Anglu the EU citizen buys a second home in Sqallija – imn'alla rebhu tal-Yes

I'm not a hairdresser, but I'm invading Sicily
They warned us that if we joined the EU, we would be invaded by Sicilian hairdressers and the Sicilian Mafia. Now we’ve joined the EU, and instead of Sicilians invading Malta, tal-Lejber are invading Sicily, buying up second homes with the money they claim they don’t have because of Gonzi’s water and electricity bills, l-gholi tal-hajja sfrenata and nuqqas ta’ xoghol.
What was all that hogwash Joseph Muscat told the press about having missed the presidential farewell dinner because he had planned a family holiday in Sicily and he couldn’t back out of it? That’s right: a family holiday with Anglu Farrugia and the two missuses.
It’s a small world, and the internet makes it smaller still. In between hunting for ‘bergers’ with his mexxej, Anglu Farrugia found the time to meet the mayor of Giarratano in the Altopiano Iblea, and the mayor uploaded news of this incontro on the council website: Notiziario Locale: Giarratana – Sindaco incontra parlamentare di Malta.
From this report, we learn how l-Ispettur told the sindaco that he speaks many languages, including Arabic. What the sindaco doesn’t know – perhaps because few Sicilians speak English – is that this brilliant polyglot speaks some lovely Manglish and writes it, too.
We learn, too, that il parlamentare di Malta Anglu Farrugia is so inamorato of Sicilia that he has bought a second home there – a far cry from a boathouse at Ghadira: “L’Onorevole Farrugia è innamorato della Sicilia ed ancora di più dell’Altipiano Ibleo, tanto è vero che trascorre parte delle Suo tempo libero in questa zona dove ha comprato una casetta per le vacanze.”
I’m just trying to picture Joseph and Michelle and Anglu and Mrs Anglu in the casetta per le vacanze, surrounded by a sea of take-away wrappers, but it’s too off-putting.
Notiziario Locale: Giarratana – Sindaco incontra parlamentare di Malta.
Incontro amichevole e conoscitivo tra il Sindaco di Giarratana ed il parlamentare della Repubblica di Malta Anglu Farrugia. L’onorevole Farrugia è anche il Vice Leeder Nazionale del Partito Laburista. Per il fatto della Sua perfetta conoscenza di molte lingue estere tra qui anche l’arabo, ricopre la carica di componente della Commissione Elettorale Europea, osservatore politico e negoziatore internazionale per conto della C.E.E.
L’Onorevole Farrugia è innamorato della Sicilia ed ancora di più dell’Altipiano Ibleo, tanto è vero che trascorre parte delle Suo tempo libero in questa zona dove ha comprato una casetta per le vacanze. L’incontro si è svolto in un clima di simpatia e cordialità, il sindaco ha illustrato il progetto della nuova zona artigianale di Giarratana CRAFTS VILLAGE che è stata già attenzionata da alcuni operatori economici di Malta.
L’Onorevole Farrugia si è messo a disposizione di fare da “abbasciatore” per convincere gli investitore Maltesi ad operare da Giarratana. Si è discusso delle varie iniziative che verranno messe in atto per raggiungere lo scopo. La eventuale nascita di realtà economiche operative porterebbe un notevole beneficio occupazionale a Giarratana. Erano presenti all’incontro l’assessore Tumminello e altri esponenti politici della città.
Si è anche parlato di cercare di convincere i tanti Maltesi che stanno acquistando casa per le loro vacanze a Frigintini ed a San Giacomo di spostarsi ancora più a Nord fino a Giarratana. Le parti hanno convenuto che questo è solo il primo incontro di un rapporto di collaborazione reciproga. L’Onorevole Farrugia si è soffermato nella cittdina montana insieme con la famiglia per una breve visita turistica.
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See the report in all its glory:
The elite Progressives buy ‘una casetta per le vacanze’, and the plebei are fighting to survive!
Dik rivoluzzjoni….
[Daphne – Mela, jigi hawn jghidilna li l-pajjiz mejjet bil-guh u imbaghad imur daqxejn vekejxin mal-mexxej fil-casetta li ghandu Sqallija. Tal-mikimaws.]
The opportunism of these people is just amazing. First Anglu tells us biex nibzghu mill-Ewropa u ma nidhlux. Then once we join – despite his efforts – he takes advantage of freedom of movement of people and capital and rushes off to Sicily to buy a second home.
Kien ikollu second home bil-partnership ta’ sidu, kieku! Jaqq.
He is an ‘international negotiator’ on behalf of something called the ‘European Electoral Commission’. Does anyone know what this is?
