Ara, they’re having meetinks for di geyss and for di nisa

Published: January 9, 2013 at 2:23pm

Maaaaa, how predictable. Nisa u gejs. Gejs u nisa.

And if you’re a lesbian, in which sector do they slot you? Mal-gays, because dawk mhux nisa ta’ vera and anyway, homosexuals prize their sex life above their need to earn a living and make proper career choices, don’t they?

Oh God, I don’t know how the homosexuals stand it, because I, as a mara, just want to tell those bloody Labour idiots where to stuff their patronising behaviour which stems from using straight men as the gold standard and taking everything else from there.

I mean, for heaven’s sake, Joseph Muscat is a straight man. Enough said.

And anyway, all this talk about nisa u gejs is particularly ironic given that you can’t move about the Labour chessboard without tripping over a queen, and where women are used for roughly the same purpose as a patissiere uses piped icing sugar.

Oh, and it’s at the DolMAN hotel. You can’t accuse them of not writing as they speak.

18 Comments Comment

  1. Leslie Darmanin says:

    Regarding the second advert, it is the “Dolmen Hotel” not “Dolman Hotel”. Not that we can expect anything better from Labour.

    The Dolmen Hotel, as the name itself implies, was built on the very site of a neolithic temple in Bugbba by Tumas Fenech, courtesy of the Malta Labour Party/Mintoff/Lorry Sant.

    That was Labour for you. A hotel built on a Neolithic temple, a disco at Fort St Angelo, pig farms in British forts.

    Has Labour changed? How can it?

    And by the way, it was never a dolmen in Bugibba. It was always a temple.

    My God, how depressing and frustrating.

    • giraffa says:

      Not to mention huge hotels constructed practically touching the unique Torri ta’ Selmun at Mellieha and Torri San Tumas at Marsascala, by well-connected MLP supporters.

      Brace yourselves for more monstrosities as the PL has already hinted at by-passing MEPA. Jaqq.

    • P. Psaila says:

      You are wrong, the Dolmen Hotel was built on that site in the sixties, not by Tumas Fenech but by Micallef(if not mistaken) under George Borg Olivier’s administration.

      • Leslie Darmanin says:

        Quote from Dolmen Hotel website:

        “The Bugibba Temple, which is preserved in the grounds of the hotel, belongs to the same category of pre historic monuments as Tarxien and Hagar Qim in Malta and Ggantija in Gozo. ”

        You have to be bloody degenerate, or Labour, which means the same, to actually boast of such an atrocity.

      • L.Gatt says:

        That’s correct.

    • Min Jaf says:

      The original Dolmen Hotel was built in the 1960s and pre-dates the Golden Years.

      The building permit then required that the dolmen, not temple, be protected as a feature in the hotel grounds. Which, in fact, was duly done and remained so, until the hotel was taken over by Tumas Fenech at the onset of the Mintoffian dictatorship which then saw the obliteration of the hotel grounds and the dolmen by the huge existing building.

    • Joe says:

      Just a point of correction. The Dolmen was built by the Micallef family and not by Tumas Fenech. It was bought by Tumas and extended by Tumas.

  2. D Gatt says:

    What do you make of this?

    [Daphne – It’s for private consumption, and largely involves the MEA leader who’s spent the last couple of years cosying up to Labour. I am also particularly concerned about the line which says that the MEA will support all efforts to cut out bureaucracy to get this project up and running. For bureaucracy, read rules and regulations – which dovetails with current concerns that this is a done deal and the normal tendering process might well be evaded or avoided on the grounds that people have voted for the project.]

    • D Gatt says:

      Oh so it’s for private consumption then. I get it, not!

      [Daphne – Obviously not. You vote Labour, so not much up there.]

    • Antoine Vella says:

      Konrad Mizzi has said that there will be no tendering process for the new power station but only an expression of interest.

      On Bondiplus he also said there will be no need for an Environmental Impact Assessment as this was already carried out for the BWSC plant and the new plant is similar “but better”.

      • Makjavel says:

        Probably they will not need an investor, because they will take over one of banks assets in a meeting that starts at midnight, nothing new under the Mintoffian red moon.

  3. Illiterate says:

    When they sent this invitation to members of women’s organisations, they addressed us all as ‘Dear Sirs’.

    With all this LGBT talk, they must be getting very confused.

  4. Illiterate says:

    Here is the email received from PL.

    Dear Sirs,

    Please find attached, an invitation for a meeting organised by the Labour Party, as per attached invitation.

    Can you kindly confirm attendance or otherwise, by return email.

    Thanks & Regards

    Anna Camilleri
    Partit Laburista

  5. Natalie says:

    Why are Labour so obsessed with people’s genitals and how their owners put them to use?

    I always thought that politicians are there for the people, irrespective of the number of X chromosomes and balance of hormones in their bodies.

    We could all be as sexless as snails but we still count!

    • Vanni says:

      Where to start?

      Labour loves sex, ask Mintoff and his bocci. Heqq, sex sells.

      Yes, politicians are there for the people, and if you believe that, I have an oilwell for you, going cheap.

      And as far as politicians are concerned, we don’t count at all. Have a look at how Labour treat us, where they lay absurd claims every time they open their mouths (latest gem? Thank God for Dr. Muscat, or we wouldn’t be in the EU). We, the seething mass, only are an inconvenience every five years.

  6. John Zammit says:

    Daphne, your posts are hilarious. It was too much for me – I choked while gobbling my lunch.

    So now gays are to seek rights within Lejber?

    And oh for all to know, if you remember when Super One TV had its rainbow colours, Alfred Sant was horrified when someone pointed out that it was the gay emblem (hence Rainbow Productions, the company name). They had to rebrand it and remove any hint that it was a queens parlour over there.

  7. Adrian says:

    Maybe they’ll be doing some bondage training like what happens sometimes in a particular Żebbuġ residence of a particular Labour surgeon-MP.

  8. cat says:

    This was held at the MLP theatre.

    Does Mrs Muscat allow this “hamallagni” and lack of respect for womens’ dignity?

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