As we thought: Evarist didn’t give details of The Big Gift because there are none
February 21, 2013 at 11:08pm
Tonio Fenech has categorically denied receiving anything at all from George Farrugia – “not even a Christmas hamper” – and has said that tomorrow he will take legal action against those who said he did, viz. Joseph Muscat and Evarist Bartolo.
Gino Cauchi was about to accuse him of the same thing, but stopped short when the finance minister said he will sue anyone who repeats it.
Evarist? Gillian should lock him up in the nearest cupboard. Every time he’s let out he does his party no favours at all.
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If they lock up Varist as well, everybody will be locked up and we will start asking where the Labour Party is.
I was thinking how they should have sent Edward Scicluna instead of Varist. He would have been able to explain more about how companies and their fiduciaries work.
I say he refused.
Mangion, Vella and Brincat also AWOL. Grima and Mifsud nowhere to be seen on ONE.
These are the old guard with some experience.
Tal-Labour Party ihobbu jaghtu hafna “gifts.” In fatti, ihobbu jaghtu dak li hu taghhom lil haddiehor.
Imma kif dawn iċ-ċwieċ jemmnu kollox?
Don’t they ever think for themselves?
Ask questions like “if this is true, where is the evidence?”
Don’t they ever get fed up of their beloved party insulting their intelligence?
Oh, silly me. What intelligence?
Isn’t Emanuel Mifsud the same person, from Rabat, who used to compliment the “lovely wife”, telling her how beautiful she looks each time she used to put up a photo of herself on Facebook before she closed it?
I believe this Schembri worked at Enemalta at some point and was either sacked or made to resign or resigned voluntarily.
His name appears frequently disguised as a born again Mintoffian. What I mean is that he says that he has struggled with his Labourite convictions and after careful study he came round to believing in Mintoff again.
What is strange is that sometimes his English is good and in others it is atrocious.
If the following are penned by the same person then contrast: with
The Labour propaganda machine is well oiled. And it is the only thing that will save Muscat et al from going to the dogs.
She should cover his mouth with a roll of duct tape as well – his voice alone is already annoying enough to bore the hell out of everyone.
New uniforms for the PL'm+probably+lying+t-shirt&hl=en&biw=1280&bih=800&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=hJ4mUfDOI4r24QSM4YD4DQ&sqi=2&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ#biv=i|0;d|HPVevWOZ4ajBeM:
Are we sure we are not being electronically spied on and followed by the Labour Party?
Wherever I go on the internet I find Joseph Muscat, Malta Taghna Lkoll, or their stupid electoral proposals.
Malta Taghna Lkoll. The Evil Clique wherever you click.
Those ads are probably pay per click – click as much as you can.
Like MX.
I do it ten times at least each time I see it.
Ciccio I think you’re on to something hot here.
But as much as I thought about how to put the detail here yesterday night, I think Joseph & Co will need to try and concentrate on other things now because I can’t see how they will survive this one on the better side of 49% unless the lies are phenomenally brilliant.
I was going to go in the direction of server hacks and interference with mail and correspondence which would have been the tip of another iceberg.
I think the surveillance network I was told they had put out to trace contributors here this week becomes irrelevant in the light of this mega ground-shaking scandalous turn-out of events.
Aikon is Nokia back to front. What idiots!
Oh please.
You’re right.
Evarist felt aggrieved and did a kwerela to safeguard his ‘honour’.
What about the honour of all those people he has smeared over the last 20 years?
Of course they knew. That’s the reason why they were desperately trying to involve one minister or another in the mess for the past fortnight, first Austin, then Tonio Fenech.
They’ve known that the story would eventually turn against them, so they tried to pre-empt that by throwing mud at the two Ministers to level the playing field. Now, they’re simply in denial.
That’s why Varist threw in the gift that Tonio Fenech was supposed to have received from Farrugia.
I am now almost certain that they would have preferred if this story had never seen the light of day.
Genuine question here: So if Manuel Mallia investigated Farrugia he may have known some financial details. Might this explain why he was against the Presidential pardon?
Evarist……(iz-zejt ta’) Malta taghna lkoll.
The Times are working overtime tonight.
Muscat accepts Cordina’s resignation, says Finance Minister has to explain ‘gift’.
No Dr. Muscat, your people made the accusation, the onus to prove it is now on you.
The Finance Minister does not ‘have’ to do anything.
Evarist thinks anything to do with money is shady by nature.
Cassola thinks the president will resolve human nature.
The liberals.
For MaltaToday, what Varist said about the gift is a ‘startling statement’. Ma x’biza’.
Franco Debono would not comment.
From where did Varist get the ‘information’?
There is no gift and no information. The courts take years to decide on libel suits, long after the the reason for the suit has lost its original relevance. Then the award settlement is usually a few hundred Euro at most.
Contrast that with the media headlines and coverage obtained by the unfounded accusation, the damage caused to the victim and, in this case, to the credibility of the PN at such a crucial stage in the electoral campaign.
Then take into account the deflection of the well-founded charges presented by Tonio Fenech in regard to the involvement of PL key official in the oil scandal.
Varist and Gino end up with good value by their ‘gift’ accusation, slimy though they and their accusation are.
Yesterday, that funny man Emmy Bezzina on Smash TV, with his usual tedious repeating ?Malta taghana il koll” also repeated the proverb : Biex tiskongra trid tkun pur” – I suppose he had Cordina in mind.
U kemm sar antipatiku Arnold Cassola. Ahjar imur jistahba ghax jaghmel aktar gid lill-AD…li saret il-fergha liberali ta’