Cognitive and friendly meeting between the Mayor of Giarratana and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Republic of Malta Anglų Farrugia. Mr Farrugia is also the Vice Leeder National Labor Party. Because of his perfect knowledge of many foreign languages here in Arabic, has held the office of member of the European Electoral Commission, political observer and negotiator on behalf of the International EEC …………………………….. click read more
The Mr Farrugia is in love with Sicily and even more dell’Altipiano Ibleo, so much so that he spent part of his free time in this area where he bought a house for the holidays
The meeting took place in an atmosphere of friendliness and cordiality, the mayor presented the draft of the new area of Giarratana CRAFTS VILLAGE which has been already by a number of economic operators to Malta.
The Mr Farrugia was available to act as “abbasciatore” to convince the investor to work by the Maltese Giarratana.
There was some discussion of the various initiatives that will be put in place to achieve this.
The eventual emergence of economic realities would lead a significant operational benefit to employment Giarratana. The following were present at the Assessor Tumminelli and other politicians of the city
. There was also talk of trying to convince the many Maltese who are buying their home for a holiday Frigintini and St. James to move even further north up to Giarratana
the parties have agreed that this is only the first meeting of a working relationship reciproga. The Mr Farrugia explained in cittdina mountain with the family for a short sightseeing tour.
Oink oink
One wonders whether Anglu Farrugia travels to Sicily by Dumbo-jet …
[Daphne – No, he goes by Fatamaran.]
How sweet, and what about the Leader – wasn’t he present for this incontro cordiale? Did he tell the egregio sindaco how he and his friends tried to convince us not to join the EU because we will be invaded by the Sicilian uomini d`onore? I can still remember George Vella on TV telling us that all the Sicilian hairdressers will set up shop here once we join – maybe he was hoping to get his bushy eye brows trimmed.
Halluna, ja qxur tal-gambli!
Dan qed jipprova jaghmel l-invazjoni tas-Sicilian monti hawkers bil-maqlub?
That’s it! Joseph and Michelle were invited for a haws wormink parrti.
Toni Abela must have felt left out, then.
Another champagne (or limoncello) socialist.
x’cuc hu Frank Salt (and I love him dearly). Issa we have ”Farrugia and Muscat, Your labour-friendly estate agents.”
How ironic, in these recession days that Malta is going through – they’re now ‘abbasciatores’ to sell Sicilian properties.
These are the people who thought we’d be invaded by Sicilian hairdressers. Now we’ve ended up buying THEIR properties. U halluna ja boloh! You do not even deserve to be in opposition, let alone in government. I cannot believe so many people support you. That says so much about your lot.
This is why there needs to be a new opposition. I mean how STUPID do you have to be to go against something that ultimately benefitted you over and above anyone else.
MEPs, houses in Sicily – what next? Gensa albums on the EU top 5 hit list, singing “oh people put your hard hats on you are the rich…”?
Oh, but the people .. They call for equality and they cheer as Joseph sprinkles caviar on his Big Mek behind their backs, then they find out and they cheer even more wildly, for no apparent reason other than “Jiena Laburist baby … u laburist inmut ghax b’mohh ta baby ha nibqa”.
So how deluded and out of your head do you have to be to support a workers’ party (of the poor) whose deputy leader maximises his No2EU losses by buying a house in Sicily and trying to become a real estate agent to boot.
Not to mention the loads of money the Labour MEPs are making already.
Svizzera Fil-Mediterran is what they wanted and they sure as hell got it, those gold-diggers.
I love ”labour-friendly estate agents”. What is the percentage of commission given – same as in Malta?
Ha ha ha! tajba din! Mur ghid il-dawk il-Laburisti kolla li qed jeqirdu li m’ghandhomx flus fil-but minhabba l-kontijieft tad-dawl u ta’ l-ilma li Anglu Farrugia, sadattant, ghandu bizzejjed flus ha’ jixtri dar f’pajjiz iehor.
Ta’ min jara jekk il-flus humiex ddikkjarati, u – anke jekk, iva – minn fejn ghamilhom. Imbasta ixewwxu li l-gvern “ta’ Gonzi” ifaqqar in-nies. Donnu sejjer ahjar milli kien taht kull gvern tal-Labour!
Sorry, ta, hi, sinjura, imma ta’ min tikteb b’mod li jifmhuk dawk kollha li jghidu li kullhadd mejjet bil-guh hlief dawk “ta’ Gonzi”.
Insomma, billi forsi ghamel ftit flus (u taht “il-gvern ta’ Gonzi” ukoll), xorta wahda jidher x’inhu.
Kos hux! Kif ma’ hax lil-Toni Abela fiha d-dar ta’ Sqallija Anglu Farrugia. Kieku hadu ga’ kiteb fuqha fil-blog tieghu Toni, bhalma kiteb meta siefer l-ahhar l-Italja.
