Ah yes, Muscat. That’s why you started working for the Labour Party in 1992: because Malta needed Fenech Adami in 1987

Published: January 20, 2013 at 11:32am

More meaningless bull from that shifty former wallflower who has zero chemistry with women and only seems to light up in the presence of men (we have yet to see him embrace his wife with the same enthusiasm he has been photographed embracing John Bundy and Chamber of Commerce president Tancred Tabone, and when Simone Cini went up to him enthusiastically at a recent meeting, he was filmed visibly freezing).

He said that Malta needed Mintoff in 1971 and needed Fenech Adami in 1987.

Malta needed Mintoff in 1971 like it needed cancer – to quote Muscat’s favourite disease of the moment. Compare 16 years of unbridled Mintoffianism to the results of nine years of Nationalist governance, and you will see the truth of this no matter the lies you have been fed through Labour’s Chinese-style re-education campaigns.

I can’t ask you to compare 16 years of Mintoffianism to 16 years of PN government, because there have never been 16 continuous years of PN government, despite more re-education campaigns to the contrary.

In nine years, 1987 to 1996, the PN turned Malta into a normal country, or what would have been a normal country had it not been for the incessant crap piled on by Labour, leading to the madness of the 1996 election decision and the chaos which followed.

In 16 years, 1971 to 1987, Mintoff and his cronies, not least Muscat’s current key men Il-Guy Karmenu Vella and l-AST Alex Sceberras Trigona, turned Malta into a poor shadow of Enver Hoxha’s Albania.

People were so primitive here, I can’t tell you. Or as my Italian friend who settled here in the early 1980s puts it, “Malta was wild.” And being Italian, she didn’t mean ‘wild’ as in ‘outrageously fabulous’.

But that’s that. What interests me far more at this stage is Muscat’s shifty lie about his feelings re Fenech Adami. He says it only because he wants daft people to believe his rubbish about a movement. It falls into the class of lies that all but the thickest women recognise instantly and men take longer to pick up on: the sort of lies that men like that tell so as to get you into bed/do their bidding/persuade you to sign on the bottom line to put your marital home at risk by using it as security for a loan for his dodgy business/try to convince you that you ‘need help’ because you’re imagining things and he’s not lying.

There’s another reason why Muscat pushes all the wrong buttons in alert women, but it’s best if I don’t go into it.

My point is this: if he really thinks Malta needed Fenech Adami in 1987, then why did Muscat begin working for the Labour Party in 1992? Yes, 1992, 21 years ago. Because Malta only needed Fenech Adami between 1987 and 1992 and stopped needed him after that?

Who is he f**king kidding? Excuse my language, but this lying twerp is really the limit. No wonder he gets on so well with Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando (remember him? miskin – reduced to soliciting the attention of two or three maniacs on Facebook). They have the same personality. The only difference is that the latter hits the Early Grey too often and can’t control his responses or his anger and vicious hatred.

And if Muscat thinks Malta needed Fenech Adami in 1987, why did he join a political media team whose sole objective was to tear him to shreds, make fun of everything he did, and present his policies and decisions as disastrous and corrupt?

Muscat is the person who set up Maltastar (fantastic CV achievement), who was Sant’s righthand man, and who was Super One’s ace reporter.

He claims to believe that Malta needed Fenech Adami, but I can’t wipe from my mind the picture of him insulting Fenech Adami and attacking him verbally during a televised press conference, accusing him of being the agent of Malta’s destruction with his plans to take us into the European Union.

Imma issa se nkunu l-aqwa fl-Ewropa u l-pajjiz kellu bzonnu l-Eddie.

Ja giddieb.

Standing on a platform to talk to children and their mothers in a sidestreet. What a jerk.

Note the body language in this photograph and compare it to the three below.

15 Comments Comment

  1. maryanne says:

    Please note that answer given by Muscat to the question by The Sunday Times interviewee about Malta’s entry into the European Union.

    He is not sorry that it happened. He was thinking in Maltese like in ‘u iva mhux xorta, la qeghdin hemm’. Some conviction.

  2. Tinnat says:

    He´s turned into the nation´s political prostitute – offering everything to everybody. PIty there´s no condom big enough to protect us from him.

  3. Nighthawk says:

    Perhaps someone can dig up the footage of him screaming at Eddie Fenech Adami. My memory of it was that it was most educational.

    [Daphne – Yes, it was the moment when I knew instinctively that Labour had lost the referendum. I could actually sense public opinion crystallising as Joseph Muscat screamed at and denigrated Fenech Adami.]

    Footage of “Made in Brussels” can also be educational, in the sense that it demonstrates the poor judgement of the man who would be our leader.

    Hiding the dinosaurs is not enough. Where’s George Vella? Did he get eaten when they stuck him in AST’s cage? He needs to hide his OWN past.

    Whilst on the subject of Kartanzjan holders, who’s going to be doing any work in the finance area?

    Rumour has it that they’ll have three finance related ministries.

