Oh shut up, Jeffrey, and get back to your Botox

Published: November 2, 2012 at 9:21am

Now that John Dalli has taken a breather from attacking the media and the European Commission, and hogging the limelight with shows of bravado, those two jerks in his and Joseph’s Evil Clique, Franco and Jeffrey, have popped out of their box again to jostle each other in the spotlight.

Franco has finally woken up to the fact that his brinkmanship has failed catastrophically, and as D-Day draws near is desperately looking for ways out.

Good luck to him, and more to the point, good luck to the rest of us.

And Jeffrey, seizing his moment to break from repeated updates about what he ate, drank, listened to and read during his coffee break from the clinic (he can’t write about current affairs because John Dalli is his mentor and Father Confessor and he feels himself hoist embarrassingly by that particular petard), has now told the world on Facebook that the Nationalist Party has “humiliated” Simon Busuttil for what he said about Franco.


This jerk has an ego as fragile as an egg-shell, and that’s the main reason for most of the messes he’s made in his disastrous life, right up to the present. If he feels himself thwarted, humiliated or slighted, he turns into a sort of miniature, wind-up Darth Vader on…well, Earl Grey.

Men with an ego that fragile think that other men are the same and project themselves into the situation. Pullicino – he withdrew the case to change his surname to the full whack of grandpa’s, by the way – assumes Busuttil is humiliated because that’s how he would have felt in his position.

Well, you know, Jeffrey, that’s why you were never leadership material or even ministerial material. La krejta oqghod ghaliha: anyone who has leadership or deputy leadership aspirations has got to have a skin as thick as ruddy rhino-hide.

If you collapse at the first sign of criticism, and start thinking ‘revenge’, then you’re not a leader. Quite frankly, you’re not even a man. But let’s not go into that, shall we?

Jeffrey Pullicino evokes to my mind certain men who my older relatives used to describe as “qisu cippitatu”: very small and squawking, and using every means possible to add height and draw attention to himself, from walking on tip-toes with a bouncing motion to holding his chin at a higher angle than normal.

Television and newspaper photographs lend him deceptive faux-gravitas. In real life, qisu tapp ridikolu.

P*ss off, Jeffrey. We’re all counting the days till we see the back of you. May you have a long and interesting life in your village clinic, botoxing sad ladies who are hitting the Gianpula scene at 50, and pulling the occasional raddled tooth, while socialising with racanc.

Nice new hairstyle Carmen has there, by the way: jet-black 1920s bob with fringe. It makes the two of you look like the Walmart version of Bonnie and Clyde. Bye, and have a nice time with Labour.

51 Comments Comment

  1. If the PN accepts you back, I andmy family will never vote PN again!

    Guzeppi tal-Mosta

  2. Franco,

    If the PN accepts you back, I and my family will never vote PN again!

    Guzeppi tal-Mosta

  3. Franco mhux qed igibom il-kummenti tieghi fuq il-blog tieghu.

    Forsi ghax jafni lili u l-familja tieghi mill-Mosta. Issa qed jiddispjacih ta’ li ghamel?

    PN administration, please note: if you accept Franco Debono back, after what he did, I and my family will never vote PN again, and we will not be helping out in this election nor in any other election in the future.

    We cannot have a situation where someone like Franco Debono who did all he could to destroy the PN and our Prime Minister could ever be accepted back, while people like me, my father and all my family who worked for years and have always been loyal, even when we did not get what was ours by right, are taken for granted.

    We would feel extremely marginalized if Franco Debono came back.

    Anyway to cut a long story short, Franco gets back in the PN – we get out.

    And you all know how much we help in the setting up of the Northern area etc. I don’t need to add any much more.

    Guzeppi tal-Mosta

    • Guzepp: Mela x’se taghmel jekk Simon Busuttil ghad ikun mexxej tal-PN ? Simon ghamilha cara li jrid li l-partit jirranga l-affarijiet ma Franco Debono. Jigifieri, jekk ghad jiehu post Gonzi, zgur li lil Franco jgibu lura fil-partit, mhux hekk ?

      X’tahseb Guz ?

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Jien nahseb li inti kretin.

      • TROY says:

        U mur i**xa Eddy.

      • cikku l-poplu says:

        Ahna tal-PN mhux bhal MLP ma jiddecidiex wiehed izda l-ezekutiv u jekk jigi accetat mill ezekutiv jista jitlaqqa il kunsill biex jirevoka dik id-decizjoni mhux bhal MLP Joseph rega dahhal l’rmxiek kollu li l-poplu cahad ghal kwart ta seklu Sur Privitera mela ahna bhahen bhalek.

      • John C says:

        It’s amazing how you misquote what Simon Busuttil said to suit your warped purposes.

