Now that tinpot egomaniac Napoleon Muscat is talking about a Second Republic. At least it’s not a Third Reich.
6 ta’ Frar 2013
Maħruġa mill-Uffiċċju tal-Komunikazzjoni tal-Partit Laburista
Gvern Ġdid kommess li jwelled it-Tieni Repubblika
Gvern Ġdid huwa kommess li jwelled it-Tieni Repubblika, billi jlaqqa’ Konvenzjoni Kostituzzjonali li tkun magħmula mhux biss mill-politiċi, imma wkoll minn esponenti tal-gvernijiet lokali, tas-soċjetà ċivili u kull min hu interessat, biex flimkien niddiskutu bidliet li tant hemm bżonn fil-Kostituzzjoni tagħna.
Dan qalu l-Mexxej tal-Partit Laburista Joseph Muscat meta kien qed jindirizza konferenza tal-aħbarijiet dalgħodu f’Ħal Lija, fil-post fejn saru laqgħat tant importanti fl-1919 li wasslu għal kisbiet importanti għal pajjiżna.
Joseph Muscat qal li sal-lum il-ġurnata, il-Kostituzzjoni ta’ pajjiżna dejjem ġiet emendata billi saru taħdidiet bejn il-partiti politiċi. Nemmnu li wasal iż-żmien li jsiru tibdiliet kostituzzjonali, u li dawn għandhom isiru wara diskussjoni mill-aktar mifruxa, fejn mhux ikun il-Gvern jew il-politiċi li jiddettaw l-aġenda.
Il-Mexxej Laburista semma’ fost l-oħrajn tibdiliet fil-liġi elettorali, u li d-diskussjoni f’dan il-qasam ma tibqax dominju tal-politiċi, b’taħdidiet fil-magħluq. Semma’ wkoll reviżjoni tal-mod ta’ kif jinħatru istituzzjonijiet ewlenin ta’ pajjiżna, li s-saħħa tagħhom toħroġ mill-Kostituzzjoni.
Joseph Muscat irrefera wkoll għall-Awtorità tax-Xandir, li sal-lum hija komposta minn persuni nominati mill-Gvern u miż-żewġ naħat tal-Kamra. L-istess kif wasal iż-żmien ta’ definizzjoni aktar attwali tal-kunċett tan-newtralità, sabiex din tirrifletti aktar iż-żminijiet tal-lum.
Joseph Muscat spjega kif Gvern Ġdid ma jeskludix li jsir referendum konsultattiv, jekk id-diskussjonijiet iwasslu għal bidliet sostanzjali mit-test tal-Kostituzzjoni preżenti.
Il-Mexxej Laburista qal li din id-diskussjoni tista’ ssir mhux f’ambitu post-kolonjali, kif inhi l-Kostituzzjoni preżenti, imma f’ambitu ta’ pajjiż li jkun ilu għaxar snin fl-Unjoni Ewropea u ħamsin sena Indipendenti.
Uffiċċju tal-Komunikazzjoni
Partit Laburista
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Sounds nice, but knowing him (and his lot) the closest we’ll get will be a banana republic.
In what way exactly a does this sound nice? It is the very essence of banana republicanism: a great presence at distributing power evenly while concentrating it in the person, not the role, of the supreme leader.
Issa m’ghadiex indipendenza gifa.
Minflok jilghabha ta’ De Gasperi mhux ahjar jghid x’hemm ‘tant bzonnjuz’?
Kull darba li jitkellem iqajjem aktar domandi.
Dan ir-ragel tant hu mimli bih innifsu li jrid iwelled it-tieni Repubblika halli jibqa’ mfakkar fl-istorja ta’ pajjizna u jnessi lil haddiehor. Pero l-iktar li ha jibqa mfakkar hu ghad-disizatru li ha jgib lil pajjizna.
And when it comes to voting in parliament on constitutional amendments after a “referendum konsultattiv”, what approach will they use?
The EU accession “I know there was a yes vote in a referendum (and an election) but I’m voting no anyway” approach or the divorce “there was a yes vote in a referendum and if you don’t vote yes you’re a tinpot dictator” tactic?
Bloody cheek, the Labour party talking about referendums. Arseholes.
