    Wara ma nafx kemm il-sena kemm hawn nies jafu li Regional Road hija Triq Manwel Dimech?

    I rest my case.

  19. Anthony 1960 says:

    The Slow Puncture Man was eagerly waiting to shake hands and hug the prime minister today at the end of the djalogu at Ta’ Giorni. He succeeded in front of the cameras of Net TV.

  20. elephant says:

    The airport name change suggestion is stupid and comes from a stupid person

  21. charlie says:

    Ghal ftit, nissuggerixxi li jsemmuh Mitjar il-Mexxej Kbir Duminku Mintoff (Great Leader Dom Mintoff Airport) just to show that we have become, under Muscat, equivalent once more to North Korea!

  22. johnnie says:


  23. Cloud 9 says:

    Good idea and instead of a conveyor belt for luggage collection we can have a diesel-operated vehicle like we had during Dom’s time, with suitcases dumped on the ground and everyone rummaging to find his own.

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