Photo of the week

Published: February 18, 2013 at 3:55pm
Kurcifiss, bandiera Laburista, dyed black hair blow-dried to extinction, and a raised middle finger. The new middle class.

Kurcifiss, bandiera Laburista, dyed black hair blow-dried to extinction, and a raised middle finger. The new middle class.

37 Comments Comment

  1. The Big Fat Gay One says:

    Imma l-aqwa li ghandom il-kurcifiss.

  2. Michelle Pirotta says:

    Is it my impression that the girl on the left has an impressively long finger?

  3. mario grixti says:

    jien missir dik t tifla nehhi dawk ir ritratti min hemm jekk ma tric li nigi u naqlalek dawk lajnejn imberqin li ghandek jishtu ja mishuta u fox kemm ghandek

    [Daphne – Thank you for putting it on record. When that happens, the police will know exactly who to look for. Get your daughter to translate this if you can’t understand plain English. “I’m In.”]

    • TinaB says:

      Ghandek biex tiftahar, Sur Grixti.

      Mid-dehra ghandha lil min tixbah it-tifla.

      Imissek tisthi, int u min hu bhalek, trabbu generazzjoni li ma jafux kif ghandhom igibu ruhom fid-dinja civilizzata.

      Tibzax, dalwaqt ha ssiru tal-mittelkless, b’Joseph Prim Ministru.

      • mario grixti says:

        Issaa ghallimni inti kif andi inrabbi familja u b gonzi tijak hankunu fil middleclass ghax li kiku kinet it tifla tijak ekk kont tamel u lili toqodc tejdli bis sur

        [Daphne – Middle class ma jfissirx flus, Sur Grixti. Ifisser il-mod kif iggib ruhek u l-valuri li ghandek. Bl-ebda mod jista wiehed bhala isir middle class, ikollu kemm ikollu flus.]

      • Jozef says:

        Kif inhi din, ‘ghax li kiku kinet it tifla tijak ekk kont tamel’, jaqaw tpappija Mario?

        Spjegalna helu, int qed tghid li biex tkun middleclass taht Gonzi trid thaddem it-tifla?

      • TinaB says:

        Mario (la offendejt ruhek ghax bl-edukazzjoni indirizzajtek, sur), kieku kienet it-tifla tieghi tippoza u taghmel dawk il-gesti kont nidres dirsa lilha ghax ghamlet hekk u mhux nigi nhedded u inkellem hazin lil min qed jpprova jeduka lil min ghandu bzonn jeduka ruhu.

        Genitur tal-affari tieghu bhali jagixxi.

      • ciccio says:

        Milli jidher, Mario Grixt huwa mil-Partit tal-Haddemin, maghruf bhala l-Malta Labour Party.

    • Jemima says:

      U mur ‘l hemm. Hekk trabbihom lit tfal tieghek?

      Ittihom il go-ahead biex jaghmlu li jridu fuq il-Facebook? Mela jekk hekk, haddiehor ghandu dritt jghid li jrid, jekk intom tridu taghmlu l-oxxenitajiet, halluna almenu nitnejjku bikom.

      • mario grixti says:

        jiena ma kontc naf x eda tamel u tikteb it tifla tieghi fuq facebook

      • dabbar rasek says:

        Issa la taf, hu hsieb li ma tkomplix sejra hekk.

        Il-hazin mhux dak li ghamlet, imma li hi ma tafx x’qeda taghmel.

        Dawk il-pozi u l-hwejjeg li liebsa huma pornografici. Bizzejjed tinnota illi hafna mill-kummenti ‘sexy’ taht ir-ritratti huma minn irgiel darbtejn daqsa.

      • TinaB says:

        Grazzi ghal Daphne, issa sirt taf – jekk ma ridtx tirringrazzjaha imissek tal-anqas ma ktibt xejn u sempliciment canfart lil bintek.

        Nispera li din serviet lilek u lil ohrajn bhalek ta’ tghalima, Mario.

        Kieku kulhadd idahhal ftit sens f’mohhu u jghaddih lil uliedu, jahasra, ikollna socjeta hafna ahjar.

  4. Spiru says:

    And a pink track suit top – Vicky Pollard

  5. ken il malti says:

    Jesus looks to be flying off on his cross.

    Even he has had enough of this nonsense from these Labourite dim wits finally.

  6. PWG says:

    Bil-fors it-tfal ta’ xi wiehed tal-linja antika. Same culture, kurcifiss and all.

  7. Leslie Darmanin says:

    It’s going to be chaos under Labour.

    Imagine trying to reconcile the likes of these people in the photo above with the likes of Kenneth Zammit Tabona and the other switchers, with the construction magnates ready to take over, with the gay movement, with the conservative Labour south and, most of all, with the interests of a power hungry party and its numerous hangers on waiting for payback time.

    Labour will have to try to keep its base in tow through handouts and political patronage, but it will only be a matter of time before this Labour charade of incredibly conflicting interests implodes.

    By then, Malta would be in the economic doldrums and its budget deficit sky high. This will be more or less around the time when other EU countries would have started crawling out of their own deficits, leaving Malta standing ridiculously alone out in the cold, with its public accounts out of control, a power station it did not need, and an uncontrolled building industry.

    Then, taking the cue from David Cameron’s referendum plans on the EU. the question would slowly begin to raise its head – should Malta remain in the EU?