Will he add the NOs with the abstentions and with the invalid votes in determining the result of the consultative referendum which has not been excluded but has not been proposed decisively?
In 2003, Joseph Muscat added all those together to tell us that the Partnership had won.
Yay! Another public holiday!
No way. The amendments will cancel all other national days and establish the 22 January as the National Day of Malta. The Day of the Sun. The Day of the Great Leader.
Yet another national holiday
30th February !
In the footsteps if his idol Duminku.
He’s still dreaming about il-Kumitati tal-Girien.
Don’t forget that by Joseph’s own admission it was Mintoff who gave him the roadmap.
For a moment there I thought he was promising to make Gozo a republic.
What rubbish, honestly. I see Muscat is still fondly attached to the idea of a referendum konsultattiv, as opposed to a referendum being decisive.
L-aqwa li jibqa’ msemmi ghal xi haga. Umli ir-ragel.
If Malta is stepping into a second republic, it implies that there was something completely wrong with the first republic and we need to start from scratch.
In Italy they started the second republic ic in 1994 just after Tangentopoli, when all the post-war political parties were wiped out or changed their names. The Constitution was also changed to introduce a new electoral law. Tthe ‘ penta partiito’ governed for the most part included the Christian Democrats, Socialists, Social Democrats, Liberal, and another small party. The Communist party was also liquidated. New parties were formed and Silvio Berlusconi emerged out of the ruins. In summary, the second republic emerged from the ruins of the first republic with new parties and a new constitution.
Now, Joseph Muscat is implying that Malta’s first republic covers the period 1964 / 1974 – 2013. He is also implying by creating a second republic hat there was something wrong with the first republic and we need to create a second republic to forget about it. What was wrong about the last 40 – 50 years, apart for the MLP regime? EU membership, the era of Fenech Adami which up to a few days ago he was admiring? Does he want to lump all these years together and trash them to the dustbin of history, in order to make us forget about the horrendous 70s and 80s, and trying to imply that it is a closed chapter never to be discussed again?
It is either that, or we are actually witnessing a dictator in the making. People are so blinded and non-sophisticated that are denying and ignoring the evidence in front of their eyes.
You don’t even know what you’re writing about. 1964-1974 was the monarchic period.
Malta became a republic in 1974. A second republic does not necessarily mean the first republic was wrong.
A second republic could be an evolutionary development into a presidential system or an eclectic one like the French system.
What we have today is a presidential system all but in name. All executive power is concentrated in the Prime Minster and Parliament’s supervisory role has been ridiculed especially under Gonzi.
Parliament has a supervisory only to the extent that MPs hold the government and each other to account. In our case, they don’t. And it’s not just Gonzi’s side either. If anyone has ridiculed their role, it’s the MPs themselves. They are slow of wit, ignorant on a wide range of issues, unable to think, unable to analyse, unable to grasp the simplest concepts. If those concepts are even vaguely “technical”, then god help us all.
I wonder if you’ve ever had a look at the list of thousands of PQs that have been tabled over the last decade. I have. A litany of bleats and shards of idiocy, enough to turn your blood cold. If these are our nation’s finest, then what chance have we?
If you think our parliamentary system has been deformed into a presidential one, look no further than our MPs. You may, at a pinch, fault Gonzi for allowing the current PN MPs to stand on the party ticket in 2008. But you cannot fault him for the other side’s choice of MPs. And they are the ones we expect to be asking searching questions and supervising the government.
Fair comment, Baxxter. However, how can we expect ‘searching’ questions from the bulk of the current crop of candidates, when they have great difficulty constucting at least one coherent sentence, never mind in formal, respectful question form.
In the context of written constitutions like ours, should a new constitution be enacted there would be nothing strange in calling it the Second Republic. As a consequence of the Algerian crisis of the late 1950’s, the French Fourth Republic collapsed and the fifth came into being with the promulgation of a new constitution introducing a new constitutional system.
[Daphne – That’s a different Constitution, and not tweaks and changes to an existing one. There’a significant difference. And in any case, we don’t come from that French/German cultural system of new reichs and republics, so it’s alien.]
