Here’s Joe Cordina, Labour’s financial administrator who handled George Farrugia’s bribe money

Published: February 21, 2013 at 8:01pm

What’s wrong with the Labour Party’s financial administrators? One of their most recent ones ended up handling the Gaddafi sons’ stashes of millions and ‘administering the finances of’ their lurid debauches. That’s the accountant Joe Sammut.

Now we have Joe Cordina, its current financial administrator and a director of all the Labour Party’s companies, at the end of the line down which the Trafigura bribes travelled.

15 Comments Comment

  1. Carmelo Micallef says:

    ‘pimps, thieves and scoundrels’

  2. ciccio says:

    Shades of il-Pixtu.

  3. just wondering says:

    I wonder whether this video could be saved before it’s taken down by PL.

    • Grezz says:

      Somebody at the PN headquarters had better see to that.

      Labour are pretty good at covering their tracks. It’s impossible to find any footage or anything of, for example, Joseph Muscat’s anti-EU television programme or of his “No to EU” campaign.

  4. Giraffa says:

    Did anyone ever ask Joe Sammut about where the Gaddafi millions have ended up? I am morally convinced ……….

    • Makjavel says:

      I have asked this question a few weeks ago, I hope somebody takes it up seriously. I am sure it will be another block in the Labour corrupt practices story.

  5. Gahan says:

    While visiting the Zurrieq open market Muscat was asked wether he knew about any other drug cases in an MLP club apart that one of Hal Safi.

    Now why did they ask him that question in Zurrieq?

    It is worth noting that he did not answer it.

  6. J Farrugia says:

    We will see now if he resigns, and if contest the election just the same. Ara vera lanqas jisthu

  7. Ghawdxi Hazin says:

    Vera kien ghaqli fit-tmexxija

  8. Crockett says:

    Where’s Fredu ‘hbieb tal-hbieb u barunijiet’ when one needs him?

  9. sunshine says:

    Seriously… the interviewee starts the interview with a drop of sweat gently slipping down his neck and ends it like he’s run the marathon in the interim… must have been a hot day.

  10. ALAN says:

    He is also the mayor of Xaghra.

  11. gianni says:

    One needs to make special reference to the Money Laundering Act.

    If a subject person knows or OUGHT TO KNOW that a client of his is involved in money laundering he is obliged to report it.

  12. Jozef says:

    Next financial administrator, Joe iz-Zejza.

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