Top comment of today

Published: February 20, 2013 at 1:45pm

Posted by nad:

lesti ruhek DCG ax kif jitilaw il labour malajr tnehhi in nejk u il hara landek! ja mara hazina

I’m dying for Labour to be elected, to see how se jnehhuli n-nejk u l-hara li ghandi.

The usual unadulterated class hatred.

31 Comments Comment

  1. vanni says:

    It might be more interesting to see Nad removing the ‘hara li ma ghandekx’

  2. curious says:

    Mela mhux Malta Taghna Lkoll?

    • Joe Farrugia says:

      Iva zgur, izda taghna lkoll sad-9 ta’Marzu. Dan qed jirreferi ghal-wara id-9 ta’ Marzu ghax imbghad issir Malta Socjalista u ma jkunx hemm post ghal nies bhal Daphne.

  3. daisy J says:

    Mela mhux Malta taghna lkoll u wara d-9 ta’ MARZU kollox se jkun business as usual? Bejn il kliem u l-fatti hemm bahar jikkumbatti ghidlu lil dan is-sinjur and that’s why I am more than convinced about voting PN.

  4. curious says:

    I (and many more) have a feeling that this time round Labour suuporters won`t be able to hold on and upon (and if) winning the election we may experience some nasty surprises.

    Al least that`s their gossip in village bars – their aim seems not to win and govern but to pay back for all the years spent in opposition.

    The message of Joseph for `unity` seems to be falling through.

  5. Joe Azzopardi says:

    “Ilkoll ghandna wicc wiehed. Wicc ta’ Malti.”


  6. TinaB says:

    Ghaliex mara hazina Daphne, Nad?

    Forsi ghax qed turi kemm intkom, is-sapporters ta’ Joseph, intkom ta’ klassi u ta’ kultura?

    L-aqwa li Malta taghna lkoll.

  7. smiley says:

    Mela mhux ucuh ta’ Maltin se nibdew naraw wara d-9 ta’ Marzu. The only one preaching about Malta taghna lkoll is Muscat. The others do not even mention it.

    • Jozef says:

      Exactly, and if nastiness happens, all you have to do is ask for an audience before his majesty, who’ll hand you a passepartout.

      Sometimes it’s a photo.

      Joseph the Magnanimous will believe you voted for change. Musumeci will be envoy.

      We’ll have a racket of Joseph hankies, ties and mugs. Ask Toni Zarb.

  8. Candida says:

    NAD mela diga nsejt li Malta taghna lkoll huwa pajjiz demokratiku u fejn hemm id demokrazija hemm il-liberta tal-kelma bla ebda biza?

  9. Tracy says:

    Ara, beda it-theddid xi hlew.

    Kompluli dan il-qawl isa: “Il-lupu jbiddel sufu…. “

  10. mark says:

    Bil Labour fil gvern mhux lil DCG biss se jnehhula n-nejk u l-hara….imma lil Maltin u l-Ghawdxin kolla talli hallewhom 25 sena fuq il-bankijiet ta ‘l-oppozzizjoni.

  11. David Gatt says:

    Daphne mhux mara hazina. Konferma ta’ dan kien per ezempju meta ftit jiem ilu nehhiet post wara li ndunat bl-istorja tal-passat ta’ persuna li kitbet fuqha.

    Ma jfissirx li ilsienha ma’ jafx jkun hazin u jaqta’ imma hemm bahar jaqsam bejn li tkun hazin u li jkollok ilsienek hazin.

    DCG jisthoqqilha kull rispett u kummenti dispreggjattivi bhal dawk m’humiex misthoqqa.

  12. stevn gerrard says:

    I’ll hdura l-ghandhom ma fiex tmiem. Kemm huma esperti fil- hara. Daphne ahna warajk.

  13. Giov.DeMartino says:

    Kemm irridu nibku jekk verament jitla’ l-Labour.

    Kemm se jkollna biki u thezziz tas-snien.

