After Bondi+ tonight

Published: January 10, 2013 at 11:36pm

41 Comments Comment

  1. Justin Beefer says:

    Can I apply?

  2. Luigi says:

    It simply shows how poor is this thinking. Have you ever asked who summoned Toni Abela in 1987 after he resigned from the Labour Party? This was left unanswered by Toni on Xarabank. I believe it was EFA.

    Lou Bondi’s panic to help Simon come across as credible as possible, showed clear arrogance and the degeneration of state TV. As Franco puts it, it’s worse than Xandir Malta.

    Can you tell us something about Simon’s private life? Please scrutinize him, that’s you job if you want to be credible. And if you are his friend tell him not to be over groomed with manicured hands. He really looks eff****ted.

    [Daphne – Kemm int tal-biki.]

    • Beauty and the Beef says:

      Politicians’ private lives are of interest to no one.

      However, when their dealings in their private lives have an effect on the public at large, then that’s when they become relevant.

      I trust you understand that.

    • Harry Purdie says:

      Luigi, nice Italian name. However, it needs an adjective, with some alliteration, to emphasize it. How about looney?

    • Stephen Borg Fiteni says:

      It’s pathetic when you see Labour supporters and politicians complaining about TVM being biased.

      The reason they think so is because when you say things as they are, it sounds as if you’re biased towards the Nationalists because Labour rarely do anything right.

      And Luigi, if you’re talking about the Xandir Malta of Mintoff’s time, keep in mind that at one point the Nationalist Party wasn’t even allowed on state television or radio, and they would play “Run Rabbit Run” (to make fun of Fenech Adami) before an election.

    • gremlin says:

      Luigi, jekk trid li nidhlu fil-hajja privata tal-politikanti taghna KOLLHA, lesti ghall-isfida.

      Kemm johrog hmieg mill-ahmar. Nibdew fuq Joseph? Inkomplu fuqhek ukoll jekk ikun il-bzonn.

  3. Gianni says:

    Toni hopeless eh

  4. IP Protect says:

    Can you please tell us where did you source the picture form , that shows on this website without reference ?

    [Daphne – Somebody sent it in. It’s a spoof. I trust you realise that.]

    • Luigi says:

      They don’t seem to realize it because GonziPN diehards are as stupid as Labour diehards.

    • Vanni says:

      This guy writes like a lawyer.

      Probably Labour, as he doesn’t know how to spell, and his syntax is atrocious.

    • Aunt Hetty says:

      It is quite obviously a joke and for two main reasons;

      1.The English is too good to have come out of the coconut’s office.
      2.A right click on the pic would have proved that it is a joke – and a great one too.

    • Last Post says:

      C’mon, you can’t be a regular reader here and not realise it is a joke, or better still, a political jibe.

      One can write a comment literally (i.e. by using words) or graphically (using images).

      That’s why this blog is fantastic.

      Sometimes I wonder how many people appreciate political cartoons.

  5. xmun says:

    Should Joseph Muscat himself resign?

    He was addressing a business gathering this evening, trying to explain HIS energy policy but the activity was not well attended and as a result, questions on the presentation were few.

    He must have felt so proud of himself.

  6. edgar says:

    Muscat just cannot stick a knife in Toni Abela’s back as otherwise he would have to do the same to Marlene Farrugia (JPO’s ex wife) and Herr Flick who were also pathetic on another TVM programme.

    At this rate Muscat won’t have enough candidates to cover all the districts.

  7. Luigi says:

    Which comment if I may ask?

    • Harry Purdie says:

      All of them. If you can’t remember, join Karmenu.

      • ciccio says:

        Harry, do you think Karmenu will remember the details of Konrad Mizzi’s proposal? Shall we ask him a few questions, like:

        1. How many gas tanks, each the size of the Mosta Church, does Konrad propose to build in Delimara?

        2. How many ships are needed to deliver gas to Delimara on a continuous basis?

        3. Can gas be delivered to the Delimara plant using Orange cruise ships, or do special-purpose ships have to be built?

        4. Which organisation said that Labour’s proposals are ambitious:
        (a) MEA
        (b) MDA
        (c) GWU
        (d) all of the above?

        5. Will Konrad Mizzi’s proposal reduce or INCREASE the electricity tariffs? (We tried to help you, Karm).

        6. What reduction in the bill should a family consuming 3,500 units per annum expect:
        (a) 25%
        (b) 35%
        (c) 39%
        (d) 51%
        (e) 69%
        (f) 100%?

      • Harry Purdie says:

        Go ahead, Ciccio. However, I fear your response from the old codger will be:

        ‘Who’s Konrad? I think I remember some German leader guy was called that, but that was when I could swim with the ‘Really Great Leader’. Jeez, I forget his name too. Minty or something?’

  8. Tesla says:

    I have seen today Bondi+ and was able to see through Simon Busuttil’s hidden comments. I think that the MLP has made a deal with Bateman to help them get elected into government and in return they will allow the company to build their own power station (which is why they’re building it when we clearly do not need a new one.. at least not until it’s powered by Nuclear Fusion at room temperature).