I’m not sure Napoleon Bonaparte is a good example of republicanism – it was he who re-introduced a monarchical system in France, crowning himself Emperor Napoleon I in 1804 – the First French Empire (incidentally it is not, strictly speaking, correct to refer to him as Napoleon prior to that date and it would be more correct to call him Bonaparte instead.) The Bourbons were later restored as a constitutional monarchy of sorts. The French Second Republic came into being following the 1848 revolution when the monarchy collapsed once more (there had already been an uprising in Paris in 1832, a current topic owing to the excellent new movie version of Les Miserables).
The culture of new Republics is entirely French. The Third Reich was a reference to history going back twelve centuries, so it doesn’t count.
I expect Giovanni Bonello to set the record straight on what constitutes a new republic. The media, true to their usual idiotic selves, are already running with the story that a rewriting a few articles in the constitution means the creation of a Second Republic. How entirely idio-imbecilic.
A Second Republic would be, for instance, if we had to change to a system of elected presidents with executive or legislative powers, or if we had to fuse the presidency and cabinet and make Joseph Muscat Dictator For Life And Shining Star Of The Progressive Revolutionary Movement, something he would no doubt enjoy. As would his wife the Empress Michelle Pahlavi.
That is most likely what Muscat has in mind, but it won’t be undemocratic because The People will decide and The Great Leader will graciously indulge their wish.
Joseph will crown himself and we’ll have a reincarnation of another short pompous arse hole.
This is only Joseph’s way of trying to get himself into our history books before his two years are up and he’s booted into oblivion.
Believe me there are sharks in that pond that would willingly do it today rather than wait for tomorrow.
What two years, you deluded fool! There WILL NOT be another Mintoff deus ex machina. Labour have waited so long for this. They’ll make damn sure they’ll serve the full term.
Don’t think so, Baxxter. Yahoos self-disintegrate, check Gulliver. If you swim with the sharks, don’t bleed.
In fact, Dr. Muscat did not speak of tweaks but of the drafting of a new constitution by a constitutional assembly. A new constitution is a possibility.
If by saying that we do not come from the French/German cultural system you mean that we come from the British one, once we became a republic we moved towards France, Germany and Italy.
The Westminster model of a Parliamentary democracy is not written in marble. We are still too young as a state to have any traditions and we cannot adopt British ones – for one thing, the British constitution is unwritten and secondly they are a monarchy.
In monarchies, there may be succssion of reigning royal houses but you cannot have a second or third etc monarchies. With republics one can.
Your knowledge of constitutions and of history is, at best, pedestrian. Yet you pretend to speak as if you were knowledgable.
So, please, try and depart fro your usual attitude that you are omniscient and infallible. It is precisely that kind of attitude which will cost you Nationalists the next election. I wonder if you are young enough to learn from your mistakes. I fear not.
This will degenerate into another one of those anal discussions.
Even if “Joseph” will draft a new constitution, what exactly will he change? The removal of the neutrality clause does not merit the name of “Second Republic”. Nor does changing the bit about the Broadcasting Authority. Or even changing the number of electoral districts and MPs.
Mhux ahjar ihalli f’idejn haddiehor biex iwelldu mill-gdid partit veru tal-haddiema, u li forsi xi darba il-poplu jafda fih?
Veru pruzuntuz, kiesah u vojt. Irid iwelled it-Tieni Republika? Forsi wahda barra l-UE? Forsi wahda mfassla fuq dik ta ‘zmien tad-deheb’ tas-Socjalisti li kissru pajjiz bejn in-1971 u 1987?
Tghid min se tkun il-qabla li tghinu jwelled? Xi stat demokratiku?
L-espert fil-broken waters huwa Mario Vella, il-bearded red intellectual tal-partit.
“f’ambitu ta’ pajjiż li jkun ilu għaxar snin fl-Unjoni Ewropea u ħamsin sena Indipendenti” – no thanks to him and his ilk.
What is this hogwash about decisions being taken by the people? Why bother having elections every five years if not to have those elected by the people to take decisions on its behalf?
Probably that is why the PL electoral manifesto is still under construction – there is no plan except to have the people believe that it is taking the decisions….as long as the final decisions concur with the Great Leader’s wishes. It definitely bears more than a passing semblance to the Third Reich.
