They held focus groups. Ah. So that’s all right, then.
A j
ournalist at the Labour Party’s press conference this afternoon asked Konrad Mizzi whether the people who lived in theMarsaxlokk area have been consulted on these plans for a new power station and two vast gas storage units.
“Yes”, he said. “We held surveys and there were also focus groups.”
Kill. Me. Now.
“We found that they are upset about the incidence of cancer and asthma and they don’t want the Delimara power station to keep operating as it is.”
What Mizzi is saying here is that the Labour Party has used the (claimed) objections to the Delimara power station of Marsaxlokk residents to close that power station down AND INSTEAD DUMP ANOTHER POWER STATION AND TWO GREAT BIG GAS STORAGE UNITS RIGHT ON THEIR DOORSTEP AND EVEN CLOSER TO THEM.
Ah, but Mizzi said that this is all right because the new power station will be “cleaner”, so the residents shouldn’t mind if they have to walk out of their homes and look at it every day.
I’d like to see the focus group reports on that. But somehow, I don’t think they held them.
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Yes. Grazzi tal-mistoqsija. Good question. Ser inwiegbek ghal kollox. Ghal kollox hsibna.
We held focus groups. In fact we have been organising home visits in the 5th District for 5 years now, because our Leader has been predicting the general elections for 5 years now. And by the way, you see, he was right all along, because now we are having one in March.
Mil-gdid grazzi tal-mistoqsija.
Ah, so now they’re concerned about cancer and asthma. Funny how they never complained of the old buses belching tons of pollutants into the air. Or protested about the use of coal in the Marsa power station.
Issa qed tahraqhom qalbhom ghas-sahha.
God, what a bunch of hypocrites they are, and what a nation of imbeciles we are to put them at the helm again.
Shame on you Ciccio, shame on you. Don’t interrupt the flow.
Shame on you, Mr Ciccio.
Don’t be rude, Allo allo. Don’t be rude. Tinterrompinix, jekk joghgbok.
A jowk, Mr. Ciccio, a jowk
Mr Ciccio please. Se nispjegalek car hafna Mr Ciccio. Let’s put things in perspective halli l-poplu jifhem the full picture. Il-process kollu trasparenti. Let’s be very very clear on this. Int ma tifhimx fid discharge tal-gass, u dan mhux jien qed nghidu. Qaluhuli meta tkellimt mal konsulenti esperti internazzjonali, mas settur privat u anke man nies hemm barra. Dik il-headline conclusion li tawni. Kienu cari hafna. Il-workings ma nistax nippublikom, ghax hallasnihom ahna for our consumption. Prassi internazzjonali din. Issa jekk trid tara kif ghandu jkun standard discharge tal-gass ghal l-ghaxar snin li gejjin, l-infomazzjoni l-poplu jista jsib kollox fuq l-internet u jekk trid intik il-web sites. Mela hu pacenzja u tmerinix aktar ghax dak kollu li nghidlek jien, it is all very doable.
Allo Allo, m’intix taghmel id-door to door.
Please don’t interrupt, how rude you are. If you don’t let me speak I’ll go
God, how I wish Tonio will call his bluff
seen this?
For the past few days Mizzi has been promising Norman Vella of TV Hemm details of fixed price power purchase agreements entered into recently on the pertinent markets.
Up to the time of writing, no such agreements have been presented.
He also mentioned the vox pop on TV. They are a bunch of frauds and will be the ruin of all we gained in recent years. Just like 96/98 – deja vu.
Prepare yourself, my friend. My two Maltese grandchildren are about to be enrolled and educated in Switzerland.
If these loonies are elected, I pity the kids who are left behind. Deja vu? Even worse. They’ll have 5 years to royally fuck up, not just 22 months.
Sad times to come.
So you followed my advice then. They’ll thank you on their knees later on.
Mohna mistrieh mela issa, ghax ghamlu focus (sessions) groups.
Ic-cucata li hafna mill-esponenti u kelliema ewlinin tal-PL ibatu bid-dementia.
U mhux ghal dawk ta’ 60+ biss qed nghid.
U jkolli nghid li Konrad ittiehed u qed ibati minnha wkoll.
Kull darba jinsa xi jkunu staqsewh, u jerga jirripeti l-istess panigirku.
Surveys and focus groups, all of which got under the media radar?
Did your international web of spies not let you know, Daphne?
Konrad Mizzi is a barefaced liar.
You missed the best part. When The Times pressed Konrad Mizzi to reveal who these people in the focus groups were his response was “Iva tkellimna ma’ numru ta’ nies minn Marsaxlokk, kien hemm numru ta’ vox pops anke fuq il-programmi tat-television …nistieden lilek ukoll taghmlu dan il-vox pop”.
You don’t understand Daphne; previously it was rape, now it has become consensual love making
I have a big problem. As a teacher I have to be careful in class not to show political bias. That means I cannot tell my students that they are ‘ correct’ in their work.
Nor that they are ‘being rude’ if they talk in class.
I cannot ask them to do anything related to ‘gas’ during their chemistry lessons.
If they ask me a question think I’ll answer: Grazzi Tal-mistoqsija. Nirrispondi aktar tard.
And if they fail to hand in their homework I have the perfect retort for them.’Shame on you!
Last time I had such a problem was with Toni Zarb’s ‘Issa daqshekk!’
What is most worrying is that we are already halfway through the second week of the electoral campaign and all we’ve heard are water and electricity bills over and over.
When will they (both) start talking about the far more serious issues?
@ Darwin – my thoughts exactly, what about the health and education sector?
They are just basing the campaign on the water and electricity and nothing else? I want to know more.
I’m afraid you are not completely correct. PN has been harping and expanding upon the three-point theme – Xoghol, Sahha, Edukazzjoni – for far more than the past two weeks. I would humbly suggest you follow MTV news to start with.
Issa is-social impact assessment irrizulta li kien vox pop fuq One News.
Xi dwejjaq ta’ ragel. Basta li jirrepeti li kollox doable u let’s put it in perspective.
Joseph Muscat ser jibla kanna minn hawn sa Delimara bih lil dan.
Anke is-social impact assessment tawh b’direct order lill-istazzjon tal-Labour. Ahseb u ara x’se jaghmlu bil-power station.
I hope someone hires an expert on behavioural science to study this man. Everything about the way he speaks seems to me to scream ‘liar’.
Will someone please point out to the great masses out there that if they cut out their horrid ciggie habit which costs them around 4 euros daily (amounting to approx 1460 euros yearly) they’ll have a lot more money to spend then what the Labour Party is promising in savings on their utilities bill?