Shocking. They know who was handling cocaine in their club kitchen, and won’t tell the police

Published: February 18, 2013 at 10:39am
One was sacked to make way for Louis Grech. The other has been kept on despite a cocaine-dealing cover-up.

One was sacked to make way for Louis Grech. The other has been kept on despite a cocaine-dealing cover-up.

Labour Party club officials know who was found handling cocaine in their club kitchen and yet they refuse to tell the police.

Toni Abela knows who that person is, too, because by his own recorded admission he got the club president, who discovered the cocaine-cutting, to make a formal statement to him.

He has that statement.

These people are just plain shocking, but what shocks me more are those who accept as read a cocaine-dealing cover-up by the Labour Party involving its own.

That’s how low the standards we set for Labour are., today:

Interviews yield no leads in drugs probe in PL club

The police have interviewed all the persons involved in the allegations of possible drug trafficking at a Labour Party club but this did not help them make any progress in their investigation.

The allegations emerged from a secret recording of PL deputy leader Toni Abela.

None of those interviewed revealed any information which could further lead to identify the person or place mentioned in the recording, the police said. They did not specify where the alleged crime took place, or when the interviews took place. The investigation started in October 2010.

In the recording, Dr Abela was told by the president of an unnamed club that someone was seen “cutting up a white block” in the kitchen. Dr Abela sacked the barman of the club but did not report the incident to the police.

Full story in The Times.

32 Comments Comment

  1. AE says:

    If anyone needed any proof that Anglu Farrugia was pushed aside for Louis Grech this is it.

    Muscat is a barefaced liar. He told us that Farrugia had to go because he made unacceptable comments about a Magistrate.

    So how is that unacceptable but covering up drug dealing tenable? Poor standards or wrong priorities is not what it is about. It is about what suits Muscat to become PM punto e basta.

    • Kif jista jesercita `good governance` fil- pajjiz meta lanqas decizjoni gusta ma jaf jiehu bejn in-nies tieghu stess fil-PL. says:

      Xi jrid jitkellem fuq `good governance` Joseph Muscat? `Good governance ` tieghla u `good governance ` niezla fid-diskorsi bombastici tieghu.

      Lanqas ma jaf jiehu decizjonijiet cari u fair bejn in-nies tieghu stess, ahseb u ara jiggverna bil-gustizzja u kejl meqjuz meta jkun fil-Gvern.

      This ex-Super One journalist of sorts is simply not equal to the task of governing and decision-making.

  2. Lestrade says:

    It’s one thing for the police not gathering enough evidence for prosecution. But Dr Toni Abela seems not to want to take political responsibility.

    Maybe he is waiting for the “e tu Brute” moment like his former pal Angelo Farrugia.

  3. canon says:

    Who investigated the persons – a “pulizija Laburist”?

  4. caflanga says:

    hmmm…. how many barmen and club presidents were removed in the past four years seven months since Toni became deputy leader (12 June 2008)? The science of deduction…

  5. Mario says:

    Issa naf fejn marret il-blokka bajda. Ghamluha drapp biex setghu jaghmlu dawn is-suits lil Toni u Anglu

  6. Min Jaf says:

    The fact that cocaine or another hard drug was being handled quite openly in a Labour Party club kitchen shows that it was not an isolated occurrence.

    Apart from the criminal and legal implications of the refusal by Toni Abela to pass on the relevant information to the police, that refusal puts all Labour Party clubs and their committees under suspicion.

    But, beyond all that, Joseph Muscat as party leader has a direct responsibility to clean up his party before pontificating about his intention to ‘clean up politics’.

    Joseph Muscat is now leading a party that openly accepts the presence of drug dealers within its organization and premises.

    That much has now been confirmed not only by Joseph Muscat’s refusal to sack Toni Abela as Deputy Leader, but by actually springing to Toni’s defence in his failure to discharge his public duty as a citizen.

    • ken il malti says:

      Toni must have some compromising goods on Joseph Muscat for Muscat not to fire him.

      The logical thing would have been to disassociate himself and his party from Toni Abela as this is not some minor infraction.

      Greasy and slimy characters are easy to find in the Labour Party if Joseph wants a look-alike replacement for Toni Abela.

  7. old-timer says:

    Very hard to comment — just speechless. In the face of what is happening (openly) one can hardly hope for a “clean” police force if and when Muscat’s scum are elected to Parliament. They KNOW who the barman is, beacuse he was sacked and they kniw where this happened – and yet – no action – miserable. I wonder what the chaps who are in front of the courts for drugs are saying at the monment? I wonder what the Magistrates and Judges are saying? Roll on March 9.

