Joseph will keep Jeffrey on: did we have any doubt?
Joseph Muscat paid an official visit to the Malta Council for Science and Technology this afternoon, where the chairman, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, treated him like the prime minister after having treated the prime minister with churlishness, even surprising him with a birthday cake (his) and forcing him into a ‘happy birthday, Jeffrey’ situation under the full glare of the cameras.
Muscat – Labour having done a great deal to develop the Malta Council for Science and Technology (not) – was left with just a single news peg: LABOUR WILL RETAIN JEFFREY PULLICINO ORLANDO AS CHAIRMAN.
Of course, because he’s doing an excellent job, isn’t he. All those parties! The carnival party, especially, was fabulous.
Nobody had any doubt that Joseph would keep Jeffrey on. They’re both lying scum, and they get along famously. They have colluded and plotted over the last four years or so, during which Jeffrey did his utmost to cause trouble and behaved as though he sat with the Opposition.
Now Joseph owes Jeffrey too much. Jeffrey has him by the balls, and Jeffrey’s wife Carmen, currently plastered all over Super One TV, has him by the balls. It’s a daisy chain of the unprincipled and the morally corrupt.
They talk about the evil clique, but they are the real evil clique: nasty and squalid and in it for themselves.
Why Joseph Muscat imagines that keeping Jeffrey on is a good reason to vote Labour is anyone’s guess. Maybe he’s so cut off from reality, mixes so much with pseudo-switchers and not enough people who hate the scum’s guts, that he doesn’t realise that Jeffrey’s stink has rubbed off on him.
Ma’ min rajtek, xebbahtek.
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What next? Debono for the post of AG?
Of all the chairmen who worked so hard, the least comptent and present of them all. Joseph is already giving kickbacks to all those who support him directly or indirectly without even being elected yet! Ahseb u ara x’gej fl-10 ta Marzu. Meritocracy my foot!
Was Muscat present at the Consuelo party when Pullicino Orlando drunkenly promised to vote against the St John’s Cathedral project?
[Daphne – Yes.]
Alfred Sant will be chuffed.
A good caption for that picture: The good , the bad and the ugly.
The bad guy thinks that the ugly guy is more important than Research Engineer Nicholas Sammut.
Nicholas Sammut toils, while the primadonna Jeffrey takes the recognition.
King Joseph confered an OBE to JPO…. OBE stands for Other Bastards’ Efforts.
How superficial and impolite can these people be?
Joseph Muscat and JPO – totally fake and untrustworthy garden gnomes.
Anzi tah bicca kumitat sura tan-nies.
Can some dab hand design a motivational poster with JPO’s mugshot and the words:
Because we will carry on as usual.
I can’t be bothered to do it myself. I’ve given up.
If a miracle happens and the PN wins the elections, I hope that JPO will be fired on the 10th March.
He wasn’t fired before the election. What makes you think he’ll ever be fired, even if PN wins? Parties come and parties go, but injustice endures.
I’ll do it.
Would love to dab a few jabs on his puffy face. Botox he won’t need.
Haven’t had a workout since yesterday. had stated that he would allow us citizens to vote online for persons sitting on public boards. Will he give us the pleasure to vote this one out?