I can’t imagine how people are proud to vote Labour, quite frankly. Imagine boasting about having such appalling judgement.
February 5, 2013 at 11:40am
I’m glad I went to this meeting. The constant onslaught of JosephMuscat.com propaganda can make one feel that there isn’t a single normal, sensible person left in this country. It’s all wall-to-wall Labour cowgirls with their tattooed ass-cracks on display for the TV cameras, Malta Taghna Lkoll logos and a stupid mobile podium with a Great Leader attached to the back of it.
This was such a relief:
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Tmorru tajjeb fl-ezamijiet = timxu ‘l quddiem = tmexxu lil Malta ‘l quddiem?
What’s he on about?
Kenneth Zammit Tabona has a letter on todays The Times, praising the PL’s embracing of the LGBT community in its movement and how great Dom Mintoff was for decriminalising homosexuality. He said he was uninformed back in 1973. Kenneth Zammit Tabona, you are still uninformed in 2013.
How old is Kenneth Zammit Tabona?
Unless I am mistaken, he turned 50 recently. Ghadu mohh ta’ 5-year old, imma. Fl-arti jifhem fi hwejjeg ohra wkoll, izda fil-politika ahjar joqghod kwiet.
I can’t believe that after the issue was explained so clearly on this website, Kenneth Zammit Tabona is still peddling the lie that Mintoff decriminalised homosexuality.
It is such an insult to homosexuals, especially women homosexuals. It reduces homosexuality to one thing and one thing only, anal sex.
At his age, one hopes that he sees something more valuable in a relationship than the opportunity to have anal sex.
He’s 57.
X’differenza minn Joseph Muscat. Mexxej ta’ veru, ha nghidlek.
The main issue with us ,true nationalists, is not voting labour, but Not voting the presents Nationalist
[Daphne – And you’ll have achieved what, exactly, by doing that, Silvio? The government of your choice: Labour. With the prime minister of your choice: Joseph Muscat. Very responsible and mature adult behaviour, really befitting of a man of your venerable age of 70+.]
Silvio, jekk ma tivvotax PN tfisser li trid lil Joseph Prim Ministru tieghek.
Jew inkella li inti QATT ma kont Nazzjonalist ghax kieku veru int Nazzjonalist l-inqas biss titkellem hekk.
Il-volta gabbani biss jitkellmu bhalek. Pinnuri li jduru fejnikun jaqbel ir-rih.
[Daphne – I don’t think it’s a matter of being a ‘Nazzjonalist’ or not. It’s just a matter of brains and common sense really. You look at the two parties, the two leaders, and you have to be pretty thick not to work out which lot are best to do the job. Think of it as a job interview or similar.]
Spot on, Daphne, because the differences between the two parties are so obvious. But it seems that it’s not so ‘obvious’ for many ..unfortunately.
@Luke…..Your argument is just as stupid sir. What does being a ‘pinnur’ have to do with politics? Do you honestly view the political parties as football teams? If people weren’t pinnuri when they came to vote then they would really be just mere brainless sheep, the likes of yourself actually!
What is a true Nationalist, Silvio?
You’ve been at it for ages, never once did you outline which principles have been eschewed.
The first and most important ,the name itself explains the most basic principle.
They do what is good and most important for the NATION.
Hopefully the results of the ongoing investigation,will tell us what some of the P.N PAMPALUNI have been doing and in WHOSE INTERESTS (surely not the nation’s) and with whose Blessings.and Hugging in public…
Than we will talk.
Some of those I know who call themselves “true Nationalists” are xenophobes who think Malta should remain “white” and all Africans thrown back into the sea.
Interestingly, josephmuscatdotcom is their party of choice, the party which comes closest to their idea of nationalism.
No, but hopefully there will be an end to Arrogance and Corruption.
The important thing of being of the Venerable age of 70+ is that one will be talking from experience and not hearsay.
Oh for fuck’s sake! Another gullible voter who believes that arrogance and corruption will magically disappear under Labour.
What experience, exactly? I experienced the arrogance and corruption of Labour when in government and when out of it too. And they are all still there, despite changing their colour for the run-up to elections.
If you were ever really Nationalist, which I seriously doubt, then senility must be your only excuse to let that scum back into office.
For all those 60+ers who intend not voting because they dont like the Nationalist Party, vera thank you!
First, in 1987 when I was barely 12, you opened the world for my generation by your decisive vote. You built a superb infrastructure for us in the 90s; we studied and obtained degrees and masters from our free university and got paid for it.
Following Sant’s disaster in 1996-1998 we stepped in and voted for PN again and then for EU membership. A good few of us advanced in our careers building a comfortable life for ourselves.
From evidence of the present ‘dwiefer, hair extenxins, bwiez w handbags tad-ditta’, many survived the 2009 market crash and further enhanced their business through the support of the present government, whose team did its utmost to keep Malta well afloat, turning it to an enviable country.