  14. ciccio says:

    U zgur li Malta Tana Lkoll.
    U wara d-9 ta’ Marzu, Joseph inehhilna l-hara kollu li ghandna b’dan, li se jkun Tana lkoll.

  15. Jozef says:

    And Kenneth Zammit Tabona thinks he’ll have the space to express himself.

    They’ll be reduced to fulfilling Labour’s social agenda. ‘Popularising the arts’ will imply the selection of works relevant to the cause.

    ‘Jinqata’ n-nejk u l-hara zejjed’, in other words all that is superfluous, will NOT be considered essential.

    The arts, if not functional to the cause, will be relegated to an approved restricted group.The rest won’t have a place in society. That’s you Daphne, your magazines and the ones whose work you choose to uphold.

    And when anyone dare contradict the sublime in the above, I’ll be able to point out a bare miserable soul.

    To hell with the quest for refined truth, we can’t have discordant taste in one Malta. We’ll be the outsiders.

    Let it happen, exclusivity, underground, inaccessible, will become the rage. Do these people even realise there’s other means outside social media? It’s a place where they won’t ever be able to get their bloody tweets, messages and ridiculous newspeak.

    It will never belong to them. The arts and their truth were never democratic, let alone equal.

  16. ali says:

    Do these people really believe that if Joseph is elected we’re all going to bow down to him and we’ll all be in awe at what a success Malta becomes, given that apparently it isn’t a success now?

    I’m sorry but people in Malta do not really vote for who they believe will make or continue to make positive changes that they are already benefiting from!

  17. Dragon says:

    X’ghamlet hazin DCG? Gidbet? Marret f’xi ghassa ssib pulizija Nazzjonalist? Kellha xi blokka bajda?

    Keep it up, Daphne.

  18. Miss O'Brien says:

    Nad, kummenti bhal tieghek iktar nikkonvinci ruhhi li intom marmalja mhux imbilli ixxejru bnadar bojod u tinghu ‘Malta Taghna Lkoll’.

    Issa mur ikkalma naqra u ffriska bis-silga tal-Lijder

  19. Claude Sciberras says:

    What made me smile is that you seem to admit you have “nejk u hara” :o)

    [Daphne – Not at all. I am one of the most practical and down-to-earth people in existence. I’m just curious to know how they would remove those things if I had them.]

  20. daisy J says:

    Dear Daphne, keep up your excellent work! You are saying nothing wrong. It’s just that truth hurts. We are all supporting you.

  21. edgar says:

    Jekk Daphne ghanda ”nejk u hara” imma ghanda mohh. Michelle veru ghanda ”nejk u hara” imma bla mohh.

  22. Augustus says:

    Jista’ jdum jippriedka Joseph li Malta taghna lkoll meta ghandu supporters bhal Nad li jikxfulu s*rmu u jaf li ghalxejn jghidilhom biex ghalissa ma jghidux kliem bhal dan ghax ma jissaportux joqghodu kwieti.

    • Jozef says:

      Ilhom isiktuhom, ghalfejn tahseb li Michelle stess bdiet tavzahom biex ‘jistennew minn kollox’ dawn il-himstax?

      Intant bniedem f’ghadira demm jiggieled ghal-hajtu qisu mhu xejn.

      Bhallikieku nistghu nserrhu rasna ghax taghhom f’taghhom.

      Daqshekk baxxi dawn in-nies.

  23. Why is it that persons who dish out such vile statements express themselves in such atrocious Maltese?
    (They know no better, and their crass stupidity will always show.)

    Is this the true face of the supporters of the party that wants to change Malta for the better?
    (There are enough of this type of person within that party’s fold to repel level-headed voters.)

  24. mikiel says:

    Time will tell who will shed his ‘nejk u hara’ in Malta.

    You and your likes, Nad, take everything for granted.

  25. denis says:

    l-aqwa li “Malta Taghna Kollha”

  26. makjavel says:


    Ghad tibki ghal dak li se taghmel ftit jiem ohra.

    Imma il-Laburisti dejjem irringrazjaw lill kapijiet taghhom talli qalghawlhom ghajn wahda u mhux tnejn.

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