I like this “Vice Leeder NAZIONALE”. Was this distinction made to differentiate himself from the other simple “Vice Leeder LOCALE”?
So L-Ispettur is officially #2 now.
And if you go to you will get more information about the group visiting Sicily. It seems poor Anglu is not the only one to buy a second home in Sicily.
Mario Galea had been tasked with setting up an alternative organisation in Malta to rival our great 7000 member GRTU. as far as we can tell, it has only 8 members ……..a non starter. Yet he self styles himself as the President of the Maltese Commercialists. What a tosser!
Mario – maybe he needs to don a wig to attract 7992 more members …
Amanda. Seems you have wigs on the brain. You made your point. Don’t belabour it unduly. Ilsieni ghar minn tieghek!
Take a joke, Mario!
Sorry. I take back what I said. I was mistaken about this Mario Galea. It wasn’t him. Apologies!
[Daphne – No. It’s Mario Galea of Ernst & Young.]
All the same, what the hell was he doing there? He keeps rather strange company. Mind you, his dress sense is better than Joe’s and Anglu Bellu and wives.
Nahseb Anglu Farrugia biss ghandu cassetta fi Sqallija, dan forsi ghax Laburist?
[Daphne – Le, qalbi, ghax ipokrita.]
C. Fenech, il-punt kollu hu li Anglu, Joseph, Sant ecc. qalu – u nies bhalek belghuha – li jekk nidhlu fl-Ewropa jigu lis-Sqallin jinvaduna. M’hux talli hekk imma talli Anglu ‘nvada’, biex nghid hekk, l-iSqallija. L-oppost ta’ li qal. Iprokizija kbira. U int lest tivvota ghal min jghid mod u jaghmel il-kontra? Possibbli ma tistax tifhem li dawn in-nies qed immexxu lilek u nies bhalek minn imnihirkhom?
Limoncello – C. Fenech x’aktarx jivvota AD
Have anyone checked the prices of property in this region? Most probably he couldn’t afford a studio apartment in Xaghra (Gozo), let alone Malta, so he had to buy a ‘casetta’ in Sicily. Just proves the point of how difficult and expensive it is to live on the rock.
Jekk Joseph Muscat wiccu tal-hartiet, Anglu Farrugia wiccu tad-daqqiet ta’ ponn. B’dik il-gangster tie imbaghad….
U jekk qed jahsbu li qed jelevaw lilhom infushom billi jiehdu b’idejn sindki ta’ casali sperduti fil-backwater tal-Ewropa, u jbellghulhom salt gideb to boot, mela veru chavs bil-pedigree.
[Daphne – Le, hija: chavs bid-dikri mhux petigri. Ma tarahomx jikkompetu bejniethom ha jilhqu avukati u dottorati? Issa jmiss Miriam Dalli, li halliet posta Super One ha taghmel il-finals tal-ligi. Ajma, jahasra – dejjem tletin sena wara tal-PN. Mhux talli mn’alla dhalna fl-Ewropa kontra ir-rieda taghhom ha jistghu joqoghdu jizuffettjaw gol casetti f’Sqallija u jaghfsu il-buttuni hziena f’Brussel, imma mn’alla ukoll l-universita nfethet ghal kullhadd kontra ir-rieda ta’ dak Sant. Kien jidhol minghajr it-twenti pojnts kieku l-ispettur Farrugia magna cum laude – lanqas biss jaf jikteb sentenza suret in-nies, la bil-Malti u lanqas bl-Ingliz.]
A nation of semi-literate lawyers. Alas, and so the darkness spreads.
I think this statement deserves to be highlighted:
“i tanti Maltesi che stanno acquistando casa per le loro vacanze a Frigintini ed a San Giacomo di spostarsi ancora più a Nord fino a Giarratana. ”
That is really an island that is passing through a grave, economic disaster – and then they come back to Malta and cry and stamp their feet because we have started to “almost” pay for the electricity and the water we use.
Dear Daphne,
When the MLP used to demand belt-tightening, the ministers and the like used to enjoy the dolce vita. They are masters at the art of hoodwinking the people.
Charlon Gouder is the new hopeful lawyer of the Super One bunch…
“He is an ‘international negotiator’ on behalf of something called the ‘European Electoral Commission’. Does anyone know what this is?”
…something to do with grim sleuthing involving the chasing up and investigation of unfounded reports on the purchase of votes from cash-strapped drug addicts, and the holding of pointless media conferences outside police headquarters?
“So L-Ispettur is officially #2 now.”
Officially “now”, perhaps – but by some reckoning he has been #2 for close on a quarter century.