Oh, and something else I forgot to mention

Published: January 11, 2013 at 1:55pm

It should be standard procedure – and part of training and discipline – for the police to give their name, rank and number when they ring people, who they should always address formally (Mr or Mrs).

The only phone call I have received which adhered to that practice, normal in the civilised world, was from a highly trained and educated member of the Cyber Crime Unit, who probably learned his manners at home anyway.

When the police rang me after that incident I described in my previous post, it was with “HELLO? DEFNI? HAW (not even the proper ‘hawn’) MILL-GHASSA TAL-MSIDA…”

I asked him for his name, rank and number, pointed out that anyone can call anyone else claiming to be from the police, and putting him straight on how to address me and others. Defni indeed.

And that, my friends, was interpreted as the criminal act of ‘threatening the police’.


21 Comments Comment

  1. gremlin says:

    Idiots in uniform. The trash they are engaging as police officers. Missejna l-qiegh biz-zibel.

  2. bystander says:

    You should record all your calls. It is simple to do nowadays with cheap surveillance kit.

  3. Stingray says:

    This is the police force that was cultivated and nurtured during 25 years of Nationalist governance

    • Danton says:

      Look who left his blog out of sheer boredom, to join the fun on the clique-of-evil blog.

    • Francis Saliba MD says:

      This is not the police that was cultivated and nurtured during 25 years of Nationalist governance.

      This is a police force that is being led by the flotsam and jetsam from a police force that emerged after that paragon of police rectitude, V de Gray, retired. He was followed by a stream of Commissioners of Police of short durability until Mintoff hit on his ultimate choice who distinguished himself by imprisonment in connection with a murder inside the police GHQ.

      You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.

    • Paul Bonnici says:

      The PN inherited this police force from the Mintoff regime and they did not have the balls to reform it and sort it out.

  4. canon says:

    The elves already took over the Police Headquarters.

    • TROY says:

      They never left, my friend.

    • scott brown says:

      Not only the Police Headquarters my friend. They are within all civil service and government entities offices.

      Whatever they hear, including confidential issues, they report to MLP headquarters to be butchered and manipulated by Super One so called journalists.

      They hijacked all media, written and aired. All this when still in opposition. It is only with our vote come 9th March that we can prevent a deadful return to the 80s.

  5. Vanni says:

    You probably missed a word beloved by the local plod:

    HI (heeee).

    At this rate they’ll probably throw the book at you for mockery.

    ‘Sur Imhallef, l-imputata nhar il-11 ta’ Jannar, minn fuq il-blokk taghha, waqqat l-uniformi grandjuza tal-Korp tal-Pulizija ghan-nejk.’

    • Neil Dent says:

      L-Imhallef: “U int ilek taghmel dan, Surgent, mill l-ewwel darba li ilbist din l-istess uniformi grand juza!”

  6. Spiru says:

    So so shocking. Hekku bidluh il-korp f’25 sena n-Nazzjonalisti !!

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Gej tsunami ta’ horrified response, imma biex tbiddel kultura shiha mhux bizzejjed tbiddel gvern.

      Trid tisterilizza, toqtol, tbiddel popolazzjoni b’ohra, inkella tistenna li tmut generazzjoni (40-50 sena average).

      Peress li Malta hija pajjiz Occidentali, fadlilna biss l-ahhar option. Mela fl-2025 circa nibdew naraw il-bidla, jekk ma jihhamalljawx ruhhom ukoll l-opinion-makers.

      Nahseb Mark Anthony Falzon, jekk jaqra din, jifhem x’irrid nghid.

  7. carlos says:

    Perhaps this officer learned his manners from the Akademija tal-pulizija.

  8. Neil Dent says:


  9. De La Vallette says:

    Oh hell they’re back!!

    This reminded me of many years ago when I was still a teen. My brother and I were stopped at a road block in San Gwann. They scared the hell out of us with a submachine-gun in our faces and they deliberately clicked the safe off the weapon.

    We did not act on their demands as we froze like a block of ice. They continued to shout and scream at us to get out of the car which eventually we did. They obviously found nothing in the car but my college books.

    When the 1987 elections came about we expected the newly elected government to rid us of these unprofessional characters from the Force. Prof Demarco did just that. He made it a point to restructure the Force and give them a decent training by structuring the Academy.

    May I remind the younger generation that today we have the EU and all the Human rights violated in those days will not be tolerated.

    Furthermore the Commissioner should realise that like his predecessor he stands to be responsible for the acts of any other officer in the Force. The Police Force is there to protect the general public and one is innocent till proven guilty apart from the fact that they are there to act as conveyors of the law, not the law.

    Malta taghna lkoll

  10. ray says:

    Most policemen do not think themselves as servants of the people, but the other way round. Unfortunately.

  11. Paul Bonnici says:

    The PL will find an intact (as they left it 25 years ago) dysfunctional and unprofessional police force.

    Thanks to the incompetence of the PN or rather lack of balls.

  12. old-timer says:

    What happens when six (or more) policemen testify in a carbon-copy fashion against the accused who unfortunately has no witnesses to produce? There is no way out. The magistrate has to give judgment according to the witnesses produced.

  13. What is frightening is that this is happening when there is only a likelihood that the Labour Party will soon be in government. What will happen when/if it is in power?

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