Published: February 21, 2013 at 9:03pm

If only I were a newspaper sub…that would make a great headline.

I thought I just heard that Ramona from Super One says ‘tanks God” and immediately got three concurrent messages telling me ‘Ramona just said tanks God’.

Listen carefully, Ramona – it’s THANK GOD not THANKS GOD. If it were the latter, there would be a comma between ‘thanks’ and ‘God’, because you only say ‘thanks’ when you’re addressing somebody directly.

Thank God is the IMPERATIVE FORM (an instruction), therefore no s, no comma and you’re not addressing God but the person to whom you’re speaking – in this case, that sleazy snake Evarist Bartolo.

Will somebody give that poor little coconut a can of Red Bull?

I don’t know exactly what it is about Varist, but on the rare occasions when I think of the Spanish Inquisition, I always imagine the men on the tribunal being exactly like him.

Fejnu Manuel Mallia? Qieghed otherwise engaged, miskin? He’s the one who usually appears to play trial lawyer in these scenarios.

Oh, look! Here he is, practising for his next performance.

manuel drag

21 Comments Comment

  1. TROY says:

    And she still hasn’t washed.
    Thank God, we can’t smell her on TV.

  2. Rover says:

    This is absolutely hilarious. Ramona and the sleazy snake.

    He might as well have got hold of his kwerela and stuck it up his backside. The money launderer was right behind him.

  3. Ramona shows no hesitation to show she felt at home at the PL press conference, both in her statement and her general hygiene.

  4. Roy says:

    It was actually “tenks God”, imma nsomma… details.

  5. Daisy says:

    How cute, they have learned a new expression. Evarist and Chris Cardona are flogging a dead horse all over the shop. And Chris is really pleased with his new expression. He probably never heard it before.

  6. Beauchamp says:

    I think they will be burning the midnight ‘oil’ at Dar Centrali tonight.

  7. Daisy says:

    And Ramona (because I know you’re reading this), give the yardstick a break.

    A while ago you would have never dreamt of using English expressions and now it’s something widespread in what you like to call your movement.

    X’intom progressivi, man. Tal-ustja.

  8. Daisy says:

    Over the years I have seen that the Labour Party often takes your advice after the obvious has been pointed out to them on your blog, Daphne.

    The Labour Party hadn’t even got the order of the EU, Maltese and Labour Party flags right till you pointed it out to them.

    So here something more to help them out with this new English-speaking image of theirs, so perhaps they can attract a few more Kenneths – sorry, Kennits.

  9. H.P. Baxxter says:

    In contemporary literature, we don’t follow the rules of grammar, my dears. The people’s art is like the people’s fart: silent and deadly, and best kept away from lit candles.

  10. george grech says:

    Madoff Michelle donnha taqra l-futur. Sew qalet ‘stennew minn kollox’.

  11. lino says:

    Oil – fools rush in where wise men dare to tread.

  12. AE says:

    I’m just listening to Gino Cauchi try to equate this situation with that of David Gonzi on a previous case.

    David Gonzi was company secretary and not a company director in this instance. A company secretary does have responsibilities but they are very different to that of a company director.

    To try and equate the two situations is wrong and misleading to say the least.

    The term ‘nominee’ is continuously being bandied about. As Minister Fenech tried to explain, the concept of nominee directors or even shareholders for that matter no longer exists in Maltese law.

    When you are a director of a company you are directly responsible for your actions as director. You can no longer claim that you were acting under instruction from someone else.

    If the directors of the company did not know what was going on, they were negligent. It is their responsibility to know what is going on.

    The only way they would not have known about monies going through the company account is if they allowed the bank account of the company to be controlled by anyone else other than themselves.

    This would be a totally foolish thing to do and against good practice in the industry.

    • me says:

      And what’s more, Joe Cardona is part of the Labour Party administration and a director of Labour Party companies, while David Gonzi has not part at all in the PN.

  13. Lestrade says:

    “Tanks God” was the favourite byline of Dun Gorg Dalli, brother of the Brussels Convict.

  14. Mario Mercieca says:

    If you manage to get a photo of platinette ehen he is off character, he is strikingly simillar to our very own star candudate.

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