        But then it’s to be expected from someone like you. Suffice to say that when I see an article in a newspaper written by you, I don’t even bother to read it.

        Why don’t you just give up?

      • ninnu says:

        Eddy, mhux affari tieghek. Tindahalx, please.

  4. Ittra miftuha lil amministrazzjoni tal-Partit Nazzjonalista:

    Ghaziz Prim Ministru,

    Mela jiena u l-familja tieghi tghidx kemm nirsistu. Missieri miet fil-kazin tal-PN l-elezzjoni li ghaddiet b’attakk tal-qalb meta haseb li tela l-Labour fil-gvern ghax kien hemm dak Jason qal li rebha zgur tal-Labour se tkun dik id-darba.

    U allahares baqa haj biex ikompli jghix dawn iz-zminijiet, ghax zgur xorta kien imut bid-dispjacir.

    L-familja tieghi dejjem kienet lejali lejn il-PN anki meta ma hadnix dak li kien taghna bi dritt.

    U imbaghad jigi Franco Debono u jaghmel tlett snin jaghmel l-hsara biss u jkisser u jgerfex u jippretendi li jaghmel u jghid li jrid u jkecci l-ministri u l-ambaxxaturi u nergghu nilqawh fil-Partit Nazzjonalista?

    Jekk Franco Debono jigi accettat mal-PN jerga, jiena ghalija l-PN jkun spicca darba ghal dejjem u allahares jigi xi hadd imbaghad jghidli, “Guz, ghalfejn int u l-familja tieghek ma ghadkomx tghinu fl-organizzazjoni u tikkanvasjaw?” Ghax imbaghad nghidlu kieku jien.

    Guzeppi tal-Mosta
    Kullhadd, inkluz Franco nnifsu, jaf min jien, m’ghandix dubju.

    • M. Grech says:

      Ġużeppi, ma tkunx inti u l-familja tiegħek biss li tieħdu din id-deċiżjoni.

      Jekk Franco Debono jiġi aċċettat lura fil-Partit Nazzjonalista, dawk li dejjem kienu leali u emmnu fil-prinċipji demokratiċi tal-partit jitilqu minnufih.

      Franco Debono ħammar wiċċ il-Partit Nazzjonalista mingħajr ma ħass ebda rimors għal egħmilu u għalhekk m’għandu qatt jerġa’ jiġi fdat.

    • mandango70 says:

      Jien ma nafhekx, but you sure have balls.

      Ma ghandi l-ebda raguni ghalfejn niddefendi lil Partit Nazzjonalista ghax jien ma nappoggjahx, imma ipermettili nghid li l-partit hareg b’dikjarazzjoni cara u immedjata wara l-istqarrija ta’ Simon Busuttil.

      Dan ta’ l-ahhar ghamel foul ikrah, li jista jiswielu hafna sfortunatament (ghalih u ghal pajjiz), izda l-partit irradrizza t-tir.

      A meno che, l-istqarrija ta’ Simon ma kienitx xi messa in scena, biex izomm lil Franco trankwil sal-vot tal-budget.

      F’dak il-kaz nghid ukoll li Simon ghamel foul iehor ghax loghob bhal dan ma jaghmillux gieh.

    • whothef**kis says:

      Who the f**k is Guzeppi tal-Mosta? Never heard of him.

  5. Candida says:

    Jiena naqbel mieghek perfettament, Gus.

    Franco lura wara dak kollu li qala u ghamel! Ma tarax.

    Dak ambizzjoni personali ghandu f’qalbu u mhux il-PN.

    Taht Gonzi ma jahdimx qal – mela jaf x’ghandu jaghmel.

  6. George Grech says:

    Jekk thossok ingurjat, offiz u mwegga, Jeffrey, tista tmur u tirtira l-Mistra u qatta hajtek newwah.

  7. elephant says:

    If somehow the PN think that Franco SHOULD form part of the PN, then, for heaven’s sake count me and a thousand others out.

    Count me out if Franco is taken on board.

    Secretary-General Borg Olivier, I hope you will not start any game to try to mend fences with this person.

    If you are not convinced that thousands want to see the back of this man, hold a survey. This is a serious matter.

    Let him vote against the budget. Let the PM call elections. Let the PN lose the election. But never, ever show cowardice.

  8. aston says:

    With Dalli out of the picture, JPO is worried that any Franco ‘reconciliation’ will leave him completely isolated – that’s why he is stirring things up.

    Not that I want to see Franco back in the party. either. I suspect, however, that’s not what Simon Busuttil meant.

  9. Min jaf il-lejla Gonzi jghidx li jaqbel ma’ Simon Busuttil dwar rikonciljazzjoni ma Franco Debono, jew joqghodx idur mal-lewza u ma jghid xejn. Jew forsi Peppi Azzopardi joqghod attent u ma jsemmilux din il-kwistjoni !

