Budget vote

Published: November 28, 2012 at 8:10pm

Everybody is so busy focussing on Franco Debono that they haven’t stopped to clock the fact that the real problem here is called Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando.

Has anyone bothered to ask him how he plans to vote on the Budget, or were they too busy filming him cutting his cake?

This one is equally abnormal and he obviously has something up his sleeve (hence that business with the cake, a harbinger of some devious act to come, definitely).

39 Comments Comment

  1. Toyger says:

    That’s exactly what I was telling my friend today! Everyone is focusing on the fact that Franco keeps repeating he will vote against, but I have this nagging feeling that he will abstain, as will JPO, and therefore the budget vote will still not pass.

    • When I see all these GonziPN commentators scared of using their own name but hide behind a pseudonym I laugh, remembering that a number of them probably boast of having fought for ” Xoghol, Gustizzja u Liberta ” ! X’Liberta hi tisthu jew tibzghu turu isimkhom ???

  2. Min Weber says:

    And yet Franco is claiming he has received a death threat. Did he send it to himself?

    • Antoine Vella says:

      A spent cartridge is emblematic of what Franco Debono has become.

      • Just imagine if Franco Debono had been subjected to the vitriol coming from GonziPN, but came from Labour, and Franco receives the same threat, what would Antoine Vella and all GonziPN bloggers have done ! Reminders of Tal-Barrani, Raymond Debono etc..would have literally filled all comment boards !

    • anthony says:

      If he were compos mentis, that is exactly what he would have done.

  3. TinaB says:

    My thoughts exactly.

    The difference between the two is that Franco Debono is a self – destructing idiot. The little twerp, on the other hand is a cunning, slimy and vicious piece of shit who has a lot to gain once the PL are at the helm.

  4. Procedures says:

    I would like to see Cock Lawyer, Lord Earl Grey and their pals on the opposite side, vote against this budget. More than that, I would like to hear some sort of valid reasons for doing so.

    Where are Eddy Privitera’s comments about the budget?

  5. sos says:

    I hope no one will bother to answer this twerp. Leave him alone

  6. mandango70 says:

    Exactly my thoughts.

    But I still fail to comprehend why the government has been acting for about a year as if its business as usual when it was all so evident that some had to govt by the b***s.

    • DUST says:

      We all know persons who keep on living relatively well (balancing work and personal lives) despite having a terminal illness, or facing imminent job loss.

      This is because they have a sense of proportion – of their own worth and of their responsibilities (to family, friends, and work colleagues/customers).

      As a side note, a sub-set (a smaller one than organised religions would have you believe) of these persons, and others, manage to do so because of their faith.

      I am grateful that the NP leadership chose to continue doing its work as mandated by its voters, despite the constant setbacks by the vile and sad duo of JPO & FD.

      Were the government ineffective, this would not have been acceptable – and charges of being “iggranfati mas-siggu tal-poter” would be justified. However, as anyone with even just a smidgen of awareness of what’s happening outside this rock knows, this government is quite successful.

      I appreciate management that is capable of handling blows to its ego whilst facing down international crises. Unfortunately it seems that a large part of the electorate consists of macho men who are focused instead on whose ‘balls are bigger’, whose ‘balls are in whose hands’, etc.

  7. paddy says:

    The PN Budgets mean less taxes
    The lejper Budgets mean more taxes more taxes more taxes

  8. Natalie says:

    Franco isn’t present. Racking his brains on a new theory on Particle Physics I suppose.

    • Edward Caruana Galizia says:

      I think he’s lost all contact with reality now. Soon he ll be asking tv cameras interview him about his new religion in which he is God and we all have to go and live on some potato commune and drink lime juice all day while we wait for the aliens from Area 51 to arrive and save us.

      I think parliament was the only contact he had with other people.

  9. Mark v says:

    It’s too good a budget to vote against. Tonio just convinced me to vote PN again rather than abstaining thanks to the income tax reduction. Franco would be the most despised person should he stick by his decision to vote against.

  10. SPAM says:

    The new tax incentive is good and if this will not go through it will affect a lot of people on both sides.

    Labour voting against these policies will have the floating voters and the “moaners pretending we need change” think twice. Possibly even labour voters who are working in the financial and gaming sector and have it good with these foreign companies.

    • Redneck Rabti says:

      True. My income falls within the 35% bracket which, under this budget, will eventually be reduced to 25%.

      In spite of what dear Daphne writes, I have had it up to here with this lot and was planning to abstain. After reading the reaction of the dear leader, I sure as hell am not ready to risk electing a PL at risk to my own pocket.

  11. Edward Caruana Galizia says:

    Anyone who votes against this budget will be seen as an obstacle by everyone.

    This budget puts money in people’s pockets. People want money in their pockets more than anything else. Standing in the way of that will spell disaster to that person.

    Do Franco, JPO and the PL know this? The best thing they can do is just vote in favour of it, and leave it at that.Either that or be the most disliked person in Malta.