    Billboards, banners and tents do cost a lot of money; money which quite possibly, the MLP simply do not have.

    And to react to another post concerning Toni Abela’s outstanding performance, there is nobody capable of being at par with Simon Busuttil; not Louis Grech, certainly not Konrad Mizzi and definitely not even Joseph Muscat.

    The PN is the best choice and I personally really, REALLY, hope they will get re-elected, because Dr Gonzi has Prime Minister has led us to being praised by the German Chancellor, something which MLP cannot even being to grasp the magnitude of such honour.

    If not, at least to prove that the Intellectual Quotient of the general public hasn’t really degraded that much as you do not need three degrees in finance to understand that an MLP government translates to failure.

  9. Toni says:

    Hi Daphne first of all prosit for this site. Can you tell me where I can watch past videos of Bondi+ since I live abroad? Thanks.

    [Daphne –, then go to Live, select date and time. You can’t choose the shows by programme name – by date and time. So it’s Tuesdays and Thursdays on TVM2 at 8.40pm.]

    • FP says:

      The TVM2 feed is not stored, so you can only replay programmes aired on TVM.

      Each day’s recordings start at around 6:30, so you’ll need to subtract 6:30 from the programme’s scheduled time and drag the viewer’s control to that time. Bondi+ would be 21:45-06:30, or 15:15. To make life a little more difficult, the control is sluggish.

      Bondi+ is also repeated the following day at 10:20.

      The TVM website feels like something Fred Flintstone could have been using, but with patience and persistence, it does work … just as Fred’s car did.

    • Daisy says:

      There is a repeat on TVM at 10.20 am this morning and normally another repeat on TVM2 but not sure what time.

    • Toni says:


  10. silvio farrugia says:

    Is the whole election campaign going to be only about energy tariffs now? There are so many more equally important things.

  11. Anthony Briffa says:

    Labour has given no indication of how or from where it will source gas.

    Will it be on the open market or from one predetermined source?

    Off-shore Israel there are huge reserves of gas, which can be exploited by Israel, Lebanon and Syria. Lebanon and Syria cannot go into exploration and production phases yet. That leaves Israel, which I understand is already at or near production phase.

    This may give some light as to the way the PL is proposing to import the gas, by sea. My reasoning is that in order to maintain a continuous supply of gas in this way, there is no place for speculation or hedging, and consequently it has to come, for the duration of the contract, from the same source.

    With the name Bateman coming on the scene with such force at this stage of the campaign, the excessive amount of funds available to the PL throughout these last few years, and considering that Joseph Muscat inherited a bankrupt party from Alfred Sant, it is about time that the PL comes clean on this matter.

    The doubts and allegations are out in the open, and Joseph Muscat cannot remain silent.

    No Labour Party speaker has been able to develop any point on this matter in any discussion, and this may be due to the fact that certain details are so highly confidential within the top echelons of the PL that nobody else within the party has been told.

    This might be the reason why, when pressed, they repeat the mantra ‘meta jkun il-waqt’. This is shameful, on the eve of an election.

    • Jozef says:

      I find it so brazen to expect to decide what we should know and when.

      It’s so perverse, unacceptable anywhere else.

  12. toni says:

    Hin minnhom ukoll in-nuccali kellu jnehhi Toni Abela.

    Nahseb cempillu xi hadd biex inehhih ghax fl-ewwel parti tghidx kemm dam jilghab bih.

  13. Censa says:

    With regards to the tendering process what PL are saying is this: We think we found a loophole in the regulations so we will go ahead and not issue a tender but an expression of interest where we require the investment of 300 million Euro (double that) that will be repaid by the users (Maltese residents).

    This reasoning has the following problems –

    1) Pl when in government are comfortable using a perceived legal loophole to make way for their brilliant plan. so a PL Government is saying we’re ok with illegalities. A responsible Government would legislate against such loophole and not use them. I am emphasizing perceived legal loophole.

    2) the PL is comfortable with promising our money (utility bills) to a private company (chosen without the tendering process) basing a huge amount of money on a contract that is legally dubious (refer to point 1).

    3) the PL is comfortable with promising for 10 years a revenue (paid by the Maltese residents through utility bills) to a chosen company based on what the company will be promising in their expression for interest. Too many promises.

    4) The PL are comfortable with any bidder who shows interest. without a tendering process specifying the requirements, hence anyone will be able to submit their interest with the cheapest bidder winning.

    In this scenario the only choice Maltese residents have is to use their vote sensibly. Following the election and if we’re not sensible, we’re at the mercy of these imbeciles.

  14. cintura says:

    Like Simon Busuttil, I smell a rat (gas). One question has not been posed.

    From which port will the said gas tankers, laden with gas, start their journey towards Malta?

    Surely not from Sicily or for that matter any European port. Would it be from a Gulf State or thereabouts?

  15. TROY says:

    Jake, for the love of God.

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