Daqxejn nifs mill-politika

Published: January 29, 2013 at 4:48pm

Let’s take a bit of a break, shall we? Time for some 1970s camp. Be sure to get a good look at the audience:

Part of the soundtrack to my childhood – no wonder this all-time beauty has more than five million views. And isn’t that a great suit? Too bad a man always needed the figure for that kind of thing, even back then when people were thinner because they didn’t eat as much:

And here’s the undisputed king of 1970s camp, with his first release in years, earlier this month (and it’s not camp at all):

6 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Whitney Houston, before she died in a cloud of white powder, told us that “Learning to love yourself, It is the greatest love of all.”


    This one went overboard with the self-love.

  2. Paul says:

    Forget about Franco and listen to this


    [Daphne – Memories of P O Box Ghaxra fuq Radju Malta, ma’ Josette Grech (illum Mrs Norman Hamilton), circa 1978 – because Mintoffianeconomics dictated that hits had to be played for four years after they left the charts.]

  3. SPAM says:

    Love the latest Bowie release.

  4. TV Marlene says:

    That was such a good era in music but here we were all trying to defend ourselves from the socialist onslaught.

    Worse off (then) European nations like Spain, Ireland and Portugal all joined the EU while we were dallying with Gaddafi, Caucescu and Kim il Sung. Drifting backwards while the others were paddling forward.

  5. Chris Ripard says:

    Am proud to say that, musically, I live in a 70s timewarp, surrounded by my vinyl collection (which includes at least one “A porky prime cut”). Your average 70s B-side would knock most of the crap that passes for music today into a tin hat . . . in my opinion, always.

    Besides, how else could one survive Malta in the 70s, if not by listening to Roxy Music?

    [Daphne – I quite agree.]

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