I bet those people who took him seriously are REALLY proud of themselves

Published: January 29, 2013 at 5:25pm

He screws the country over and now he’s sitting there alone wondering what it’s all been about and what his next move could possibly be.

Tuna toast at Cordina?

Just like Saviour Balzan over at Malta Today, he is apparently incapable of just staying home and not voting. He has to physically remove himself from the temptation to do so, by taking the dramatic measure of flying out of the country and telling us all about it.

Ghax forsi jekk joqghod hawn Malta on polling day ma jkunx jiflah ghat-tentazzjoni.

Jghidu li Malta rahal wiehed. Ghalhekk hawn daqstant village idiots, mela.

28 Comments Comment

  1. Luigi says:

    He can vote a week earlier. Your erosion of analytical skills is hilarious. I suggest you upload his next blog post.

    [Daphne – Ah, so you’re Franco. But I thought you did your own laundry!]

    • Neil Dent says:

      Naaa, Luigi’s not The Cock Of Hal Ghaxaq. At least Luigi punctuates, uses capitals to start sentences, usually spells correctly.

      I was going to add that his grammar is better too but then again, it’s Franco Debono we’re comparing him to, so…….

      • Natalie says:

        I agree. Luigi is just a pompous teenager who tries to impress us with his mathematics and economics knowledge.

    • Leslie says:

      Franco is just a nut, a has-been. All legal reforms were the work of Carm Mifsud Bonnici and the Cabinet, certainly not this oaf’s. His only work was in favour of criminals. Let him feel the last breath of Maltese air before he goes to live in Rome.

  2. K says:

    Brass neck mentioning Louis Galea when all the constituents in that district knew he was spreading the word that Galea will be the next President so a vote on him was “wasted”.

    Took a leaf out of Joey’s book who now praises Eddie Fenech Adami after years doing his best to thwart him.

    Was there something in the water at St Aloysius in the 80s?

  3. jack says:

    Franco who?

  4. Esteve says:

    Well he does say “had planned”…which means that the plans have changed now. On the other hand speakers of Globish often confuse “had” with “have”.

  5. just me says:

    This has nothing to do with Franco, but I am listening to Radio 101 and a caller made a good point.

    He said that that the PN are making promises (weghedi) while Muscat is making proposals (proposti). There is a great difference between these two terms. Proposals can easily be changed.

  6. bystander says:

    He says hundreds want him to form a new party but mentions nothing of the thousands who want him to go f*ck himself.

  7. Fifth district says:

    Dan Franco kien joqgħod jeqred magħna n-Nazzjonalisti tal-Ħames Distrett li hu kien il-bravu tal-klassi u Joseph kien l-injorant tal-klassi; imma lilu Gonzi m’għamlu xejn u Joseph laħaq Kap tal-Oppożizzjoni.

    Dan Franco, flok ħadem biex Gonzi jerġa’ jkun fil-gvern u jagħmlu Ministru, qagħad jimmina lil Gonzi u qagħad jintefaħ bil-messaġġi foloz li skoss Laburisti organizzati mill-Kwartier bdew jibagħtulu biex jimlewh.

    Franco l-bravu qatta’ dawn l-aħħar snin jagħti rikba lill-injorant tal-klassi. U issa bagħtilna kartolina jiftaħar li għandu par idejn sodi u magħha bagħat il-mozzjoni li għamel fuq il-ġustizzja u li biex taqraha trid lenti.

    Imbagħad beda jikkuntattja n-nies tad-Distrett li ħadmulu ħames snin ilu u li kif jgħidilhom li hu Franco Debono l-Avukat qed jgħidulu kollha fejn għandu jmur jieħu ċ-ċertifikat tal-Form 2 u l-lawrja.

    U beda jikkuntattja lil dawk li bagħtulu l-emails u l-smses foloz u qed jinduna li dawn l-akbar Laburisti u lanqas bi xkupa ma jmissuh, aħseb u ara bil-vot.

    Franco qed isib li l-appoġġ kbir u favoluż li mingħalih kellu hu biss ir-riflessjoni falza li Narċiżu ra f’wiċċ l-ilma tax-xmara – sabiħ, imma mhux reali u malajr jiddardar maċ-ċaqliqa tal-ilma.

    U issa jiddeċiedi li joħroġ ħalli l-għada tal-birthday tiegħu, il-Ħadd 10 ta’ Marzu tard wara nofsinhar jew filgħaxija, ikollu r-riżultat tal-ħmerijiet kollha li ilu għaddej bihom is-snin:
    l-injorant tal-klassi ġo Kastilja u l-bravu tal-klassi bl-akbar waqgħa għan-nejk fl-istorja ta’ Malta!

    Aħna n-Nazzjonalisti tal-Ħames Distrett ferħ wieħed ikollna – li Franco Debono jkun spiċċa b’għemilu stess maż-żibel tal-istorja politika Maltija.

    U l-voti li jġib fl-elezzjoni jilagħbhom lottu l-Italja fejn qed jgħid li sejjer!


    • DAISY says:

      Fifth district, these are exactly my views. Couldn’t put it better. He called us at home more than 10 times without showing his number and at last when he did leave the number and we answered he was on the quiet side and invited us for tea at home to help him – but believe me, what I said to him can’t be repeated here.

    • Neil Dent says:

      Worthy of “Comment of the Year”. Daphne, please take note.

      Prosit tassew, Fifth District.

  8. John Schembri says:



    “The people who elected you instead of Louis Galea have taught us one very important lesson: change for change’s sake is not always healthy. Only change for the better is. May the people keep that in mind when they have to choose who will lead the country in the next election.”


    Can anyone confirm wether this young engineer working in the private sector Mark Anthony Sammut is also a candidate on the 5th District?

    I don’t do FB.

  9. Patricia says:

    He HAD planned to be in Italy on the 9th… (my capitals)

    Does this mean that he’s changed his mind about it? Or is there more on the blog post which hasn’t been quoted? I’ve never accessed his blog and have no intention of ever doing so, so I can’t tell.

  10. tinnat says:

    Daphne, please do us all a favour and go back to ignoring him. His insanity is not good for our health.

  11. Min Jaf says:

    March 9th 2013 and do you know, Franco Debono’ s damp squib of a political career is permanently snuffed out.

  12. Gahan says:


    Guy Bocci Club.

    No need to tell you after whom the club was named . Hint: he was the works minister from Zurrieq when the project was done in the golden years.

    This is how Fuq il-Gibjun looked when the project started:



  13. el bandido guapo says:

    I’m not being original here, but:

    X’alazobbna, Franco.

  14. Claude Sciberras says:

    Why does he say “I HAD planned” to be in Italy not “I plan”?

    • aston says:

      I wouldn’t waste too much time trying to figure out what he means from his grammar. “Have planned”, “Had planned” and “I plan” are probably interchangeable to his mind.

  15. Candida says:

    Prosit 5th District, naqbel mieghek f’kollox. X’cempel jaghmel ghandna n-Nazzjonalisti u bhala membru tal-parlament Malti wkoll?

    M’ghandux ghalfejn jiehu xoghol zejjed u jcempel u jibghat karti. Iva, ahjar imur l-Italja u jaghmel ftit exercise hemm.

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