    But if Edward Scicluna spends most of his time on his boat, Charles Mangion doing land deals, and Karmenu Vella organising cruises (presumably not the smuggling kind of the eighties) nothing’s going to get done.

    Oh hang on, they can invent a finance ministry for Louis Grech, so he can do an Airmalta.

    Whilst on the subject of smuggling, can someone stand up at the next conference where both Joe Muscat and Karmenu Vella are present and ask whether Joseph Muscat intends to remove the statute of limitations on that too.

    • Mike says:

      I’m pretty sure PN have alot of archive footage of Joey ‘Made in Brussels’ stocked up.

      • John C says:

        Well, they should jolly well start using it before it’s too late.

        I can’t understand why the PN are being so sheepish in this electoral campaign.

        They need to pull their finger out and show up this bunch of frauds for what they really are.

  4. xmun says:

    Malta suffered between 1971 – 1987. We then progressed between 1987 – 1996.

    The Maltese felt safe electing Labour in 1996 only to realise the mistake too late, so once more the PN were elected in 1998.

    Fast forward 2013. The Maltese are feeling safe to vote Labour once more. What will those voting Labour realise to their detriment in a couple of months time?

    • marcus says:

      The problem is that should he get voted in probably he’ll stay for the next 5 years.

      The talk of him jumping ship if the power station plan fails is all bull.

      He’ll find some excuse to stay on and even if resigns we would already be in deep sh**t and we’ll have to pay for his mess, and in all probability those paying out for his mess would have voted PN.

  5. Matthew says:

    How does that work exactly?

    One minute he was kissing Dom Mintoff’s coffin and the next he was saying that Eddie Fenech Adami was necessary.

    Sure, Eddie Fenech Adami was necessary, but only because Dom Mintoff was so awful. You can’t say that both were great.

    Eddie Fenech Adami is the antithesis of Dom Mintoff. It’s like God and the devil, Mahatma Gandhi and Adolf Hitler, capitalism and communism… You can’t side with both. You have to take your pick.

    Joseph Muscat wants to have his cake and eat it. It’s such a phony attempt at winning votes, only an idiot would not see through it.

    Besides, these types of comments should be made during normal times not in the midst of electoral campaigns. Anyone with half a brain is very cynical about this latest comment made by Muscat.

    Joseph Muscat would sell his grandma in return for a few votes.

  6. Grezz says:

    Can somebody please post a link to the video of that infamous televised debate where Muscat was heckling Fenech Adami?

  7. observer says:

    The first few words of the Sunday Times introduction “Malta needed etc” were enough to:-

    a) confirm my comparision of il-ginger to an encyclopaedia or vacuum cleaner salesman; and,

    b) put me off reading the whole darned interview.

    And don’t tell me I am blinkered. I have lived under Mintoff’s regime during 1955-1958 and 1971-1987 (with KMB thrown in for the best part of the last 3 years) and Sant’s charade between 26/10/1996 and September 1998. I think people like me do know what they are talking about.

  8. Makjavel says:

    He is shy to hug his wife in public, but seems more comfy with the rest of Malta.

  9. AE says:

    Incidentally where is Yana Mintoff? She’s been awfully quiet since that interview with The Sunday Times a while back. Are they keeping her hidden during this campaign as they are with all the stooges who were part of Mintoff’s cabinet?

    I wish that besides removing prescription on those who are corrupt they would also make responsible the heirs of those who were corrupt – not by going to jail but by having to return all the proceeds of such corrupt acts with interest.

    Why should Lorry Sant’s family, to cite just one example, enjoy the fruits of his actions just because he is dead.

    And what about taking action against all those who used public office to violate the human rights of others? Patrick Holland? What about all those properties who seized and passed on as freebies to family and friends?

  10. Riya says:

    Joseph Muscat qed jghid li Dr. Eddie Fenech Adami kien bzonjuz? Din vera jew?

    Mela ghalfejn Mintoff, li Joseph Muscat tant jammira, ghamel minn kollox bi hema pjan biex ikeskes lil-Laburisti biex imorru jkissrulu d-dar personali tieghu u jsawtulu l-familja tieghu fosthom il-mara u lit-tfal li kienu ghandhom zghar.

    Ma naghmlux moghd li dan Joseph Muscat insieh dan l-episodju wkoll hux?

    Jew forsi jghid li ma jafx li kienu jsehhu affarijiet gravi bhal dawn u ma’ kien isir xejn mill-forzi tal ordni!

    Trid tkun vera bniedem bla boxla u disonest biex trid tkun Prim Ministru u tghid dawn l-affarijiet lin-nies.

    Joseph, taghmel x’taghmel u tigdeb kemm tigdeb l-istorja ma’ tibdiliex ghax id-dnub tal-Labour ma’ jorqod qatt ghax kien ohxon hafna u weggajtu hafna nies innocenti ghax dik dejjem kienet il-mentalita’ Laburista.

    Issa sabu lilek biex jaghttu ix-xemx bl’gharbiel minghalihom! Kemm qed tahsbuh iblah lill-poplu Malti?

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