Happy birthday, O Mexxej
May 29, 2009 at 10:53pm
June 6 isn’t just EP election day. It’s also Joseph Muscat’s first anniversary as party leader. He’s going to have a lot to celebrate.
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She IS young and pretty isn’t she?
Must be pretty galling.
[Daphne – Not at all. Clearly, you never saw me at 35 in a white bikini, though you can always ask around. Now, that would have made your week, though I would never have noticed you. Now run off and find yourself a nice girl to play with. There are only bad girls here.]
hmmmm….Daphne in a white bikini… Now that is some view! Wicked.
[Daphne – Dak kien zmien.]
Pretty or not, the underlying message of this video is clear. Bumble, bumble, and more bumble. Ix-xejn rebah, u l-bahh ha post il-ftit li kien hemm. As for young and pretty, well, it takes more than smarmy smiles from red lipstick gashes to get into the driving seat. Compared to the serene and classy Kate Gonzi, she is clearly used goods.
I think you mean “discarded goods”, rather than used ones.
Kate Gonzi is a lady.
I will never eat again while browsing this website.
this is even better.
If that is pretty, then I’m Daniel Craig.
His first year started with great expectations (with apologies to Charles Dickens) that the making of politics by the MLP/PL would be revolutionised (fat chance !); then it was downhill all the way – remember the laying of flowers on Independence monument before everybody else in September ’08, hamburgers, no to pairing, prancing around the hyper-markets and second houses in Sicily with the Mosta Dottore, no to protocol and good manners. Then it was on to chav mode with the Alfa / Sportage saga.And on and on…………………..
Whatever happened to the earthquake in the MLP/PL?
Is that what are earthquakes are about? Reviving old dinosaurs?
Words fail me… a very rare occurrence! Whatever can be done to stop them in nearly four years time? Can you imagine him meeting the Queen in some Commonwealth meeting, or heads of state? With Obama? The mind boggles. Laughing stock Malta – how sad.