Now that the Rabat Labour Party club is in the news…

Published: February 18, 2013 at 3:44pm

…let’s take a look at the couple who run it, Herbert il-Bumblu and his ‘lovley wife’ Maria Vassallo, who seems somehow connected to Antonella tas-Snobby, though it’s not clear how.

rabat 1

rabat 2

rabat 3

rabat 4

rabat 6

rabat 8

rabat 9

rabat 10

rabat 11

rabat 12

rabat 13

rabat 14

rabat 15

rabat 16

rabat 17

73 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    And awn xi buly took up his msg yesterday.

  2. ciccio says:

    So basically these are the sort of people who report to Toni Abela about what happens in the Labour club kitchens and how they manage their rubbish bins. Nice.

  3. The Big Fat Gay One says:

    Did anyone say Rabatshore?

  4. TinaB says:

    What I find extremely sad is that they actually think that they are beautiful and sexy and of course, their friends and acquaintances agree with them because they are of the same ilk.

    If this is the Malta you want to see in the near future, vote Joseph and his team.

  5. Curious says:

    X’ hammalagni.

    L-ahwa dawn in-nies se jiddeciedu l-futur ta’ Malta.

    • Jozef says:

      Yes, taking off the capitalist bikini is a very strong political message.

      ‘Nbiddlu d-direzzjoni.’

    • Gahan says:

      Siehbi jekk ma tafx il-kazini tal-Labour jitmexxew mil-barmen mhux mil-presidenti.

      Ta’ Hal-Kirkop tkecca l-barman ghax hu responsabbli mhux il-president, ghax fil-kcina kienet qed titqatta’ il-kokajina minghajr ma kien jaf il-barman.

      Jekk trid tisker, tilghabhom,jew tigbed lajn sib Kazin tal-Labour u tinqeda’ zgur! Serrah rasek ghax anki jekk jaqbduk mhux se jikxfuk.Ghandhom ‘l Toni.

    • The Big Fat Gay One says:

      That is my exact sentiment.

  6. Dunstan says:

    I cannot but admire their generosity. I hope they will help me get a new GPS for their leader`s roadmap.

  7. JPS says:

    Can you imagine all these sluts and bullies with loud rave music, off their face, carcading on the 10th of March….

  8. David S says:

    Are these canvassers of Marlene Mizzi ?

  9. Rumplestiltskin says:

    If these are the values and the kind of society we can look forward to after the 10th of March, then God help us all.
    “Après nous le deluge.”

  10. taxxu says:

    ‘Lovley wife’ indeed – she looks like trailer trash.

  11. H.P. Baxxter says:

    I really cannot understand all the negative commentary. THIS is contemporary art, my dears.

  12. Matthew says:

    Are they running a political party club or a BDSM dungeon?

  13. Gahan says:

    Ghadni kif qlajt daqqa fuq wara ta’ rasi ghax il-mara qabditni nara dawn ir-ritratti. Hasbet li qieghed nara l-pornografija.

    Ma niskantax li jinqala’ l-glied fil-bar tal-Kazin Laburista tar-Rabat ta’ Herbert il-Bumblu.

    Ghal-bidu hsibt li r-ritratti kienu f’xi bar il-Gzira. “This is not a beer belly but a full tank for a sex machine!”

    • Joe Fenech says:

      Does she do that to you when you go to pubs or look at many similarly-dressed women in the street (Malta is full of them!)?

  14. tbg says:

    Unfortunately this is Malta’s reality, whether or not josephmuscatdotcom will win the election or not.

    It’s unbelievable how tiny Malta can have such big differences in society.

  15. Desperado says:

    Dawn it-tip ta nies iridu jmexxu lilna lkoll?

    God have mercy.

  16. The Phoenix says:

    That they produced such a lovely daughter like Kimberly is unbelievable. That she has a rabid Nationalist boyfriend is also unbelievable.

    That their other daughter is running around with a 55-year-old mechanic boyfriend while still underage is also telling.

    These people will be swaggering their stuff all over Malta unless those who want to give the MLP a chance do something else.

    I don’t blame anyone but the inept boys at PN headquarters. A strategy team that doesn’t have any control over its executive team, led by stupid lawyers who think they are the cat’s whiskers.

    A hapless PBO as secretary-general. And a PM surrounded by abatini. But a generally excellent record in managing the economy.

    Why don’t they get out the real dirt now? Isn’t it possible that no one notices that Michelle is looking more and more spaced out and bored?

  17. numerus99 says:

    Keep in mind that under the Fearless Leader’s proposals, these people have a right to get voted in to be directors on government companies.

  18. Lestrade says:

    Herbert il – Bumblu must be one frustrated man as “his better half” semms every inch a dominatrix.

