Nice of the President of the Republic to grant permission to his son’s political party to film its propaganda at the Palace
January 20, 2013 at 12:12pm
Ghax Malta taghna lkoll, tafux. Underdog, my eye. They’ve got a stooge in every key organisation, including right at the top.
This video can’t be viewed on an iPad.
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Holy crap. Very professionally made. This short film alone must have cost a fortune.
We need to know more about where Labour is getting all this money.
from ‘panic mode’ to ‘desperate mode’ – just luv to read your posts :p
From the war damage money, Matthew.
One would think that the enemy hordes are at the Gates. You know, the fear of pillaging Sicilians Casanovas out to get our daughters, foreign plumbers and hairdressers out to get our jobs and other ‘fears’ instilled by Malta taghna Ilkoll exponents when I and others wanted to live not only in Malta but all over Europe.
One other thing, did the Labour Party contribute, say to the coffers of the CCF, for filming in our Palace?
And another point, nice of that old comedian Narcy to show us how well dressed, hence well-off, are our pensioners today.
It is a pity that his party colluded with Franko Who to effectively stop further benefits to our parents who are now pensioners of the same age bracket as Narcy.
And what about the young ‘actors’. The should be ashamed to be part of this. They should be thankful for so much that they got from PN. They do NOT know any better.
How come the video does not show up on my iPad?
[Daphne – Others using an iPad are having similar problems. I don’t have an explanation though.]
Because it’s flash, and so does not work on iPad.
If Puffin browser app is installed you can watch it.
Because Labour weren’t on-the-ball enough to not use Flash and to, hence, make it available to all (and thankfully so).
How money can be made.
In the days when Russia was selling communism, the funding of the local communist party came from selling stuff sey free of charge from Russia, in those days , books , magazines etc.
The same is possibly being done by China. These guys produce everything and they ship everywhere.
It is easy to deliver goods without being paid, and the goods are sold in the local market for funding the local political agenda. You do not have be a financial guru, only with a set mind and good contacts in China.
The MLP certainly has both , a set mind to make Joseph the youngest PM anywhere and very good freinds in China, all in the family now.
Il-president taghna lkoll is showing his true colours.
His true colours came out when he abstained from taking cognisance of the Lino Farrugia Sacco case.
I can’t view it. Can someone forward me the link? Thanks.
[Daphne – Try logging on to Facebook first.]
It is, quite evidently, highly incorrect, from a historically point of view. But, hey, who gives two hoots? As long as the PL spins in its favour, it can even pretend that Churchill never existed.
What I disliked was that I was force-fed this movie when I went with my family to see Deceduti at the Eden Century Cinema.
I went there paying good money to see unbiased material and I saw this before the feature movie started.
I think that this was totally out of place and a disgrace. The next thing they might be planning is a small parade in all school courtyards to remind us of the Brigata Laburista.
Oh how proud were my parents were when I saluted the prime minister in my white and red uniform, at just 9 years old.
Għandu raġun Calamatta, min jaf kemm kien kburi li ġarr il-bandiera fic-cerimonja ta’ l-indipendenza meta kien fl-armata.
U kif kumbinazzjoni kienu n-Nazzjonalisti li dejjem waqfu ghad-drittijiet u mbuttaw il-mixja tal-Maltin il-quddiem u li qatt ma qagħu qalbhom li dan il-poplu kapaci daqs jew aktar min ħaddieħor meta tikkonsidra r-risorsi limitati li tiegħu.
Dawk iz-zagħzagħ waslu fejn waslu illum għax il-PN fil-gvern fetħilhom beraħ il-biebin tad-dinja tal-edukazzjoni.
Dawk li huma 3 snin biss izgħar minni l-anqas l-MCAST ma ħallilhom il-PL għax għalqu fl-1978 filwaqt li biex uliedi kienu jistgħu jkollhom il-lezzjonijiet ta’ l-iskola jien kont norganizza l-klassi d-dar b’sogru kbir meta kont ngħoqod in-naħa ta’ isfel ta’ Malta.
