Then somebody sold them a power station for a small consideration, and they changed their minds

Published: January 17, 2013 at 11:43pm

19 Comments Comment

  1. C says:

    The only reason why Labour have kept the estimates for their prospective power station so low is that they are budgeting for a second-hand power station, with used and re-cycled equipment.

    This is Labour. We remember the second-hand telephone exchanges we had during the eighties. And they will repeat the same policy in the energy sector. Veru partit tas-second hand.

    • Min Jaf says:

      In the lead-up to the EU accession referendum, one of the justifications for Malta staying out of the EU put forward by Karmenu Vella il-Guy was that Malta’s construction industry would no longer be able to buy and utilise second hand cranes and equipment.

      There is an increasingly visible thread in PL utterings laying the ground for pulling Malta out of the EU. The ugly consequences of putting Joseph Muscat and the Malta Labour Party in government go far beyond the proposed power station.

      • A, Charles says:

        I remember that the tender for second hand cars and other vehicles for airport use was issued by AirMalta in the early 90s when the deputy leader of the MLP was CEO.

  2. Harry Purdie says:

    As it is said, ‘It will all come out in the wash’.

  3. C says:

    And this is the place from where Labour got their quotation for their power station, the internet. It’s a chinese second-hand gas fired plant.

  4. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Will this convince them?

  5. pablo says:

    Konrad has been underestimated. What a terrific plan! All is needed is to translate all the studies, reports, permits, specs and manuals from Mandarin into English. Delivery in 90 days.

    This what he meant by “tried and tested”.

    Now google “second hand LNG vessels” and hit the ground running.

    Pure genius.

  6. Mikiel says:

    It’s like the story of the dog who had a good bone, saw a larger dog holding a larger bone reflected in the river whilst crossing the bridge (his own reflection) and wanted the other dog’s bone, jumped in and lost both.

    • Snoopy says:

      That is the typical Maltese moron – basically a good 55% of the population. It is all in the genes.

      [Daphne – Perhaps you should point out that this was not a throwaway remark and that you know your genes.]

  7. Starship Enterprise says:

    It’s blatantly obvious that this is a done deal. This coming from a party that has spent the last ten years pointing fingers and throwing accusations about corruption and cliques.

    If you can’t see it or refuse to believe what’s slapping you in the face then you’re a few sandwiches short of a picnic. They are not even in government yet but they have managed to put together plans for a project that stinks of corruption and under hand dealings and are using this as they’re election platform.

    Also, where are the environmentalists that are always up in arms to PN proposed projects? We haven’t heard a word yet about the negative impacts of marine ecosystems brought on by the proposed land reclamation.

    If you can’t see the banality of this crooked plan then at least question how they plan to push this project forward regardless of the outcome of environmental impact assessments or risk assessments.

    This is the first we’re hearing of this project but they talk about it like it’s a done deal.

  8. maryanne says:

    Watching TVAM this morning.

    Pooh, kemm hu kiesah Chris Fearne. Ara la jkun ministru.

  9. canon says:

    A pertinent question to Konrad Mizzi:

    If you are so sure about your design of the proposed power station, why didn’t you provide us with a scale model?

  10. Gian says:

    An LNG ship costs about $210 million to build or around $70,000 a day to rent, imma Joseph cert li ser irahhas il-kontijiet bi 25%.

  11. Vanni says:

    Why is Muscat afraid of facing the PM? Can’t he remember his lines, or does he want overtime?

  12. maryanne says:

    Can’t Joseph stand the heat?

    PL pulls out of Xarabank March 1 debate
    Times of Malta

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