Comment of the evening
Posted by Matthew in response to the piece on Muscat saying that Mintoff was necessary in 1971 and Fenech Adami was necessary in 1987:
How does that work exactly?
One minute he was kissing Dom Mintoff’s coffin and the next he was saying that Eddie Fenech Adami was necessary.
Sure, Eddie Fenech Adami was necessary, but only because Dom Mintoff was so awful. You can’t say that both were great.
Eddie Fenech Adami is the antithesis of Dom Mintoff. It’s like God and the devil, Mahatma Gandhi and Adolf Hitler, capitalism and communism… You can’t side with both. You have to take your pick.
Joseph Muscat wants to have his cake and eat it. It’s such a phony attempt at winning votes, only an idiot would not see through it.
Besides, these types of comments should be made during normal times not in the midst of electoral campaigns. Anyone with half a brain is very cynical about this latest comment made by Muscat.
Joseph Muscat would sell his grandma in return for a few votes.
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He’ll be saying how he adores Daphne next.
Then we’ll all vote Labour.
Impossible. She’s a woman.
And what a woman;
With a brain of macchiavelli;
A machine gun for a tongue will take no S..T from anyone,
But she makes my day.
And whadda woman.
As for myself, it’s my Ritienne who makes my day.
Like Joseph Muscat, I’m also “edible”, because she likes to call me “il-muffin tieghi”.
That’s her term of affection, being fond of the things and munching away all day. She’s grown so fat I can no longer heave her up onto my shoulders for the breakdown of “Concrete Angel”.
Actually I think the song must have been referring to her.
Actually, Joseph will soon be running out of interest groups to make empty promises to. Who will be his targets this week? Animal lovers, families with two houses or two cars, white-collar workers, nature lovers, hunters, who else?
Joseph Muscat is playing a game with people who do not read his tactics. For us it is obvious: lie, contradict, invent, act. But for others history NEVER repeats itself.
Labour have come clean. They are admitting that – Jekk jitla il-Labour, Malta sejra ghal-gass.
“”We need the people who fought for Malta’s independence.” – Joseph Muscat
What about those who fought for the EU?
B.S. of the first order.
If Joseph Muscat had a modicum of political honesty in him he would have said that Fenech Adami was necessary in 1982.
That is the year when the rest of the country thought he was necessary.
He should also have said that, by denying the people their choice for six years, havoc and disaster were wrought on poor Malta taghna lkoll.
Interview in today’s The Sunday Times of Malta:
“I believe the economy remained the way it is despite Government, not because of Government. It’s the resilience of the private sector which delivered. Government performance left much to be desired.”
So we were on autopilot! How come that this did not happen in 1996?
When was the private sector ‘resiliant’ in the Labour years?
Why did Alfred Sant resign?
Joseph said “The way it is” to avoid saying BBB+, which is still a good rating.
After reading this, I believe the Labour Party will win the next elections despite Joseph Muscat, not because of Joseph Muscat.
Tit Bit
November 28, 2008 – Soothsayer deputy leader for parliamentary affairs Anġlu Farrugia said the progressive element meant that the party had to renew itself. In fact he’s gone.
Joseph Muscat wants to give the impression that we now need him to rid us from Lawrence Gonzi.
He tries to put words in our mouth. The truth is that Joseph Muscat is not the calibre of Lawrence Gonzi when it gets to statesmanship.
Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery – Winston Churchill
Fifty years on, notwithstanding a change of several leaders, the Party name, colour and emblem and after hearing what Joseph Muscat had to say during Labour’s mass meeting in Rabat, I must admit that the objectives appear to have remained unchanged.
He’s really not ashamed up using a telepromter during a mass meeting. Actually he’s not ashamed of anything.
I watched Labour’s meeting and noted the following.
1) Joseph patting his heart – td-daqqiet ta’ harta.
2) Joseph’s fake smile and his waving, almost royalty style.
3) Looks like he had a teleprompter on each side, the speech was definitely doctored.
[Daphne – Yes, he was filmed full length from the side by TVM, showing him operating the teleprompter with his foot.]
4) They avoided showing the old flags.
