Does this count as ‘scaring the police’, I wonder?

Published: January 11, 2013 at 5:09pm

Since I wrote my post about police abuse this morning, PS1575 Robert Fava – the rabid Laburist police sergeant who took the initial report at Msida station and probably also fed L-Orizzont details which only the police had at that stage – has taken down his Facebook page.

Miskin, he was scared that somebody would take screenshots of all those partisan comments, Likes for Labour and the Great Leader, Super One and its reporters.

Well, I don’t know why police officers are allowed to do this kind of thing on Facebook in the first place. It’s time the rules caught up with the real world.

But I do have some more information on him. He’s originally from the Lazy Corner (everyone from Sliema will know what I mean; the rest needn’t bother, except to know that the Lazy Corner also produced Manuel and Joseph Cuschieri and Silvio Tal-Mqaret, but also some really nice people).

His family are foaming-at-the-mouth Mintoffjani and were among the first to get a free ‘social house’ in Ta’ Giorni. His brother, Mario is Labour Party councillor on the Swieqi Local Council.

I’m guessing the poor man just couldn’t control himself.

18 Comments Comment

  1. tom says:

    Ah the fine days of SAG – so many eager recruits to fill the ranks.

    • U INT nehhejt il-blog rigward il-kaz. Tghid halli ma jidhrux il-mistoqsijiet li ghamiltlek , li jikxu kemm int qed tipprova titfa l-htioja tieghek fuq il-vittma, u anki fuq il-laburisti ! Issa nara jidhirx dan il-kumment ! Imma nisfodak iggib dak li ktibtlek il-bierah. U rrispondini !

      [Daphne – No, Eddy, I didn’t remove it. Posts automatically move into the archives as new ones come on stream. It’s still there. There’s a search box at the top of the page. Learn how to use it.]

  2. carlos says:

    It has been felt for some time that the police force needs a new leadership which can instill discipline into the force. The present one is just too deficient.

  3. TROY says:

    We have a similar BIG HEADED PS at the Qawra police station.

  4. bystander says:

    They can run, but they can’t hide from old father server back-ups.

  5. Harry Purdie says:

    ‘just couldn’t contol himself’—is he incontinent too?

  6. CIS says:

    I have a gut feeling, Daphne, that the man who accosted you might have been a policeman as well – not in uniform.

  7. ken il malti says:

    What is it with these Laburisti and free housing?

    You would think that these people are from East St. Louis or Oakland California or Detroit with their sickening “gibsmedat” mentality.

  8. Paul Bonnici says:

    Police sergeant PS1575 Robert Fava must have been promoted to sergeant under the PN administration, I assume through credit and not political favours.

  9. Interested Bystander says:

    Your story is absolutely shocking. Why didn’t you go public with it before now?

    The police force in any decent country is there to (as the Americans put it) “protect and serve” the public, not to harass and abuse.

    Any decent police commissioner would take immediate action in this case, and make sure that the morons are held responsible.

    • bystander says:

      Wait until May 10 when, under Labour, Daphne is tried for treason and hanged, drawn and quartered live on SuperOne.

  10. Scoob says:

    How sweet that his brother is on the local council of Swieqi. Ara kemm ahna posh elected in Swieqi.

  11. old-timer says:

    ONE TV news had you on last night regarding your case.

    Picture of your face was repeated several times.

    As I said somewhere else, the police – whatever rank- cannot be trusted. They will swear falsehoods under oath.

  12. Wilson says:

    Not bad! You explained yourself extremely well in a few lines. The picture is even clearer than before. Go, woman!

  13. The fact that public officers have been permitted to express publicly support for political parties is disconcerting. Either the authorities have been lax or hesitant in installing discipline.

  14. paddy says:

    Labour and certain police habits die hard.

  15. Matthew says:

    This is not just a police problem but a general Maltese problem.

    Most people in Malta have no idea what linguistic register is.

    Old people who have had careers and titles are talked to as if they are children, people talk about each other in front of each other using terms like ‘dik’ and ‘dak’ instead of using names, people address others they don’t know by using generic names like ‘Challie’ or some idiotic title like ‘kugin’ instead of ‘Sinjur’ or ‘Sinjura’, people say ‘Ersaqli wahda hi’ instead of ‘Skuzani’, few say ‘Grazzi’, people use informal language in formal meetings and Maltese is butchered in the process: ‘Aw’ instead of ‘Hawn’, ‘Iwa’ instead of ‘iva’, ‘gOnZiPN’ instead of ‘il-Prim Ministru’.

    Nothing is sacred.

    If you point out their mistakes, you get the Maltese people’s favourite expression, ‘U iwa, mhux xorta.’

    It all makes you want to tear your hair out in exasperation.

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