Doze dey werrrr de deysss

Published: November 14, 2012 at 12:49am

Original Video– More videos at TinyPic

15 Comments Comment

  1. TinaB says:

    With the exception of ellegint efning dresses of course.

  2. Gakku says:

    Were they targeting gay men? There is not a single woman in the video.

  3. TROY says:

    We thought they’d never end. :(

  4. lino says:

    Just a little morning-laugh.
    A comment in the T.O.M on the pedophile priests topic:
    “………. Plus you said many times publicly that you forgave the priest who married you and found you work, but now you are contracting yourself.”

  5. ZZZzzzZZZzzz says:

    I was convinced it was Malta, until I saw the place with the Islamic half moon on it. Where’s that place anyways?

  6. Mhux ahjar tittawlu ftit il-Malta Star halli taraw kif se jizdiedu l-prezzijiet tal-bolol lokali, ittri registrati ? Ezempju: ittra lokali sa 50grammi se titla ghal- 26 cents, fi 2014 ghal 32 cents u 2015 ghal 36 cents ! Imbaghad illum GonziPN hareg billboard jighid li gvern tal-PL ifisser aktar taxxi !

    Mela qed tiddeciedu minn issa kif se jgholew il-bolol etc.. anki fi 2014 u 2015, halli mbaghad jidher li dawn ikunu zdiedu mill-gvern laburista ! VILI !!!

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Jien ma nhallasx bolla ghax qtajt qalbi mill-pensjoni. Int, min-naha l-ohra, ma thallasx bolla ghax qieghed fl-età tal-pensjoni.

      Mela ghalfejn dawn l-exclamation marks kollha?

    • TinaB says:

      Ghal ftit centezmi zejda ha tilmenta, Privitera?

      Safrattant il-fejsbukk mifqugh bis-sapporters tal-PL. Min jiffanfra bir-ritratti tal-marsedis jew xi bijemmdabbeljow u min bil breast enlargements, dwiefer twal u ikkuluriti, xi zewg pulzieri zebgha ma wicchom, ilbies saxy u fotowsexxins. F’kull ritratt imbierek Alla kollha bis-sigarett bejn subghajom u bit-tazzi tal-alkohol f’xi bar. Tlett kwarti minnhom “proud full time mummies” ukoll, Sur Privitera.

      Kif qeridna Gonzi.

    • Toyger says:

      Sur Privitera, il-bolol tal-posta se jizdiedu ghal raguni wahda; hafna iktar nies qed juzaw e-mails, Facebook, linkedin etc biex jiktbu lil xuxlin, u allura l-uzu tal-posta tradizzjonali qed kull ma jmur jonqos, u biex ikunu profitable, il-konsekwenza hi li jghollu l-bolol.

      Issa jekk int trid tghinhom, ibaght il-kummenti tieghek kollha bil-posta, kemm lil Daphne, u lil kull gazzetta ohra li fuqha tikkummenta. Kieku bik biss ukoll jaghmlu profitt.

  7. Qeghdin Sew says:

    On an island with a million Catholic churches, why the mosque?

  8. Natalie says:

    Sea, horses, sea, moskea, priest, sea, airmalta.

    That sounds interesting. My next holiday will be in Malta.

  9. Bob says:

    Nice ad… what was the shot of the Muslim Cemetery all about?

  10. Reader says:

    What’s with the mosque? And the glum soundtrack? Daphne, this must be the early 80s?

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