  12. Aunt Hetty says:

    Beware of the Greeks when they come bearing cakes with a smile, Dr Gonzi.

  13. Alf says:

    Partit Nazzjonalista = Ghazla Responsabbli (Responsible Choice)


    Coalition PL / Franco = Mickey Mouse

    That is what counts probably

  14. Alf says:

    According to Malta Today online “We will uphold the budget’s foundation by maintaining the same expenditure and income levels,” Muscat said.

    According to the same source Muscat stressed that “a new Labour government will put more money in people’s pockets, and will do more and do better”.

    If the PL is keeping the same expenditure and income levels, can someone explain how more money will be put in people’s pockets and “do more and better”?

    Is this “promise” similar to Alfred Sant’s non-removal of stipends to students or his CET promise?

  15. canon says:

    The next time that Lawrence Gonzi and Joseph Muscat meet for a debate on Xarabank ,they should sing together “What you can do I can do better”.

    • Angus Black says:

      The only difference is that the NP has proven time and time again that it can do better, much better than the MLP ever did.
      No need to sing about it. The record is clear.

  16. ciccio says:

    What’s the matter with the teleprompters? Seems like they were a bit slow or not syncronised at times.


  17. Esteve says:

    Actually the only way to go for Joseph Muscat is to vote FOR the budget.

    With an election around the corner and a 12% lead on the PN, he would show the PL’s willingness on “keeping the good points of the budget” and hence sell completely the (false) idea that the PL in government will be a mere continuation of the PN’s policies and at the same time furthur prove that only the PL can deliver the budget.

    Of course, if that happened, the sheer amount of egg left on Franco’s face (& maybe JPO’s, though he’d probably have the scoop) would take years to wash off.

  18. Gahan says:

    Who will get the title of “The Christmas Grinch” on December tenth?

    This Budget wasn’t a Christmas bonanza ,it was not an election budget ,if it were we wouldn’t have an increase of duty on fuel and tobacco.It was just another budget which corrected many anomalies,and encouraged job creation.

    Would the poor worker get his €4.08 pay rise come next January?

    I think that if the PL play their cards well on this vote, they can obtain the PN supporters’ admiration and the votes of the floaters.

    A money bill is always a vote of confidence.

  19. sos says:

    It is a probability that the Budget will be defeated. OK – it is not the end of the world. We should now concentrate on the elections that must follow: Everybody seems to have positive remarks for this Nationalist Budget and I feel that we should all try to see the same when it comes to vote the next Government in. Cannot understand why we should change a winning horse.

  20. Vanni says:

    Imma ghalfejn ser inkomplu nghatu daqshekk importanza lil kif ser jivvota Franco Debono jew Jeffrey Pullicino.

    Jghaddi jew ma jghaddix il-vot,
    i) l-elezzjoni gejja f’Marzu,

    • Vanni says:

      ii) kemm il-PN u il-PL se jattwaw il-maggoranza ta’ dak il-budget (kollu jew dak li fih tajjeb)
      iii) kemm Franco u kif wkoll Jeffrey ma humiex ser ikunu fil-parlament il-gdid.

      So why bother ?

  21. RJC says:

    Couldn’t help noticing those two rogues JPO and Jesmond Mugliett talking head to head for most of the budget speech.

    Need one say more?

  22. Procedures says:

    And finally now, Il-Guy and those other elves in the cave, have some good points on which to base their electoral manifesto for the LP. This is after Tonio Fenech exposed the economical situation in the country, and what we can afford to do.

  23. Arutabil says:

    There is no need to worry, this budget if it is so good will be implemented even by the Labour Party.

  24. Busufu says:

    Tinsewx kif dan JPO kien dahhal lil RCC go daru u ma qallux x’kellu lest ghalih (u ghal Malta!). Jista’ jkun li l-bicca kejk ghall-prim kienet il-bewsa ta’ Guda qabel id-daqqa fatali fejn iwegga’ l-izjed?

  25. Natalie Mallett says:

    Franco’s bullet is the one he used to shoot himself in the leg and out of the Nationalist Party. Addios and good riddance.

  26. Dardruna says:

    Nitolbu l-Alla li JPO ma jzommx kelmtu u jivvota kontra il-budget, halli tfittex tigi l-elezzjoni malajr u jdabbar rasu, jistahba ximkien kif taqbex ix-Xemxija.

    Il-poplu tellghu biex jahdem ghal pajjizu u spicca l-ewwel li hadem biex gab id-divorzju li kellu bzonn hu. Kellek ragun Marlene ghax anke lilna dejjaq.

  27. benny hill says:

    Privitera – u zgur nibzghu nuru isimna ghax bizzejjed batejna tahtkom dawk is-16 il-sena fi gvern infami u kontra d-demokrazija mexxa pajjiz ghal-disastru shih u ghax nafu li jekk Alla jerggha jishet lil-Malta darb`ohra jekk titilghu intom l-istess
    jew ghar tergghu taghmlu ghax dan diga ikkonfermajtuh

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