5) They focused on some people only when they did the close captures wearing the tshirt “I’m in”, and a clown painted his face.
6) Michelle & Joseph moment – another flop, the body language is out of place.
[Daphne – I noticed that too, a quick duty peck, almost disgusted, then he turns away. Why bother? It’s worse than nothing.]
7) Lots of hugging with Grech, but none with Toni Abela, who was called in after and barely knew what he had to do. It was Michelle who welcomed him.
“Joseph Muscat wants to have his cake and eat it. It’s such a phony attempt at winning votes, only an idiot would not see through it.”
The problem is that, unfortunately, there are quite a few idiots running around.
He said in The Times’ Interview but would he repeat it in mass meeting or in the igloo?
Nine months down the line, this article of yours about Muscat being a user still holds water –
A man died and went to heaven. As he stood in front of St. Peter at the Pearly Gates, he saw a huge wall of clocks behind him. He asked, “What are all those clocks? St. Peter answered, ”those are Lie-Clocks” , everyone on earth has a Lie-Clock. Every time you lie, the hands on your clock will move”.
“Oh” said the man, “whose clock is that?”; “That’s Mother Teresa’s. The hands have never moved, indicating that she never told a lie.”; Incredible, said the man.
“And whose clock is that one?”; St. Peter responded, “That’s Abraham Lincoln’s clock. The hands have moved twice, telling us that Abe told only two lies in his entire life.”;
“Where’s Joseph Muscat’s clock?” asked the man. “Joseph Muscat’s clock is in Jesus’ office. He’s using it as a ceiling fan”.
Joseph Muscat wants to have his cake and eat it. He will want us to wash his dishes next.
No, he already told us that he will leave it up to us to clear his mess when he resigns.
Joseph Muscat fil-politika qed jimita’, jew jipprova jghamel dak li kien ghamel Dr. Eddie Fenech Adami ghax jaf li kien ghamel sew biex gab il-pajjiz fuq saqajh minn pajjiz korrot, vjolenti, mahmug, kriminal u li kien pajjiz b’infrastruttuta bhal pajjizi tat-tielet Dinja.
Ismahha sew Joseph Muscat:
Li ghamel Dr. Fenech Adami fil-pajjiz dak iz-zmien ma’ jaghmlu hadd.
U kien Dr. Fenech Adami li gab lill-Maltin jghixu ta’ nies. Kien Dr. Fenech Adami li dahhalna fl-Ewropa allavolja kien hemm nies bravi bhalekk li ghamiltu hsara kbira lill-pajjiz sabiex ma’ jidholx fl- Ewropa.
Imma Dr. Fenech Adami kien bniedem sod u ta’ principju u oltre minn hekk bravu hafna ghax kisser tlett Prim Ministri tal-Labour. U kisser lilek u lil kull min kien bhalek kontra l-Ewropa.
Il-kapijiet tal-PN ma’ jkunx hawn bhalhom fil-pajjiz ghax qatt ma’ rebhu xi elezzjoni bil-gimicks bhal ma’ rebah il-partit tal-Labour fi zmien siehbek Alfred Sant bil-VAT, u issa qed jipprova jirbah il-Partit Labutista tieghek bil-kontijiet tad-dawl u l-ilma.
In-Nazzjonalisti dejjem rebhu bir-raguni ghax il-Labour fil-gvern dejjem tefa l-pajjiz lura u hlief hsara ma’ ghamilx.
Dan il-Poplu kollu jafu u fill-fatt int ghandek partit li fil-voti qatt ma’ zied.
Dan mur ghidilhom lin-nies Joseph Muscat mela tmur tohrog bi pjan falz biex tibni power station gdida biex terga s-sallabna ware li il-PN sewwa daqs dawk zbalji u oxxenitatjiet li ghamel il-Labour kull meta kien fil-gvern!
Having read most of the above comments, I cannot fail to notice how lacking in substance the comments are. They focus solely on the persona instead of the actual politics and important issues this country is facing. Grow up people.
[Daphne – Gosh, we’ve been ticked off by an intellectual with a superiority complex. Now I feel so bad.]
Why grow up? Eternal schoolboys are fun. Just look at Boris Johnson.