  10. Daphne: Your cheap comments, also on other women, such as Michelle Muscat and Carmen Pullicino Orlando, just shows that
    your background and upbringing is not what you try to project when socialising during parties, weddings etc.. !

    [Daphne – What people from your/Michelle’s/Carmen’s background just don’t get, Mr Privitera, is that people from mine don’t have to pretend so as to be thought ‘posh’.]

  11. Joseph Vassallo says:

    Simon was not humiliated because he is in favour of reconciliation.

    If Simon were to contest for deputy leader, he would in hands down.

    Once he is one of the leaders, he will have great influence in the party. Austin Gatt is on his way out, anyway.

    I am sure that Dr. Simon Busuttil will explain to the PN councillors why reconciliation is important. I am also sure they will agree with him.

  12. e, muscat says:

    Se jibda jghaggel Dr.Simon,ghalkemm nahseb li zgur jaf li mhix decizjoni tieghu wahdu.

  13. Jozef says:

    Humilitiated? Since when is our Jeffrey so concerned about the executive’s statements?

    I bet he didn’t think it humiliating when he dragged RCC to appear before it, relying on Joe Mizzi and Karmenu Vella’s inane testimony-that-never-was, demanding his head.

    The difference, Jeff, you see, is that the PN can manage polemic as a constant. The executive is absolutely correct, obliged even, to refer to the decision taken and the perceived risk.

    You’re chairman of the MCST and still unable to fathom the duties and roles in an organisation.

  14. Natalie Mallett says:

    X’attitudni nisranija dik Gus! Allahares jiggudikana bhalek il-Mulej xhin nidhru quddiemu!

    Jigifieri int lest li titlef kollox biex ma tahfirx jew tipprova ssib raguni wara kull ma gara?

    Ma naqbilx mieghek skuzani ta.

    Jien nafda lil Dr. Simon Busuttil ghax kapaci hafna aktar minni u nemmen li ghajn ghal ghajn u sinna ghal sinna thalli biss nies ghomja u bla snien.

    Halliha li hemm JPO u jkun jista jghin f’dak il-qasam.

    [Daphne – You miss the point, Natalie. We are not talking about a normal person here, so the normal rules of behaviour clearly do not apply. Plenty of women have ruined their lives by thinking that they can change a man like this, that all he needs is the love of a good woman, and plenty of understanding and compassion. That’s all bollocks. I hope you are not that sort of woman yourself. I’m afraid that far too many people can’t distinguish between a person of normal psychology who has good reason to be upset about X (this person can be negotiated with) and a person of abnormal psychology who will drain, suck up and destroy everything around him (this person can’t be negotiated with).]

    • Natalie Mallett says:

      I agree with you 100% but prefer to push him aside peacefully.

    • Smithfield says:

      “ … and a person of abnormal psychology who will drain, suck up and destroy everything around him (this person can’t be negotiated with).” Sandy Debono?

  15. Miss O'Brien says:

    If the PN reverses its position on that madman I will not vote next election.

    What in God’s name is Simon Busuttil playing at?

  16. Min Weber says:

    Jien ma naqbel xejn ma’ Guzeppi.

    Jekk il-Partit Nazzjonalista jidhirlu li ghandu jkun hemm rikonciljazzjoni, allura l-partitarji leali u devoti ghandhom jimxu mal-linja tal-partit.

    U ma noqoghdux nigu b’hafna teatrini u xeneggati.

    Il-Laburisti jaghmlu hekk.

    • Mercury Rising says:

      Jiddispjacini, imma Guzeppi ghandu punt.

      Meta konna zghar konna nghidu min hu barra barra, min u gewwa gewwa, u issa nghid min dejem wera li ma riedx ikun gewwa jista jibqa barra.

      Jien nivvota partit u mhux iehor ghax nemmen fil-valuri u twemmin ta’ dak il-partit. Jekk nara imma li dak il-partit tbieghed minn dak li nemmen jiena fih u ma nibqax nidentifika mieghu ma narax ghaliex ghandi nivvutalu.

      Jien u Franco Debono ma noqoghdux fl-istess partit, u fl-ahhar mill-ahhar il-vot tieghi daqs tieghu jiswa.

  17. Futur Imcajpar says:

    I, on the other hand, will vote PN no matter what, because the alternative does not bear thinking about.

    I will NEVER be guilty of foisting a Labour government upon the country and upon my fellow citizens, even if that is what most of them deserve.

    I want Franco & Co banned from entering a 100 miles zone of the island; but whatever happens, Joseph Muscat will not seem any more electable than he has been thus far.