Min jaf kieku kellhom zogħzithom fi zmieni kemm minnhom kienu jiffurmaw parti mis-700 student li kien hemm l-universita. Illumm mhux 700 student hemm imma 700 kors min fejn tagħzel.
I did not expect any better from whoever is responsible at the President’s Office, and I say this through personal experience.
And now we have Robert Abela (the President’s son) declaring at the PL Mass Meeting in Rabat that under a PN administration partisan interests will win over national interests. Does he really mean what he said??
Maturita Politika? Le.
The presidential palace has been converted to a kazin Laburista.
I am very sorry.
The real slogan of the Labour Party is “Malta kollha taghna.”
As Daphne said, they describe themselves as the underdog. “Malta kollha taghna” is also an apt slogan for their effrontery.
First I saw their large iPhone models next to various Church entrances; today I saw another one at the corner of Castille building.
Pity is not enough people are asking where the money for all these resources is coming from. Naturally, they’ll interpret such questions as motivated by ‘envy’ or ‘panic and desperation’ (see above).
Muscat is not paying for anything. The companies Muscat will govern are paying for everything. Muscat will take care of them when he’s Prime Minister.
At this rate they will soon start rewriting the story of St Paul’s Shipwreck – due to poor visibility caused by the “cancerous” pollution emitted by the Delimara power station.
Perhaps you may consider it fair to check whether the areas of the Palace appearing in the clip fall under the authority of the Office of the President. Different areas of the Palace are under the jurisdiction of different authorities.
Am I allowed to call the president unfit for office or will I be arrested?
It looked more like Howard’s Garden in Rabat.
Any idea who made it? It’s obvious that it wasn’t Labour’s media.
[Daphne – Mario Philip Azzopardi.]
Incidentally, would Mr Narcy Calamatta like to tell us what’s become of his daughter and how she’s been keeping under a Nationalist government?
Technical Attache at Permanent Representation of Malta to the European Union
I’m assuming Arsy Narcy voted NO to EU.
Has her contract been renewed for a third term? I thought you only had a maximum of two terms.
While everyone was respecting the ceasefire up to the 7th January I could not find a place to vent my anger on how the money I donated to the Community Chest Fund was syphoned to the Labour Party.
How, you may ask?
Simple, the Labour Party billboards were hired by the CCF to say “thank you” to those who contributed for the record sum.
Please note that the PN donated €10,000 and Labour donated a €1000.
That was good business for Labour.
Where’s Kenneth Wain?
So they know how to quote history…when it’s ‘convenient’ for them.
Why hasn’t the PN marketing team come up with a better marketing plan than this? I was expecting better.
And are political adverts not controlled by the Broadcasting Authority with a message before – dan huwa messagg promozjonali tal-Partit Laburista. Doesn’t this rule apply to cinemas too? Or are they exempt?
[Daphne – The Broadcasting Authority deals with broadcasting, not cinemas.]
Kieku kien xi lejrubist, kieku aqta kemm ghajjartu gidra lil dan! Hehe.
Can’t see the clip myself either, and this isn’t a iPad I’m using. Bugger, was curious to view it.
‘Gonzi qeridna’ indeed; so much money spent on professional propaganda. And historically-incorrect propaganda to boot.
Apologies seeing comments under other post. So it’s Azzopardi.
I wonder how much it cost to make this? Where location fees paid for using the palace? Is it even permissible to use the palace for such propaganda?
Jixtieq Calamatta li kien helu daqs dak it-tifel.
MaltaRightNow has reported that in his speech at Rabat, Dr. Robert Abela said that, “li mal-Partit Nazzjonalista, l-interess partiġġjan jirbaħ fuq l-interess Nazzjonali.”
Would you believe it? Hasn’t his father been chosen to be the President of our nation by the Nationalist goverment? Am I right or wrong?
Daphne this clip can be watched on iPad if Puffin browser app is installed. You can also watch MTV.
Robert Abela: disgraceful and no respect. Shame.
Is there an external link where I can watch it? I am using Google Chrome.
