Speaking to a girl who’s spoken for already is a ‘waste of time’: the Joseph Muscat approach to liberal feminism – why speak to a woman if you can’t X her?

Published: January 29, 2013 at 5:55pm

From an interview with Michelle Muscat, The Times, 28 June 2008 (you’ll need an airline sickbag, I fear):

Michelle said that the experience she gained while working for Dr Sant would help her better support her husband.

“Working with such an intellectual person was an experience where I learnt to appreciate how decisions are taken, and to be loyal to them whether I agree with them or not.” She added that she was proud to have worked with Dr Sant since he is “a sincere, honest and hard working person”.


Michelle plans out her days and feels lucky that the twins tend to sleep early, allowing her and her husband to attend social evenings knowing that the children are fast asleep. On the other hand, Etoile and Soleil tend to wake up early.

However, Joseph takes care of their first feed and the first diapers-change. He then spends an hour playing with them before he leaves for work.


Michelle and Joseph met in 1995 – March 19 – at a Labour Youth Forum activity. She was there because she needed to interview someone for a university assignment.

She recounts how she had met Joseph previously, tried talking to him, but he had cut the conversation short. “He was under the impression that I was going out with someone else so he felt that it was (in his own words) ‘no use wasting time on you,’” she laughed. But on the day of the activity, it was another story. “We spent three hours chatting,” and matters took off.

The couple took a short break from their relationship since Michelle was going to sit for her university final exams and “didn’t want anything to deviate me from my studies… something which Joseph took very badly”. They then got back together after two months and crowned their love in 2001.

10 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    To reinforce his belief in female participation for good governance he said, I quote,

    ‘Dawn statistici, mhux qed nivvinta minn mohhi, ara ma tahsbux’


  2. bystander says:

    Nothing about the consummation?


  3. janine says:

    What’s with that ‘Little Bo Beep’ style dress? Hasn’t this woman any dress consultant ?

  4. Vanni says:

    I don’t know why, but Michelle makes my hackles rise. I can’t say if the reason is her preference in pastel colours clothing, or her bubbly public persona, or that when she opens her mouth, one expects a babbling river of nonsense to escape.

    She seems to harbour the wish to be seen as a cloyingly attentive wife. Unfortunately, and despite’s MLP’s efforts, most people find attractive, intelligent women irresistable, whilst airheads tend to be just a fleeting distraction.

    But in all fairness, moulding Michelle into an Alicia Florrick (The Good Wife) may be a tall order, seeing the poor material Kurt (hiya, poison dwarf) has to work with.

    Ah well, I suppose that better the Michelle we know, than the Antonella we don’t.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      I think she’s waiting for another man to make a move on her. You know, because in their circle of nouveaux riches, one’s worth is measured in Kilodelilahs.

    • Polly says:

      Fiha x’tifhem, nahseb, hux, b'”Antonella” … Xi wahda made in Brussels, forsi?

  5. TROY says:

    Ah! how sweet.

  6. P Shaw says:

    Kemm hi tifla brava Michelle hux? No distractions during exam time.

    Ma hallietx il-pizella tal-Latin lover tfixkilha u tnehhilha l-koncentrazzjoni Minn fuq il-kotba tal-ezami.

  7. vanni says:

    @ Polly
    Not even in his wettest dream.

    Let me introduce you to Antonella. Don’t forget to always mantain eye contact, and that cigarettes can be even more detrimental to your health than frequenting tarts.


  8. Wilson says:

    It is a love story which should be turned into a film, though it is nowhere near as romantic as Dr and Mrs Luciano Busuttil’s. Scene: the airport coffee shop. His opening gambit: “Hi, jien is-sindku tal-Hamrun.”

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