With every day that passes in this electoral campaign, it is clear that Joseph Muscat is building his new ‘religion’ sect, called the Muvument, where he is central to message being dispersed, and where the MLP’s electoral program, if there will ever be one, will be a mere account of his preachings, like a gospel.
His idea is that of putting his name in Malta’s history as that Great Leader who, at the young age of 39, created a Muvument which rid the country of a ‘PN dictatorship’ of 25 years. He is the deliverer. Like Moses. Joseph delivers. To the desert.
“Gvern Ġdid kommess li jwelled it-Tieni Repubblika”
Labour Delivers, they had said.
But who exactly is this “Gvern Ġdid”? He is not on Facebook.
Labour delivers – Midwife il-ginger!! Ser iwelled republika gdida.
‘Tinpot egomaniac’ indeed.
‘Kostituzzjoni ta’ pajjiz ilu 10 snin fl-EU u 50 sena independenti’ Fl-ahhar qed jammetti li Malta independenti u membru tal-EU. La dak ta’ qablu, u lanqas dawk ta’ qabel ta’ qablu ma kienu jammettuh dan – ghax ghalihom Malta kienet Republika skjava tal-barrani minn Dicembru 1973 u pajjiz hieles minn Marzu 1979.
Fil-Gemaherija Libjana wkoll kien ‘il-poplu’ – u mhux il-gvern elett – li kien jiehu d-decizjonijiet, hux veru! U zgur, ghaliex kollok kien ta Gaddafi u niesu – u la kien hemm gvern elett u lanqas poplu li jiddecidi d-destin tieghu.
Whom do you think you’re kidding mister ginger? Mhux ahjar tmur taghzaq xi ghalqa go Burmarrad, xbin.
Hal-Lija, fejn ittiehdu decizjonijiet importanti fl-1919. Jisthajlux is-sur Adolf jiffirma l-kapitulazzjoni ta’ Franza fil-vagun gol-foresta ta’ Compiegne 22 sena wara li f’dak l-istess post il-Germanja giet imgeghla tiffirma l-armistizju.
Again, whom do you think you’re kidding mister ginger?
This idiot is trying to rewrite history, the same as Mintoff did. You’d have to be a fool to not see this charlatan for what he really is.
Just call me Louis Napoleon Bonaparte.
Din gdida!
Mela issa m’ghadux isemmi u jitkellem dwar il-pjan tal-power station il gdida illi kieku issir iddahhal lill- pajjiz f’dejn ta’ €600 milljun?
Nahseb fl’ahhar induna li b’din il-propsta kien qed jipprova jidhaqq u jittradixxi lill-poplu Malti.
Il-poplu mhux dan irrid jisma’ min ghand Joseph Muscat izda kif se johloq ix-xoghol?
Il-poplu irid jisma’ jekk is-servizzi tas-sahha hux se jibqaw b’xejn? Ghax id-diskors tal-Profs Scicluna qed jindika moghd iehor u kien car ukoll.
A new megalomaniac.
Il-Kostituzzjoni importanti?
Il-poplu Ghawdxi irid jisma’ xi pjanijiet ghandek ghall impiegi ghall Ghawdxin.
Ghidilna Joseph Muscat jekk hux se jibqaw jinbdew skejjel godda ghat-tfal taghna ghax il-gvern Nazzjonalista bena skola kull sena u mhux bil-paroli izda bil-fatti Sur Joseph Muscat.
Ghidilna minn issa x’se taghmel dwar l-istipendji tal-istudenti Sur Joseph Muscat mhux hadd mill-partit tieghek ma’ jaf x’se jigri inkluz int bhala kap. Dejjem ghedtu li dawn huma zejda!
Il-Poplu irid ikun jaf dwar il-posizzjoni ta’ Malta ma’ l-EU jekk inti, Alla hares qatt, tkun Prim Ministru Dr. Muscat, ghax dwar dan qatt ma’ tghid xejn u min hu tal-affari tieghu imhasseb hafna dwar dan il-fatt.
Il-genituri jinterreshom bis-serjta’ ikunu jafu jekk hux ser jibqghu jigu dawn il-boroz kbar ta’ studju ghat tfal taghhom Sur Joseph Muscat ghax biex tibdel il-Kostituzzjoni mhux problema ghax jekk ghandek idejat tajbin jistghu jinbidlu f’sekonda, per ezempju ta’ kif jista’ jitnehha Magistrat jew Imhallef, izda dak li jrid ikun jaf il-poplu irid ikun hemm pjan biex isehh u mhux paroli biss.
