CD tar-rebha – hames ewro biss (includes Ma Taghmlu Xejn Mal-Perit Mintoff)

Published: January 30, 2013 at 12:16pm

No, this is not a joke. It’s a real advertisement.

31 Comments Comment

  1. Turnip says:

    Please, shoot me.

  2. Adam James says:

    It would be interesting to know whether they are actually paying royalties to the original authors of these songs.

  3. David says:


  4. pablo says:

    Copyright violations?

  5. myname says:

    How nice of them to include some bonus tracks as well, even though they’re not printed on the CD track list.

    I’m pretty sure they also paid the royalties for that too.

  6. Rita Camilleri says:

    Oh God – is this for real?

  7. just me says:

    Have they paid for the rights to use the music of these foreign compositions and for using the two bonus tracks “Without You” and “New Tomorrow”?

    Do they know there are laws regarding copyright?

    • Jozef says:

      Why do you ask? It will become the norm.

      Wanna bet they’ll tamper with Piano’s design? Cost cutting they’ll say.

  8. Mike says:

    Daphne! You nearly made me choke on my lunch.

    And such original soundtracks, not like they copied them from other peoples work; not at all.

  9. The Big Fat Gay One says:

    Oh my God!

    Please tell me that this is the doing of someone from the anti-Labour camp pulling a fast one on us.

    It has to be a joke. It simply has to.

  10. TROY says:

    One euro a song – not bad hux?

    Mela issa li se nifrankaw mid-dawl nixtru is-CD.

    Can I book it now, to avoid disappointment?

  11. Natalie says:

    Even their songs reflect Labour’s propensity to go back to the eighties.

  12. DeepBlue says:

    Can you download it from iTunes too?

  13. marc says:

    New Tomorrow such a good song…ruined by Labour’s use of it.

  14. jaqq says:

    They don’t even know how to spell Maghqudin

  15. Mister says:

    Hames ewros wert it mennn!

    Biex indoqqu fil-karozza sakemm naslu sa pacevill biex insiru dahna. Dal-gvern qeridna, lanqas ghal petlor ma jifdalli wara harga sal-kazin.

    Faqqali tnejn menn! U lil Joseph ara biss tmissu…. ghax naqsmek.

  16. Lupi says:

    Is this the CD of the Labour Party, or the Kazin Festa tar-rahal? Unbelievable

  17. Francesco Cassar says:

    Keep a copy for me, please. So, so Labour.

  18. Julian E says:

    I’m about to cry.

  19. AZ says:

    Kemm jistmawh tan-nejk lil haddiem jahasra. Dal-partit tal-haddiema? Imma kif ma jifthux mohhom il-Laburisti.

  20. Bugia says:

    Dear AZ imma mhux il -laburisi jriedu jifthu mohhom we all know that they are brainwashed and cwiec and no one is going to change their political beliefs but those PN supporters who are not going to cast their vote on the 9th March.

    Listening to this CD, I can only think, please God have mercy on us.

  21. P.Vella says:

    Ma x’biza, hallini halli inhabbat rasi mal-hajt.

  22. pacco-slice says:

    Kill me now.

  23. AG says:

    I am crying. Literally.

  24. Yoyo says:

    Complements the cars (and the language) really well.

  25. Anthony says:

    I don’t want to live on this island anymore.

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