The young man at the MCAST demo
February 21, 2013 at 3:16pm
I have deleted the post about the young man at the forefront of the Labour student mob outside MCAST. He is not at Dar il-Kaptan but at another home.
It really wouldn’t be fair to say which or to give any other details about the chap because, as is amply evident, he is not in a position to speak for himself even though he does. And he remains a private individual.
Suffice it to say that those who organise the Labour Party’s public manifestations should not manipulate the vulnerable even if they themselves take the decision to go along with it. Ultimately, it only reflects badly.
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”Suffice it to say that those who organise the Labour Party’s public manifestations should not manipulate the vulnerable even if they themselves take the decision to go along with it. Ultimately, it only reflects badly.”
They are experts at manipulating shamelessly the vulnerable, weak and fragile.
Shame on Muscat!
Ma naf xejn dwar il-ġuvni li qed issemmi imma nammirak għall-integrita u l-irġulija (skużi għat-terminoloġija) tiegħek.
Dan għandhom jaraw (u jifhmu) il-Laburista li ma jaħmlukx pinġuta.
Inti t-torch-bearer (għal darb’oħra skużani għat-terminu) tal-liberta’ responsabbli tal-espressjoni.
Shame on you for pointing him out in the first place.
I m sure his parents are as annoyed and hurt just as you were when your son was used for political reasons.
[Daphne – He hasn’t any, and in any case, they were responsible for the damage, which is why he is now where he is. I did not USE him for anything, and that’s why I removed the post, after pointing out that it was the Labour Party which used him. Think clearly, please.]
Dar il~Kaptan is a respite home for people with disabilities.
Kemm tkun mghaggla biex taqbez Anna Caruana. You lack logical thought as is evidenced clearly by your false, hasty and simplistic conclusions.
Besides, you try to shame Daphne because she commented on someone who was in a public demo while not shaming those who used a fragile person for their political agenda?
Nice. I’m sure that reasoning like yours attracts hoards of switchers to your party.
I am ashamed of what happened at MCast yesterday and I’m an MCAST student.
A debate should have never been held there as half of MCAST either don’t have a vote (they were still allowed to enter the debate whilst others couldn’t) or are immature.
If I organised the debate I would have sent every person booing, shouting and screaming outside.
And how were they let in with “I’m in” t-shirts and hoodies, when they couldn’t have flags or banners?
And typical Labour behaviour, kind of funny that people attending MCAST were booing Gonzi, when thanks to his government, they are getting educated for free.
The question is, after what happened at the university, why was nothing done so that the same wouldn’t happen again at MCAST?
I saw him in Valletta this afternoon and it is very evident that his vulnerability was exploited by Labour.
I’m glad that he was routing for Labour because had he been on the other side of the fence, I would have feared for his safety. As it is, people were giving him a furtive glance and walking on.
L-ironija hija li tal-Labour dejjem jaghjru li-PN fuq il-barunijiet tad-droga, u issa qeda tidher li x’ihud mit-traffikanti tad-droga ghandhom ukoll il-protezzjoni. Shame on you, Muscat
Shame on the MLP
So typical of Labour to use the weak. Shameful as always but why does anyone expect any better when this is their culture? I honestly believe I am a foreigner living in my own country.