The most feminist TV show outside Canale Berlusconi Tits and Bums, brought to you by Super One

Published: February 12, 2013 at 7:27pm

Just a note: the first lady is the president’s wife, not the prime minister’s.

11 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    I’m trying not to imagine what could happen to Girgenti.

  2. Daisy says:

    Then her boobs must be the only things about her which aren’t fake.

  3. Maria says:

    What stupid remarks Michelle made. I have a big bust, but never ever thought of myself as a cow.

  4. Gahan says:

    Imn’Alla ma kienx hemm Deborah Schembri, kemm kienet tieghu ghaliha.

  5. SPAM says:

    She Speaks:

    Astrid Vella, of Flimkien Għal-Ambjent Aħjar, said the small shops were keeping the village cores alive and Mepa had specific policies that protected them.

  6. il-Ginger says:

    Another Nationalist video that’s rated R for Retarded. Is this the best we can do? Michelle, moo moo moo?

  7. Pro says:

    U le. Can someone imagine Michelle Obama talking like this?

  8. anthony says:

    La vache qui rit.

  9. ken il malti says:

    Why is she impersonating one of the Bisto kids ?

  10. lola says:

    Michelle should know better. Such comments are most unbecoming coming from a future Prime Minister’s wife.

    Michelle be careful what to say when being interviewed, as it can reflect badly on you. Such remarks on big boobs can hurt many who are top heavy, even though many men love top heavy women.

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