    And charming people like these in the photo would be among those who clap the loudest for Malta to leave,

    Malta taghna biss. Back to Mintoff..

    • Jozef says:

      I’m afraid you’re right Leslie, let them do the work.

    • observer says:

      Amen to all that.

      It is more than simply frightening – it is apolcalyptic.

    • Tabatha White says:

      Indeed, this whole story lifts the lid on the horrible reality within Joseph’s Malta Kollha Taghna and the very evident lack of morals and ethics that we have been complaining about.

      Perhaps the father will begin to realise that there is more to life in Malta than what is presented on the surface. By his family, but even by Joseph & Co.

      I hope that he sorts out his clear anguish, and his language to others with it, and that his whole family comes out of this wiser and richer for the experience, not embittered.

      Interesting that this had to surface. Perhaps now they’ll also start to realise what we’re on about, amongst other things.

      It’s not mocking this girl that it is about, it’s shock at her actions and language.

      It only hurts when people have to live it moment to moment, and as the father said: he didn’t even know it was happening. Under Joseph it will get much worse. He has just defended an immoral action. Perhaps for Mr Grixti and his daughter, things will be slightly different now.

      When the father calms down and realises that his daughter’s own actions and words are what made her visible in Malta and the whole world over his gut reaction to strike out at you may change. I hope that he is not as rough with his daughter as he was in addressing you Daphne.

      Both him and his daughter may silently thank you for this one day.

      Perhaps other Labour families are checking their children’s online content right now.

    • ciccio says:

      That is exactly what will happen.

      It will happen within a week, a month at most.

  8. mario grixti says:

    Li trid amel jin andi ghalxiex immur ant il puluzija izjed minnek ghax eda itellaa ritrati ta binti minajr il permess tieghi u aqtahha ghax qed thabbata ma bieb hazien ja mishuta min alla

    [Daphne – That’s two threats already.]

    • AE says:

      Mr Grixti if you are going to write, however vulgar and threatening, at least learn how to spell properly.

    • Jemima says:

      Sweet, bintek ghamlet ir-ritratti fuq il-Facebook. Jekk ma tafx, kun af.

      • cherise grixti says:

        Muxx kulhadd jamel ir ritratt fuq facebook ;)) imma ma kienx jaf xtip ta ritratti kelli u ma kelom xejn hazin jin ax jogobni dak listil xejn iktar SWEET !

    • ciccio says:

      Sur Grixti, jekk turi dawk ir-ritratti lil Pulizija, x’aktarx li jarrestaw lilek.

      Kun zgur li tmur ghand Pulizija Laburist.

  9. dabbar rasek says:

    Dabbar rasek, Sur Grixti, u mur hu hsieb it-tifla tieghek.

    Xi hsibt? Li hadd ma jara ir-ritratti taghha fuq Facebook, b’hafna kummenti minghand irgiel darbtejn daqsa?

    Jekk int m’ghandekx Facebook, ahjar tmur tiftah wiehed malajr halli tkun tista tara x’qeda taghmel it-tifla tieghek. Il-pulizija lilek ghandom bzonn ikellmu, talli mhux qed tieghu hsieb it-tifla tieghek sew.

    • AE says:

      well said

    • cherise grixti says:

      Lil missieri memx alfejn tejdlu inntt xandu jamel ! u jek jikomentaw lirgil andi xi tort jin ? Vojta … jinn kull mandi dak listil ax jogobnii imbilli ikollok libsa qasira xfija hazin? ma kelli xej mikxuf hlif saqqajja taqalaw panik mix xejn u tridu bilfors issibu xi haga hazina ! Missieri jihu hsibi hafna iktar millli tahsbu intom !

  10. Makjavel says:

    Is sur Grixti jidher li m’ghandu l-ebda ideja x’ qeghda thawwad it-tifla tieghu. Mhux ahjar jara ma’ min qed taghmila flok joqod jedded in-nies?

  11. JPS says:

    Daphne – just edit the image and blur the face of the girls. Not out of any respect for her dad’s wishes yet it is clear that she is a child and has no idea what Labour is all about. As we can see, it runs in the family…

    [Daphne – That’s a good idea.]

  12. Min Jaf says:

    Dik mhiex il-kamra tas- sodda ta dik-Cherise taz-zarbun bil-platform u takkuna gholja li rajna altar kmieni illum?

  13. Spiru says:

    Dan xi wiehed prodott tal-gunjer lajciums tas-70s?

  14. Joey says:

    The crucifix is particularly pertinent in the context – you can almost hear Him thinking: “jahassra, l-ewwel qadt naqla’ lil Noah biex isalva t-tajjeb tad-dinja u nibdew mill-gdid; mbaghad wasalt jien u min ghalija hallejt kollox sew, b’taghlima ghal kullhadd…issa elefjn sena wara, u xorta ghad hawn min hu kompletament spiccut minn mohhu.”

  15. JPS says:

    Unfortunately like many other kids, (including ones from Nationalist families), these are totally addicted to Facebook with the consequence that they forget its potential damage in public exposure. Just imagine the image without the Labour Party flag and it could be any teenager.

    The problem lies in the lack of control and supervision by the parents. Most underage teenagers block the parents from viewing their profile and wall and shockingly the parents just accept this or others are simply not bothered.

    I’m of the opinion that any child should not be exposed at all.

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