Great, now we have children chanting Viva l-Labour again.

Published: February 18, 2013 at 5:26pm


Children chanting Viva l-Labour? But I thought it was all about Malta Taghna Lkoll.

No wonder they don’t want us to talk about the past – it’s so that they are free to repeat it. Or charming parts of it.

19 Comments Comment

  1. P Shaw says:

    Mark Anthony Falzon had an excellent line in his column yesterday:

    “There are two ways to silence people. The first is to use the threat of or actual violence, the second to get them to parrot exactly what you want them to, when and how you want them to”

    • Harry Purdie says:

      It’s interesting (and scary) that Old Labour has begun to raise its ugly head even before elected.

      Violence, drugs, contriving police, coverups, back stabbing, lies—seem to be pretty sure of themselves. Still time, people.

  2. Paul Bonnici says:

    How long will that box last? It will soon fall into disrepair once a window is broken and rain gets into it. The sun will burn those books in the summer.

  3. Jozef says:

    A book a week.

  4. Bubu says:

    How sad. These children are already ruined for life.

  5. Joe says:

    ‘Dr. Muscat donated a number of books’. Now we know that they were his biography. Or perhaps Fifty Shades of Grey.

  6. Lyann Iles says:

    Seems like certain people when indirectly being bribed and self harm is inflicted! My opinion is i’d rather receive any donation then have money indirectly stolen from me that can be spent on my children, especially when knowing the corruption is still going on! Seriously, i dont say thankyou when people slap me! Open your eyes and judge on what you see…or should i say on what you’ve seen?

    [Daphne – You have children? I thought you said you were an I’m In volunteer.]

    • Lyann Iles says:

      Guess you underestimate people, and guess you were wrong about the boyfriend…and the sweatshirts…and the boyfriend…and the legs…rest assured! But anyways enough of the silly blabber! Real issues and REALITY is what people see…and if you made journalistic history in the past…take a step forward to the future and let history repeat itself, but surely you wont get there in this manner! This is your one way ticket to hell!

      [Daphne – I never said anything about your legs, Lyann. I have no idea what they look like. I’m sure they’re very nice, though.]

      • Lyann Iles says:

        Thankyou for the compliment daphne! Its good to have tough women in this country…i am one of them…i can say im with you on this one!

  7. xmun says:

    There you go again with The Times reporting.

    Last week it was a hero’s welcome; today it’s an enthusiastic one.

  8. Hi Daphne,

    I hope you get to see this comment. Please note that this project was NOT a project conceived by the Qormi local council.

    This is a project conceived by a group of young people who share the love of reading, who have been working hard on this for months on end now. They are in no ways or means associated with any political party or government organisation.

    During the past couple of months the Book Box group approached themselves numerous Local Councils, and the Qormi Local Council was the first one to accept to help in the funding of this initiative. However the work was still all done by the Book Box group, and it is still being made by the group themselves in maintaining the box and ensuring it is constantly full and contains appropriate reading material for all ages.

    The Qormi Local Council omitted most of the group during the official launch of Book Box last Friday, and decided to completely omit the group in Joseph Muscat’s visit this morning, and none of the group knew about it.

    Please also note that Joseph Muscat had visited the Book Box stand at the Book Fair, whereby he did seem enthusiastic about the initiative, therefore he knows that it is not the sole work of the Qormi Local Council, but that it was the initiative of Book Box done in conjunction with the Qormi Local Council.

    Thank You

  9. Brainwashing? Le. Dawk tfal maturi hafna (Y)

  10. ciccio says:

    The next ‘socialist generation.’

  11. Manweli says:

    Iridiex tal-messija issa meta qal hallu t-tfal jigu ghandi. LOL

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