    By electing a Labour government (or failing to elect a Nationalist one), we are not punishing the PN for their shortcomings, we are just punishing ourselves for the next 5 years at least.

    Waving our voting documents to get what we want is blackmail, just as Franco’s is,

    That is not to say that we shouldn’t make our voices heard in all fora in the strongest possible way, but blackmail is blackmail, is blackmail. And the worst of it is, that it’s us who will suffer from it. The honourable gentlemen will probably be better off living off their professions than they are living off their present, petty remunerations.

    Labour, in its present format, won’t work. Please remember that all of you who are intending to file away your voting documents for future arm-twisting use.

    • Mercury Rising says:

      Nonsense. Our voting document is the only thing that brings politicians to their senses.

      Should I vote for a party just because my mother told me to? Of course not; I use my voting document to get the best deal I can, for myself and my children.

      I am using it now, brandishing it against any reconciliation with Franco Debono precisely because I want to be able to use it in a few months time without the fear of voting for a party I cannot trust, just to keep Muscat and his ilk out of Castille.

  18. mandango70 says:

    The party’s over.

    Franco just recommenced with the threats to bring the house down.

    By “party” I mean both “party” as in having a field day boozing/dancing etc, as well as in “political party”.

    By “house” I mean both in the figurative sense, as well as the House that being Parliament.

  19. a. attard says:

    Apparti l-hsara li ghamel lill-partit wiehed ghandu jikkunsidra wkoll il-hsara b’riha ta’ vendetta li Franco ghamel lil Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici u lil Richard Cachia Caruana kif ukoll lil Austin Gatt.

    Jekk dawn it-tlieta jaccettaw li Franco jerga jigi accettat fil-partit jiena naqbel izda jekk le, addio Franco.

  20. Jozef says:

    I get this sneaking suspicion Maltatoday’s onto Simon Busuttil for obvious reasons.

    The problem with Saviour is his talent for being absolutely predictable, now that he’s stuck with the commissioner, let’s have whatever Simon says.

    Busuttil isn’t one who’ll remain passive to Balzan’s call for catching a plane out on the eve of the election. Beggars cannot be choosers.

    Saviour, you chose the wrong side this time, deal with it.

  21. aston says:

    There’s a story on timesofmalta.com about today’s PN press conference on electoral register issues.

    The hilarious bit is the last sentence:

    “Before the press conference, Dr Debono walked into PN’s headquarters and spoke to the receptionist before walking back out.”

    Hehe, probably checking if the press conference was about him.

  22. Zeppi says:

    Ahna tan-naha t’isfel nghidu “qisu qallut”.

  23. Guzeppi Borg tal-Mosta says:


    Did you see this pathetic photo?


  24. Guzeppi Borg tal-Mosta says:

    Issa ghadhom kif qaluli li mar biex jigbor applikazzjoni ghal-vici kap imma ma ridux ituh wahda.


  25. Francis Saliba says:

    The “oracle” of Mistragate has opened his loud mouth to perorate about humiliation at the hands of the Nationalist Party. Wonders never cease.

  26. S.Milec Linic says:

    l-ghogol tad-deheb tfarrkilhom. Ghalhekk dal-biki kollu.

  27. Peppu says:

    Lura? Ma tarax, issa too late!

  28. C. A. Ritas says:

    Naqbel ma hafna mill-kummenti hawn fuq.

    These rebel MP should be reinstated in the PN, after a five year reformative period, but on one condition; if they get full marks.

    Wishing them best of luck.

  29. miki says:

    Dear Daphne,
    What has JP done to you to take this stance against him. Please, do not get me wrong, I am not criticising you or disagreeing with you.
    You simply wrote my own thoughts.
    Having been at the receiving end of this miserable excuse of a pussy and coward’s hatred and evil deeds, I prefer silence as a reply.
    I believe in “he who lives by the sword” and all that.
    I thank you for expressing our mutual view so eloquently.
    Miskina Carmen.
    From the pan to the fire.

  30. lorna saliba says:

    Botox Jeff suffers from the dwarf syndrome, very typical in Maltese men below the 1.5m average, I should say. The shorter they are, the more they need to be heard and the more attention they crave.

    When we were young we used to stand in awe at these souped-up cars, normally escorts (red) as they made revving noises and spun on a penny burning clouds of rubber. Only to witness a short hairy male walk out, covered in gold chains and wearing high heels.

    • Jozef says:

      Ah, the Ford Escort mk 1, Pinto engined, seats tal-Capri, chopped rear leaf springs and a propensity to wag its tail like any self-respecting 911.

      Saw one last week, parked next to a Jap ricer, looked utterly gorgeous in its black flake metallic, coke bottle styling, black minilites, split front bumpers and white ceramic coated transaxle. Who needs plastic?

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