Let’s vote in Muscat to make us truly European
November 29, 2012 at 4:47pm
Let’s vote in Muscat, to make us truly European by:
+raising unemployment
+shrinking growth
+stimulating inflation
Because as Labour tells us on its latest billboard, Joseph Muscat delivers. And how.
Malta’s unemployment rate is now the 5th lowest in Europe: 6.5% as compared to an average of 10.5% across the EU, and 11.4% in the Eurozone.
Growth is expected at 1.2%.
Inflation is expected to be down to 2.3%.
But we have our finger on the suicide button and in this boring island, that’s how we get our kicks: by pressing it.
Too many people treat the general election like those American soldiers treated Russian roulette in the Vietnam War. It’s not change they want. It’s the thrill of risk.
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Those lips look like they’ve just come out of the Smiles Centre.
Taqbadni dieqa liema bhala meta narah, nisthajl guvni ta 14 / 16 il-sena li ghadu kemm hareg l-ewwel darba ma shabu irid juri li jifem f kollox u jaf kollox bil presuntazjonijiet kolla li ghandu f’ rasu.
Imma kif jistaw il-Laburisti jemmnu li dan il-persuna huwa kapaci imexxi pajjiz? Bla Kliem.
I think that this is really telling,,,
As Lawrence Gonzi said it is very easy to put on a bill board.
Yep. let’s have a real game changer—from winners to losers.
The PN has made a fatal mistake. It prepared a great budget and handed it over to the Party that has not a single idea what they would do if in Government. The PN has been duped into handing over an economic ‘survival’ roadmap by virtue of its budget – and now these bastards will implement it as their own. Like they will open the new Parliament and dozens of other projects.
They will wreck the economy, blame it on the PN and take the credit for all the hard toil of the PN.
Just not fair!
In order to implement this budget there has to be a real team under an excellent leader.
From the press conference of the three PL dinosaurs yesterday, one can easily come to the conclusion that they understood nothing of the budget.
They were pathetic and confused especially il-Guy who contradicted himself and who could not remember what he had said earlier in the press conference about the implementation of the revision downwards of the utility tariffs.
This is like giving an urban driver a Ferrari F1 car and you expect him to handle it like Massa. We are in for a worst situation with labour coconuts trying our luck with that budget.
Help us God.
We don’t need the PL. Even they have admitted that by their reaction to the budget. “We’ll keep the good points”? Really? Well that’s reassuring to know.
Why on Earth would we want the PL to look after our economy when we have the PN that do such a great job?
Well done!
Sensible voters must accept the fact that there is no alternative government to the present one.
Floating voters deciding to try out PL come next election are just gambling with the financial stability of this country.
I repeat there is no alternative to the Nationalist Party, actually it’s been this way since 1981.
The PL should ask the PN to draft the next five budgets for them too. You know, for stability.
It’s strange how I keep thinking of family guy’s Quagmire when I see pictures of Muscat.
Must be my sense of premonition. Scary, because it’s almost infallible at the poker tables.
I find it strange that his picture reminds me of a combination of Blackadder and Baldrick, sans hair.
Muscat said that he would deliver all that is in the Budget and some more. Yet he plans to vote it down! Go figure.
He is also holding firm on the reduction of electricity tariffs.
We all know that for umpteen times, past budgets produced deficits, some larger than others and the 2013 would be not much different although to a lesser extent.
Now if Joseph adds the cost of subsidizing electricity tariffs to a Budget which will cause a deficit, then his solution can only be one – produce a larger deficit. Will he stay within the predicted.2.3%? Not unless he has magical powers or the EU decides to look the other way in spite of a planned financial audit of some 14 EU countries, including Malta.
Yet, this flies above the heads of the semiliterate who habitually vote Labour.
Daphne, are you talking about the button I see on Joseph’s chin?
And who’s that lady at far left? Claudia Faniello? She’s full of buttons.
“And who’s that lady at far left? Claudia Faniello? She’s full of buttons.”
Where’s the ‘abstain’ button?
Il-billboard l-aktar ricenti tal-PL juri kemm dan il-partit jara kollox bil-maqlub. “GonziPN promises …. Labour delivers” meta s’issa rajna biss weghdiet u xejn ta’ sugu minn Joseph u affarijiet konkreti mill-Gvern.
Mela jekk qed jghidilna nafdawh, ifisser li fil-fatt ma jridnix naghmlu dan ???
I assume you must have been inundated with links to this little gem on Facebook: https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/61887_562124117134351_779422470_n.jpg
[Daphne – Indeed I have been.]
Interesting how Karmenu Vella has raised his head again.
Could it be because Tonio Fenech has done his work for him and through his budget has given him the content he needed for Labour’s` electoral manifesto? what jokers.
People like Privitera incessantly complain about the size of our national debt.
I hate to think what it would look like within two years of a Labour administration. Subsidised utilities for everyone, refund of car registration tax and promises unlimited.
Might as well join the queue for bailouts.
Yep, and people seem to forget that bailouts are always conditional (on likely very painful austerity measures). Are people masochists (regarding themselves) or just sadistic (regarding others)?
A true European: Joseph Muscat. Made in Brussels.
Enough said.
I think you are thinking about the film, “The Deer Hunter” in regard to playing Russian roulette during the Vietnam war.
The Americans got their kicks from consuming large amounts of drugs, and possibly being high like they were would make five years of Labour easier to get through.
Brilliant scene – best in the film by far, in fact. But was it worth sitting through the remaining 2 hours?
Joseph has delivered nothing as of yet – time will tell. Gonzi on the other hand has a history and yes he has stood and delivered, as Adam Ant said.
It always boils down to money.
Can the floaters who didn’t trust three-time-loser Sant last time trust Muscat this time?
My guess is no.
High unemployment, high inflation and shrinking growth are the European current standards and Joseph Muscat excels at that level. He is right when he says his government will make Malta the best in Europe. And to make sure that his promise will materialize he has recently encouraged Alfred Sant to contest the next MEP’s election.