Ghidilna Dr. Muscat kif behsiebek iggib lejn Malta investmenti godda ghax anke dwar dan qatt ma’ tghid xejn! U investimenti serji bhal ma’ gew f’dawn l-ahhar snin mhux tal-karawett Sur Joseph Muscat.
Int tirkeb fuq ix-xoghol ta’ haddiehor trid ghax int u l-partit tieghek qatt ma’ kontu kapaci ghalxejn u int minti kapaci taghmel xejn hlief tmaqdar il-gid li sar fi snin gvernijiet Nazzjonalisti u li b’dan il-gid gawda kullhadd ghax ghan Nazzjonalisti hija verita’ li Malta taghna lkoll.
In-Nazzjonaluisti bidlu Malta ta’ taht fuq ghal gid ta’ kullhadd avolja sabu lilek u ohrajn bhalek li ghamiltu hafna deni u hsara bhal ma’ ghamilt inti stess dwar il-finanzjament tar-reciklagg ta’ sant Antnin ghax li kien ghalik dan ma’ sarx ghax ghamilt hsara kbira fil-posizzjoni li kellek bhala MEP. Izda f’wiccek baqa’.
Il-Poplu irid ukoll wiegheda min ghandek li ma jsirux vendikazzjonijiet politici ma’ hadd ghax il-Partit Laburista huwa rinomat ghal vendikazzjonijiet politici u ghal preferenzi fejn anke nies bla kapacita’ jinaghtaw xogholijiet li m’humiex kapaci ghalihom imma basta jkunu Laburisti u lejali lejn il-partit bhal ma’ ghamiltu fl-Airmalta, fit-Telemalta. l’Enemalta, fid-Dwana, fil-korp tal-Pulizija u f’hafna postijiet ohra Sur Joseph Muscat.
Dawn l-affarijiet irid jisma’ il-poplu Sur Joseph Muscat u mhux ic-cucati li qed tivvintalu bhal din tal-Kostituzzjoni u tal-power station gdida ghax dawn qieghed twieghdhom biss biex tigwadanja il-gvern il-poter ghal skopijiet personali tieghek u ta’ xi erba’ bazuzli imdawrin mieghek fil-partit li ghamluk kap biex jibqghu jakkwistaw dak li jridu kif dejjem sar fi gvernijiet Labutisti Sur Joseph Muscat bhal ma’ kien isir fid-dipartiment tal-Lands u erba’ bazuzli saru milljinarji minn fuq dar il-poplu Malti bil-korruzzjoni taz-zmien il-Labour.
Dan ghidlu lill-poplu Sur Joseph Mscat jekk inti trid tkun stmat ta’ ragel ma’ min hu veru tal-affari tieghu.
Maybe they will put up some proposals on Facebook and decide on the number of Likes.
I’d rather revert to a Commonwealth realm and kiss hands with the Queen.
I’d rather revert to a British colony, but that’s just me.
Please, if anyone from the UK is reading this, take us back. We don’t want Joseph lording it over us.
U Joseph joqghod il-majjistra.
Well, I for one, would certainly not mind shifting to a republic (and I was always pro-republic) where the President has a little more power than at present and who is elected preferably around the mid-term of a legislature.
Hope the 2nd republic doesn’t bring back ‘bajtar tax-xewk’ to our coat of arms . . .
At this rate we’ll have the First Republic of Gozo and Comino as well.
When Muscat speaks he intentionally does so that his followers don not know what he is saying – as long as they clap at the end and call Viva Joseph, Viva Joseph that is what matters. He knows it, we know it and it is about time (perhaps late now) that the PN seriously takes the bull by the horns and explain in plain understandable language what Muscat is up to. This is an urgent wake up call,
I don’t know myself but upon telling what Muscat plans to do to a foreign friend of mine, he told me it sounds like Muscat wants to become one of the ten kings of the antichrist… :)
WE HAVE A MEGALOMANIAC trying to get hold of MALTA.
The other one was Franco Debono, there were two in the class and now there is one.