Is this an advert to pull Malta out of the EU?
Why is Narcy Calamatta reminding us of “missirijiet missirijietna”?
This video (apart from being absolutely disgusting) is really historically incorrect, quite unacceptably so.
1. Officers don’t have rank slides on their epaulettes.
2. Peak caps don’t carry the regimental badge.
3. No sand bags in side (the most common precaution against air raids).
4. Soldiers out in the open would have been wearing “tin caps” not peak caps.
5. The ADC escorting the Maltese delegation isn’t wearing his cap (that is against regulations, except when inside).
6. The Maltese delegation look like a Bormla band club delegation working at the dockyard in 1982. There’s no chance in hell that any Maltese worth his while would have dreamt of going anywhere but into the garden in shirt sleeves and open neck, let alone to meet His Excellency The Governer.
7. There is NO HISTORICAL BASIS to this rubbish. In August 1942 there was no talk of surrender as the famous Malta Convoy (Operation Pedestal) was either coming in (and everyone knew about it) or just came in.
8. I thought it was a foreigner’s war that we were dragged into (never mind that it was a “WORLD WAR”) and that we all died for the foreigner, but Malta “taghna”, so we died for the foreigner in fighting for our country.
…and then Mintoff came along and out of his own free will and pocket demolished the Mandragg in Valletta and rebuilt it, if you believe Grajjiet Malta.
What an illiterate bunch of skivvies.
Mr Calamatta will not be surprised to know that I have no respect for his version of truth.
He was the only witness brought by the stooge editor of “Ix-Xewka III”, who admitted under oath that he never read or wrote anything that was printed in the paper, when that paper was found guilty of libelling me in a scurrilous article published on 3 December 1987.
Incidentally, the damages set at 800 Malta Liri, the highest award till then, were paid through a cheque issued by the Malta Labour Party.
Il-Poplu jesigi spjegazzjoni dwar is-suggett inkwistjoni. META?
I just watched this propagandistic clip and it is far from impressive! Nevertheless, considering the junk that local stations broadcast daily I can understand that some will watch it and think it is professional and expensive. It’s not!
However, the most important thing here is not Elio Lombardi, the President’s palace or Mario Azzopardi’s photography but the way Labourites dare to compare their impatience to govern to an important historical moment like August 1942.
The Maltese of 1942 gave everything they could to survive the worst food shortage and the heaviest bombing ever and that’s why they had worked very hard to see a convoy with adequate supplies reaches the grand harbour and bring with it relief and encouragement to continue resisting the Nazis.
The Maltese of 2013 are not only way too obese to worry about starvation and way too comfortable to think of survival but are now independent members of the European Union and benefit from an economy that thanks to good governance has seen growth despite harsh competition and the worst financial crisis in a century.
Moreover, despite a recent temporary downgrade, our long term economic outlook is still far way better than that of countries, that just a decade ago, we just dreamt of brushing shoulders with let alone contribute financially to ease their economic misery.
This Labour clip could have been timely in 2003 before the EU referendum but back then Joey and Labour were busying themselves scaring people about the EU and luckily they were put on the wrong side of history. That was probably the worst example of how senseless fear was used by a major political party to keep the Maltese away from uniting and working together for a great future.
Now, surreally, Joey is claiming that they changed and is emphasising that the March election is a ‘mument storiku’.
The next election can never be as important as the election in 1987 or 1998 or the referendum or election in 2003. It is just an ordinary, recurring moment in a democracy when citizens are called to decide who is better fit to run the country for the next 5 years.
I won’t go into who is better fit or not as there is hardly any choice but I think there is a very interesting point to consider.
The only way this election might one day be referred to as ‘historic’ is if the Maltese will vote wisely and hammer one of the last (if not the last) nail in labour’s coffin’s. That could definitely become a moment storiku!
And for a moment just imagine what a better place Malta would be without labour and super one.
Dear all a nd to you all, u r all such an arrogant bunch ! Im a nationalist but labour will get the change we need … Kolla pepe u nejk dak lghandkhom !!!!!! Arrogant !!!!