Caught in the wild: a new picture of Toni Zarb, suffering the effects of extreme austerity measures
November 15, 2012 at 1:08am
Don’t the GWU have anyone to advise them on how not to undermine their own message?
Toni Zarb is so fat he can’t even close his legs, yet there he sits, spouting garbage about electricity bills pushing people out onto the streets, where they are starved of their Saturday night pizza.
Guess he’s eaten everybody’s, then.
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Toni Zarb has left no food for poor Bencini.
Don’t you realize that you are also taking the mickey out of poor minister Pullicino too ?
Toni Zarb reminds me of a fatter version of Droopy Dog.
Yep, tons of fun.
And who does George Pullicino remind you of ???
The definition of an obscene sight.
Interestingly there was an Economist,Joe Vella Bonnici (BA) who was posing as an apolitical observer. Where are the journalists who are worth their salt. This was a contender for General Secretary of the MLP.
John Bencini must really take the biscuit for Malta’s worst dressed man.
Can’t agree – Michael Asciak (PN candidate) wins that hands down
Nice picture of Toni Zarb fiddling with his bits.
I see only water on the table.
Were the biscuits hoovered up by You Know Who, before everyone else got a go at them?
Eddy, aqra ftit ha tara kif ghandha titmexxa tarzna u kemm tlifna flus habba shabek, l-aristocrazija ta’ Malta.
Village: Kontu ilkhom bizzejjed snin biex stajtu tirrangaha, izda gibtu l-barranin u komplew gharrquha ! Spjega mela ghax Gonzi qabel l-elezzjoni kien kiteb lil tat-Tarzna u serrhilhom rashom li se jibqghu jahdmu hemm u se jaqilghu aktar flus , bhal ma ghamel ma eluf ta’ haddiema ohra, Air Malta, GO, etc..!!!
Bencini is not Malta’s worst dressed man. His clothes do not fit him anymore because his food ration must have been appropriated by Toni Zarb.
Tony Zarb could not cross his legs because of the coffee table.
What, did he down that as well?
Part of marketing is looking like your message