Chris Cardona – did we hear that right?

Published: January 29, 2013 at 4:02pm

Did we hear that right? Labour MP and future cabinet minister Chris Cardona on TVM arguing that Labour is NOT going to build a new power station?

It’s like that 1970s Slade song, isn’t it – Mama Weer All Crazee Now.

21 Comments Comment

  1. marks says:

    He said on TVM yesterday evening that they will build a generating unit of 200MW – but this is not a power station. Pierre Portelli was trying not to laugh out loud.

  2. La Redoute says:

    Chris Cardona’s not very bright. He’s a lawyer who thinks he can hide the fact that he sends out unsolicited text messages promoting his political events by using pseudonyms like Mario and (ahem) Labour.

    The Data Protect office is awash with complaints, but that hasn’t stopped him.

  3. canon says:

    Don’t tell me Labour is going to opt for the gas pipeline.

  4. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Is his collar undone?

    I’m beginning to think it would be rather easy to get elected. I just need to mix with the kazin crowd and get cosy with the old harridans. After all, the only requirement is a suit and tie of sorts.

  5. Harry Purdie says:

    Suit doesn’t fit either. Must be Bortex. Or Spandex?

  6. Joe Micallef says:

    On josephmuscat.comics this arrogant moron features prominently.

  7. Antoine Vella says:

    It’s not just Chris Cardona. Konrad Mizzi also referred to it as a “power unit”. Perhaps they hope to trick MEPA into thinking it’s a small insignificant development and they’ll be able to rush everything in 60 days.

    They are completely wrong of course. MEPA does not bother with the wording of application titles (they get all sorts) but looks at what the development actually involves.

  8. ciccio says:

    Let us not forget that this is another guy who started in the Super One newsroom.

    Apparently they choose them with a low IQ on purpose.

  9. Lewis says:

    Yes, it’s a line they have been peddling from the beginning. It goes something like this: We are not planning to ‘build’ a power station, a private contractor will.

    We are just buying the electricity from him. And, Konrad’s line goes, and I am again quoting directly here, it is not going to be a new ‘power station’ but a ‘unit’.

    Finally, to make this disgusting ruse meant to mislead the public worse is this fact: the BWSC power station produces 150MW while Konrad’s ‘unit’ produces 200MW. So Konrad’s unit is bound to be bigger than the station.

    Orwell would have loved this shit.

  10. BDSM says:

    Lap dancing clubs anyone?

  11. Riya says:

    Labour are all fully aware that the people did not like the idea and that they made a huge mistake with this proposal.

    Now they even put Konrad Mizzi aside as they realised that he was taling nonesense when challenged by the real professionals on the subject.

    Konrad Mizzi thought that he will be challenged by some mentality like that of a Dockyard worker but when he was asked questions by certain people he got totally confused and had no replies at all.

    So now Labour are doing their best to change the tune about this stupid proposal.

    The fact is that Labour was in oppostion for nearly 25 years less 22 months and during all these years they were not able to come out with a decent electoral programme yet. All Labour did they

  12. Riya says:

    All that Labour did is that they have waited for the PN to come out with their serious proposals for our future and they are now copying the same proposals without having worked the costs for such proposals.

    Whilst the PN is fully equipped with all the details to primarily explain to the people the details of their proposals, and secondly to reply to any questions anyone might have on any of their proposals.

    All this clearly means that the PN is the party who have serious and solid proposal for the future of our country.

  13. John Schembri says:

    Am I the only one who is irritated with this kind of door to door salesmanship of power stations?

    A year ago the Labour media and Malta Today barraged us with John Dalli’s Sargas coal fired power station trying to convince every Tom Dick and Harry on this rock that it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread . When someone pointed out that a cable connecting Malta to the rest of Europe was going to provide us with 200Mw the Sargas SALESMAN said that we could export our excess electricity to the rest of Europe! This was coming from the one who wants to obliterate the“Cancer factory” .

    This was Gonzi’s reasoning a year ago.He didn’t change one iota in his arguments for a pipeline.

    The choice should be on making the country independent. “I prefer having the interconnector cable between Malta and Sicily, the Delimara extension working and the gas pipeline with Europe, which will allow us to buy energy at European prices,” he said.

    These PL Tupperware Ladies are trying again to sell us another power station which we don’t really need. They’re trying to tell us that we NEED to virtually scrap the interconnector project by using only 20% of its capacity and take no benefits from the smart meters .Instead they’re telling us to carry and store gas to Delimara in shiploads when we can have a gas pipeline project on the way financed by the EU !

    We have to buy what Joseph wants to sell us not because our next door neighbour bought one, but because someone is ‘sucking our blood’ in the form of an 0.5% commission on these oil purchases , what they don’t tell us is that the interconnector won’t be burning any fuel in Malta and there wouldn’t be any commissions on the contract . Believe it or not,commissions are paid to company representatives of LNG suppliers also.

    Sort of like Lydia Abela said: “Let’s change the clique” ,”mhux dejjem huma”!

    Don’t get me wrong, I’m not defending anyone who had a conflict of interest at Enemalta or is proven to be corrupt. I can understand that ‘senserija‘ is part of the oil trade and agents/representatives don’t get their hands “dirty” by taking commissions on product sales.

    Do these Tupperware Ladies think that we’re so insane to approve this half a billion euro door to door sale? There will be no cooling off period on this one.

  14. C Falzon says:

    Labour have from the start of this been doing their utmost to dispel the idea that we will be buying a power station.

    They make sure they call it a ‘unit’ whenever they mention it, never mind that it is not just a complete power station but actually even more than just a power station.

    It passes the duck test on all counts – If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.

  15. C Falzon says:

    Konrad’s project, official artist’s impression:


  16. Irritated says:

    Chris Cardona has been sending promotional SMSes to my mother.

    She could not SMS back to ‘unsubscribe’ and called Go many times to try to stop them.

    These SMSes came in at times like 8.15am or 10pm.

    My father has been very sick in the past months and recently passed away. They still came it at those inconsiderate times. Where do they get the numbers from?

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