Ah, I see: if you ask them questions about their plans for electricity, you’re the Gestapo and the KGB

Published: January 10, 2013 at 11:52am

Typical Mintoffian thinking with these two: Super One’s Jackie Mercieca and L-Orizzont editor Frans Ghirxi. They so much favour the Mintoffian/Labour system of non-transparency, in which the Big Boss does what he likes and no questions are asked even by his own cabinet or shadow cabinet, that they haven’t noticed we’re living in a different and better world now.

Because finance minister Tonio Fenech asked some serious and pertinent questions about Joseph Muscat’s Mad Hatter’s Guide to Cheaper Electricity, these two express shock and outrage. Mercieca talks about the KGB and Gestapo (well, ha ha to that, Miss Labour) and says “din l-arja trid tispicca.”

I wish I could say ‘unbelievable’, but I really can’t.

And if you don’t believe what I’m saying about Jackie Mercieca’s Mintoffianism (the first time she came to my notice was when she raved about him on a television documentary), take it straight from her Facebook wall, which is open to all:

Jackie Mercieca, 20 August 2012
My heart is broken. Goodbye perit. You were and will always be the greatest.

Jackie Mercieca, 23 August 2012
Glory Glory Hallelujah – Mintoff is alive!!! I went to say goodbye, I wanted to follow him and be with him on his last journey. I was at xatt ir-risq, i went to bormla, i went to church and i went to hamrun. It was so beautiful! I cried and sobbed but it was so amzing, so moving. Those who were at cottonera know what I mean. It is time everyone gets to know more about him, let us not tire to laud him and talk about him. As long as we love him, he lives, as long as we remember him and talk about him he lives and we must ensure that the children of our children will know that once a man from Bormla swam against the current and changed the fate of a poor miserable people. Mintoff will live on, forever. His departure is his comeback.

17 Comments Comment

  1. Larry Gauci says:

    DNV’s latest solution to island States


    In a PPA, the electricity rates can be predetermined, explicitly spelled out in the contract, and legally binding but only if and so long as the production facility is not dependent on fossil fuels or climate change legislation.

    Labour’s proposal to reduce water and electricity tariffs is simply pie in the sky.

  2. jack says:

    Wake me up when the conversation shifts from puerile issues eg. electricity bills to anything more substantial.

    We really must have it good if this is THE core election issue.

  3. gremlin says:

    KGB u Gestapo taf min kienu Jackie Mercieca? Il-pulizija sigrieta ta’ Mintoff bil-Kummissarju Pullicino u s-Supretendent Carmelo Bonello.

    Dawk kienu zmienijiet tal-KGB, Sur Frans Ghirxi. Mela tghajjar lil Tonio Fenech – bniedem li l-inqas jixraqlek tholl il-lazz taz-zarbun tieghu.

    Bniedem li flimkien mal-Gvern ta’ Gonzi salva eluf ta’ impjeigi mill-krizi internazzjonali li kien hawn.

    Isthu jekk wicckom ma qaghdx ghal kollox.

  4. Angelo says:

    It seems that Labour has already contravened one of its much vaunted guidelines: that of committing itself to the principles of open government.

  5. Vanni says:

    H.P. Baxxter recently wrote about how the LP seem to want to concentrate exclusively on the issue of the electricity tariffs. I believe he is right.

    Have a look at the online newspapers, and how LP apologists always nudge every discussion to the same subject.

    They have made it their electioneering plank, and have committed themselves to this theme.

    Granted that the subject leaks holes and has to be targeted, but I believe that the PN are making a strategic error in only reacting to Muscat.

    The PN have to choose their battlefield, and make their stand there.

    For example, Muscat cannot fight Gonzi on his performance, and he is well aware of this. So he only mentions what strikes a cord with the electorate (tariffs, 500€ raise etc).

    And I am sorry but the notion that the PN was going to reduce the tariffs doesn’t ring true, soley on the basis that it has come out NOW.

    PN Central have to pull their finger out, unless they have already given up.

    Sure there is a risk of peaking, but Muscat seems to be having a walkover at the moment.

    I mean take that Madonna thing. Where was the follow-up question to that? What are the PN journalists doing? Why wasn’t the question repeated, perhaps with a ‘I’m sure that that is very amusing, Dr. Muscat, however have you got the answer to the question?’

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Exactly. This is turning into a single-issue campaign. And the trouble is, as Ranier Fsadni wrote today, it is a technocratic issue. But PN is not rebutting with technocratic arguments. It is using political arguments.

      I say again, Labour have the science and the economics wrong. PN ha

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Exactly. This is turning into a single-issue campaign. And the trouble is, as Ranier Fsadni wrote today, it is a technocratic issue. But PN is not rebutting with technocratic arguments. It is using political arguments.

      I say again, Labour have the science and the economics wrong. PN have swallowed the “lower tariffs” bait and are now promising their own “inrahhsu l-kontijiet”. No, no, no. Wrong on every level.

      Attack Labour on the science. Tear their economic plans to shreds. And above all, reveal who it is that will really benefit from their Great Plan – ic-Caqnu, the oligarch par excellence. The ultimate bazuzlu and hbieb tal-hbieb. Attack their false socialism and their rabid lust for money.

      Labour’s pulling out all the stops here. Beaming logos across Grand Harbour, pouring put money like it had a bottomless purse. Where is the money coming from? Who is connect to whom? Who is whose father/boyfriend/lover/business partner? But then that would require real journalism and PN have nothing but brown-nosing propagandists.

      In any normal country you’d have the “inginiera” up in arms against this nonsense plan. But this is Malta. Imbasta nzidu “Ing.” wara isimna, right?

      • Vanni says:

        @ HP
        Concur, however:

        Engineers should be raising hell, sure, but what about the bean counters? How come they let these figures pass by without a blink? Why has the figures that make up the Muscat Folly not been dissected?

        Where is Astrid Vella and her merry band? Does the FAA approve of the siting of the Marsaxlokk tanks, to say nothing of the land required in setting up a new station? Or doesn’t she has an axe to grind any more?

        And finally has anybody asked Lino Spiteri (to mention just one) for his opinion, as an economist, if these figures and projections stand up to scrutiny?

  6. The chemist says:

    Seems these two nitwits have forgotten they were able to speak freely on a Labour tv station thanks to the Nationalist government starting from 1987.

    Otherwise, Jackie wannabe presenter would have had to transmit from Sicily.

  7. U Le! says:

    Elvis has left the building, and taken all common sense with him.

  8. U Le! says:

    Elvis has left the building, and taken common sense with him.

  9. tal-misthija says:

    Malta taghna lkoll (insomma ghal min hu tesserat tal-PL biss).

    Jippruvaw juru li nbiddlu imma kollox ghalxejn. Imsieken il-bciecen li ser jivutaw lil PL. Dan il-hamallagni ghad irid ikun ir-regola ta’ kif titmexxa l-pajjiz.

    Nippreferi nghix kompletament bla dawl u ilma milli bil-PL fil-gvern.

  10. tal-misthija says:

    Sibt dan l-avviz li ghamlu protesta kontra l-estensjoni tal-powerstation. Tghid issa OK ghax ha jaghmila Muscat?


  11. MNg says:

    Jackie Mercieca, ah yes: more Air Malta connections. She was an air stewardess and ‘close friend’ of chairman Louis Grech. And now she is happily married to an Air Malta pilot.

  12. Mario says:

    I remember Jackie at Air Malta. Quite a pretty girl at the time, but always spoke rubbish stuff a la Mintoffjana.

  13. Duminku says:

    They treat Mintoff as if he was Jesus Christ.

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