  19. jojo says:

    Lovely couple I must say, so sexy so raw so down to earth, really down down down …..imagine people like this with a bit of power.

  20. maryanne says:

    I have to comment on another subject. Tal-wahx. Chris Cardona on TVAM wanting government to ‘recommend’ to the police commissioner to proceed with arrests in the oil commissions story.

    Is it possible that people do not notice how there will be no separation between the judiciary, the government and the executive once Labour are in government?

    Even Joe Mifsud looked at Cardona and mumbled something to the effect that the government cannot put pressure on the investigation.

  21. I pity him says:

    Din hi Malta li jridu jghixu fiha nies bhal Kevin Drake u Karen Mugliett.

    Viva s-Sliem, Kevin. IS-SLIEM gabulek, Eddie Fenech Adami… tiftakar Kevin? u se titilfu ma’ Joseph Muscat.

  22. cat says:

    For some her husband is considered as a very lucky one to have a wife like her.

    Il-Bumblu and his sweet wife should be grateful to you. This is all free advertising.

  23. Martin says:

    Joseph Muscat b’hamalli bhal dawn irid jirbah l-elezzjoni?

  24. The Shadow says:

    Ye gods. Her cups runneth over big time and everything else overflows.

  25. Dredd says:

    Watch out for them at Teeny Beach as Astrid’s guests next summer.

  26. Johann Camilleri says:

    “Malta taghna lkoll”, “kollha ucuh Maltin”.

    Of course what this lot and their ilk are really thinking is “Li hu tieghek tieghi ukoll.”

  27. sammy says:

    Please, please I’m out.

  28. Malta Mintoffjana Ukoll says:

    “Malta… a very powerful State…an economically perfect situation.”

  29. gizimina says:

    I feel ashamed to be part of the same nation. I cannot believe how people have the confidence to publish such revolting photos on their profile. How degrading and pathetic. And to see them posing with pride in each and every photo.

    Have they no dignity? How sad..very very sad.

  30. M Camilleri says:

    This offends me. I love my hometown Rabat. Having people like these (they disgust me) at the local ‘Kazini’ is inevitable.

    Having said that, they’re found all over Malta in PN, PL, band clubs, bocci clubs or whatever club people come up with.

    Besides, none of those involved in the fights were actually from Rabat.

  31. matt says:

    IL-MLP has been hijacked bil-hamalli.

    I wonder what embassies are writing about Joseph Muscat to their governments. I can’t see the serious Angela Merkel or Cameron being seen with Muscat once he is PM.

    In light of what has happened I can safely say that the MLP employs cocaine dealers in their party.

    I won’t rule out the possibility that the MLP’s campaign money comes also from cocaine trafficking, given the way they are trying to cover this up.

    Wake up, people. Do you really want to trust your future in the hands of Joseph Muscat?

    • Joe Fenech says:

      Matt, the protruding part beneath your spine, is not a speech implement!

      What on earth is someone offering a service within a club premises have to do with a party or politics? Stupidity and poor education have no colour!

  32. Augustus says:

    You Like sex?

    You Like drugs?

    All you have to do is to apply for membership in a Labour Party club of your choice.

  33. Allamana says:

    So, is this the formal presentation of Malta’s new Elite?

    If so, I am running away from Dodge City on the first available horse.

  34. Stefan Vella says:

    In other news, UK’s OFGEM undermines Joseph Muscat’s cheap electricity promise. Someone’s going to get paid a fat commission against all odds.

  35. lucidity says:

    I’m utterly speechless!

    L-eleganza u l-klassi tibrilla mhux fl-apparenza biss izda fil-lingwacc meqjuz li ntuza. X’medjokrita!

    Din il-mentalita li ghadha tigri mas-saqajn hija kankru ghal Malta.

  36. J Abela says:

    Fascinating! I’d love to observe and study this very peculiar species in their natural habitat, sometime.

  37. Joe Fenech says:

    This has more to do with the generalised ignorance that one comes across in Malta rather than with politics. One can go to many bars and witness the same ‘dress code’ and the same dodgy business. In civilised countries, when you go to a bar, the bar tenders are dressed appropriately.

    • D.R.L. says:

      You find it in every “civilized” country. Are you embarrassed to call your own country uncivilized. Dress has nothing to do with civility!

  38. Nico says:

    Completely off subject, but a must read…

  39. Edward says:

    Slightly unrelated, but did you guys know that cocaine and methamphetamine are referred to as “ice”? Google it, or better still, use Google images to see what I mean.

  40. silvio farrugia says:

    What a body !

  41. Jozef says:

    Bondi+ was quite a show tonight. The last fifteen minutes not to be missed.

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