The prozzies Are In – with the Muslims and Kenneth Zammit Tabona. What a joke.

Published: February 18, 2013 at 4:23pm

nakita 1

nakita 2

nakita 3

antonella 2

antonella 6

antonella 7

antonella 8

antonella 10

antonella 11

antonella 13

antonella 16

39 Comments Comment

  1. Toni Bajada says:

    Joseph and his amazing technicolor dream-c**ts.

  2. Curious says:

    Viva l-qhab. Dawn ma jghoddux ghal Jason, Joseph u Kenneth. Dawk ghandhom gosti ohra.

  3. Aunt Hetty says:

    They seem awfully proud of their third finger.

  4. Tumas says:

    Good Lord …

    • Tumas says:

      And now that you mentioned the Muslims, I’d like to know their opinion on fellow Labour supporters such as these.

      • Aunt Hetty says:

        I am dying to know what Abdul Rahman (Mario) Farrugia- Borg thinks of his fellow skip squatters in Cyrus’s LGBT’s ghetto.

  5. La Redoute says:

    Having they heard of Labour’s cultural policy?

  6. sarah says:

    What’s with taking photos with the middle finger? Any why are both her middle fingers pointing at herself? By the way – love the sofa covers.

    • ken il malti says:

      They are trying to emulate the gangsta’s “bit*hes n’ ho’s that are on rap videos full of booty and gang hand signals.

      It is amazing on how low-life Maltese love imitating American Black ghetto gutter culture.

  7. Joe says:

    They look like they are auditioning for the part of Frank N Furter in the Rocky Horror. Picture Show.

  8. P Shaw says:

    I wonder whether these girls will stimulate the nerds in the attached pictures. That will be an interesting encounter – one could call this movement ‘a melting pot’.!/photo.php?fbid=417963764965118&set=a.417963704965124.97562.395767880518040&type=1&theater

  9. Iz-Zanzi says:

    I’m in.

  10. K says:

    Anyone betting against Joe taxpayer funding those boob-jobs relief/children’s allowance payments and other assorted benefits?

  11. Balky says:

    Shows what RETARDS you all are.

    Is this gonzipn’s answer to PL’s manifest?

    With supporters like gonzipn needs no enemies.


    • La Redoute says:

      The PL’s manifest seems to consist largely of silicon chests and vulgar clothing.

    • Wormfood says:

      Qħab b’xejn għal min hu nerd, verġni u ‘in’.

      • Min Jaf says:

        Look like the sort of virgins dished out to suicide bombers. The bombers find themselves hoist by their own petard – twice over.

    • K says:

      Labour is in the shipping business now? Because that’s what manifest means in English.

      So learn the language before trying to post any sort of witticism and since labour has now morphed into, the gonzipin mantra rings rather hollow now.

  12. Snobby says:

    Kien hemm Nakita u marret taghmel zewg tpingijiet ta’ Mintoff u Karmenu hdejn il-parti privata taghha wiehed fuq kull naha .

    Minhabba t-tpingija friska kellha toqghod bla qalziet ta’ taht.

    Wara l-kedda, ippruvat tarahom imma kienu bil-maqlub. Marret hdejn Antonella, gholliet id-dublett u staqsietha: “Ara tarafx xi politikant minn dawn, oht?”

    Antonella wara li qadet tifli sew l-opri ta’ l-arti u l-madwar qaltilha”Tal-lemin qisu Mintoff , tax-xellug qisu Karmenu u tan-nofs zgur li Joseph!”

  13. Futur Imcajpar says:

    The Kenneth I used to know would have had a massive heart attack if he were within a mile of that lot. Now he’s sharing the same skip.

    Strange bedfellows indeed.

  14. Caroline says:

    Please Mr Joe, what can I do to make sure my daughters avoid this type of mittelklass you are promoting. I suggest you ask Mixxel if she intends allowing your lovely daughters to mix with this trash when they grow up. Shame on you.

  15. Neil Dent says:

    For Clapton’s sake – I’ll bet a month’s wages that Antonella’s tits have their own gravitational pull.

  16. Free says:

    Those pics up there show how you really have nothing to do, getting pics from others fb how cheap!! Why don’t you compare the supposedly copied PL manifesto with the PN one that mentions the PL for like 15 times… is PN really better or just the lesser of 2 evils???

    • Min Jaf says:

      The photos are very relevant, they illustrate the core voters of the PL.

      PN is better by far than PL as proven by its track record over the years. The persons in the photos can enjoy their lifestyle, vulgar though it be (but that is their free choice thanks to PN government), through benefits brought about by a sound and well-managed national economy.

      But even if the PN were just the ‘lesser of two evils’, by definition PN would still be better than the PL. so what is your point?

  17. il-Ginger says:

    “Trid blowsnob?”

  18. Joe Micallef says:

    With a little imagination Nakita looks Baroque! Zammit Tabona should have loads of that.

  19. ron says:

    Jaqq xi hmieg. All silicone and no brains

  20. TROY says:

    Labour’s best.
    I’m out.

  21. NS says:


  22. Nathan aquilina says:

    il-qhab li jhaddmu l-investituri tal-Labour…

  23. nad says:

    lesti ruhek DCG ax kif jitilaw il labour malajr tnehhi in nejk u il hara landek! ja mara hazina

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