And NOW that we were looking forward to reaping the benefits of our hard work with a possibility of less taxation, more foreign business coming our way, instead of going to other EU countries, creating more work for the mittlekless and pensions and medicine for you and education for our children…NOW your generation want to vote MLP, just because you don’t like Lawrence. U halluna, tridux.
What an orator. An uplifting speech indeed. Just listening to him is enough to vote for this man.The numerous work that has been done to modernize Malta, in spite of the internal obstacles by selfish MPs, is also another reason to vote for Gonzi. With hard hard and careful planning, the PN has turned a tiny rock into a jewel in the Mediterranean sea.
In the EU, I don’t think at the moment there is a better leader with Gonzi’s orator skills. He is just the best.
U l-kbir ghadu gej, kif jghid Freddie.
I often wonder why quite a few “intelligent” people are attracted to the Labour Party. At one time at least there was an ideological reason – helping the workers to better their lot.
[Daphne – You make the mistake of confusing book-learning and accumulated degrees with real genetic intelligence. They are two completely different things. If you ask me to spot the intelligent people in the Labour Party hierarchy, I just can’t. You can tell whether a person is intelligent or not on the basis of his rational faculties, the way he or she does or doesn’t deploy logic, the depth or absence of insight. You can hold a PhD and not be at all bright. You can be a cleaner and have sharp insight.]
Dr. Boffa comes to mind and to some extent Mintoff in the fifties. In the seventies the rot set in and reached epic proportions with Alfred Sant.
And now with Muscat it’s no longer a party but a ‘movement’ – Joseph Muscat’s movement, with an ice cream cone for an emblem and with the PN’s blue reflected in backdrops and ties.
Have these people forgotten what kind of work was available in the Mintoff’s regime time? How can they not see how the PN has changed Malta in every way, well paid jobs, tertiary education available to all – if they want to – a strong economy and new opportunities created in several sectors we never heard of in former days.
The list is long.
If the “intelligentia’ of the PL cannot see and appreciate this, how can those who cannot see beyond their noses because they know no better.
If the PN is anathema to them, the least they can do is try and change the PL from within or by forming a new Socialist Labour Party that can be a serious and acceptable to many.
Joseph Muscat is probably influenced by the relatively recent Italian political ‘fashion’ of having parties named after the founder/leader, so that they have the party of Casini, of Monti, Grillo, Fini, etc.
This must appeal tremendously to the megalomania of Joseph Muscat who is genuinely convinced that he is special and superior to everybody else.
Can you imagine edmilibanddotcom instead of Labour Party?
Can you imagine benitomussolini.com instead of Malta Labour Party?
I can.
Jiena dan insejjahlu OPPORTUNIZMU POLITIKU.
Ghax taf li inti mintix kapaci b’HILTEK tilhaq fejn tixtieq allura l-opportunizmu politiku iwasslek fejn inti mintix kapaci tasal bil-hila tieghek.
Dik hija d-differenza. U jekk thares lejn il-kandidati li qed joffri l-lejber tara kif dan huwa minnhu. U mhux il-kandidati biss.
L-ghira li ghandhom ghal min kien kapaci jasal B’HILTU BISS hija infinita.
Il-Labour l-istess baqghu: hodor u ghajjurin ghal min huwa kapaci bil-hila tieghu.
Lil tal-Labour Mintoff ghallimhom biex ikunu ghajjurin u hodor ghal min hu ahjar minnhom.
Mintoff ma’ kien hawn hadd li kien igib voti daqsu fil-pajjiz u dan huwa evidenti li tal-Labour dejjem kienu nies injoranti u li jibilghu kollox li kien jivvinta u jigdeb Mintoff li qatt ma’ kien jghid xejn bis-sugu, u l-boloh dejjem icapcpu u jaghjtu Mintoff Mintoff ezatt bhan-naghag ta’ bendu.
Iktar minn hekk, ghax Dr. Eddie Fenech Adami dejjem qal il-verita’ u lil poplu kien jaghlmu u dejjem fetahlu ghajnejh lil Mintoff kien ghaddieh bil-voti. Ghax gara dan Mintoff baqa’ baqa’ sakemm gieghel lil dawk l-injoranti li kellu warajh biex imorru u jkissrulu d-dar personali tieghu u jsawtulu lill-membri tal-familja tieghu fosthom lil mara u lil ommu.
Kullhadd jaf li l-idolu ta’ Joseph Muscat huwa Mintoff u Joseph Muscat qatt ma’ qal li huwa kien kontra jew talab skuza ta’ dan l-attakk fahxi fuq id-dar ta’ Dr. Fenech Adami li bhalu qatt ma’ kellna fl-istorja politika gewwa Malta.
Dak hu l-Labour Luke.
It’s so easy for me to go and vote this man into office. I have no doubt whatsoever of his being the better man for the job.