  8. Justin Beefer says:

    Reminds me of 1996 and Alfred Sant’s crusade against the Drug Barons. Are they covering them up now?

    Labour has changed, indeed.

  9. zunzana says:

    Was it Sant who said that he is ready to make a pact with the devil to win the elections?

    Now it seems that muscat is acknowledging the fact that it is correct not to report drug traffickers. All for the sake of winning the election. All is fair in love and war…… and politics.

  10. jack says:

    White suits… an endorsement for Del Monte and KFC?

  11. vanni says:

    Why weren’t the people interviewed charged with obstructing the police? Or are the police only capable of harassing a blogger (Daphne)? Is Toni Abela et al a protected species?

  12. Reginald Borg says:

    Does Kenneth Zammit Tabona have anything to say about these episodes involving his newfound friends?

  13. The Shadow says:

    If you google Politics/Politicians/Political etc. you get an ad on the side for
    They’ve really got all the bases covered. And they still maintain that they’re the underdogs.

  14. Antoine Vella says:

    Toni Abela also knew about a case of paedophilia involving an MLP mayor and covered up that story.

  15. Should there not be an official statement from the police informing the public what reports they have received on these cases, when these reports were made, and what action they took?

  16. Antoine Vella says:

    It’s also shocking that the police who, like everybody else, know about this statement in Abela’s possession should give up so easily and calmly tell us that their “investigations” gave no result.

    No wonder that Malta is losing it’s war on drugs. Gonzi should use his last few days as PM to take the police to task for their superficiality in this case.

  17. ACD says:

    Everyone expects the world of PN – then these guys cover up for drug dealers and no one bats an eyelid.

    Given the bust up in Rabat yesterday:

  18. P Mercieca says:

    Not too sound naive or anything, but does this man not consider the responsibility he holds for allowing the cocaine to continue its journey unhindered through the supply chain to both users and victims.

    Does he not realize that he could have assisted the police in their on-going fight against illicit drug use/pushers etc and taken full credit for both himself and the Labour Party?

    He is obviously both a hopeless strategist and a terrible father.

  19. Smirnoff says:

    From what I can gather reasons are twofold – it’s too close to the elections and there isn’t another Louis Grech to replace him with.

    • Min Jaf says:

      A credible and responsible leader would, of course, not allow those reasons as an obstacle to doing the right thing.

      But then Labour has a decades-long history of doing the wrong things, and even justifying their wrong decisions as Joseph Muscat is now doing with regard to Toni Abela.

  20. ACD says:

    “The 37-year-old was taken to Mater Dei Hospital for treatment. The man was reported to be in danger of dying.

    The police did not make any reference to the Labour Party club in its statement.”

    Is that an effort by the police to “hide” where the incident happened to protect the labour party?

  21. M Falzon says:

    It seems that today Ramona had a shower and put on her make-up. Maybe she reads this blog.

  22. Francis Saliba MD says:

    The Labour Party must have learnt a lesson because, this time, after a fight inside a Rabat LP club left one man severely injured and in imminent danger it was the Police department and ambulances that were promptly called in not the deputy leader Toni Abela well known for his record of involvement in hiding crime under the carpet and arranging a delay in the execution of the duty of the police so as to avoid embarrassment to the Labour Party.

    This previous conduct of Toni Abela had earned the approval of Joseph Muscat. The present action deviates from that previous custom. Most LP diehards would be keeping heir fingers crossed hoping that more heads are not destined for the chopping block.

    Joseph Muscat has placed himself well and truly in a lose, lose situation.

  23. Tabatha White says:

    Is this the best the Police could do?

    Where is that statement and did the Police interview the person in question?

    Are we expected to believe that there are people making use of Labour Party club kitchens who are unidentifiable?

    So if Toni Abela knows who that person is, and if the Police also interviewed him because evidently, he is involved, and the report said “all persons,” then either Toni lied to them or they are lying to us.

    Result is insufficient. Please have another go Police and try harder.

    • Francis Saliba MD says:

      By acting as a lawyer advising the committee members of the club how to avoid embarrassing the Labour Party by the disclosure of drug trafficking inside the club and how to tackle that other crime of disappearing the large quantity of a hard drug, presumably cocaine, Dr Toni Abela established a lawyer-client confidential relation thus securing immunity for himself from any need to cooperate with the police in solving that crime.

      • Tabatha White says:

        Did that advice include and cover the sons of those committee members?

        Were they interviewed?

  24. bystander says:

    If you can’t spell Toni Abela, just write Charlie …. we’ll know who you mean.

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