Joseph changed the flag, the anthem, the logo and the image but he sent the Labour Party back to the Mintoff era. He tried to make us forget Alfred Sant’s era when it was relatively a “better” Labour Party.
I wonder whether there will ever be a time during my lifetime when the Labour Party will become an alternative party to vote for, not out of spite towards PN but because they actually deserve my vote?
The new Labour party that was built around wonder-kid Joey is an empty shell, a giant VOID.
It is all smoke and mirrors and it is “Jimmy Rigged” because not much effort was put forward in building it and it shows.
It is devoid of substance other than the old Mintoffijan “we hate them ’cause they are better then us” that is barely hidden under a thin crust and comes glaring out at embarrassing moments.
It is an amalgam of old nasty dinosaur opportunists from the golden years that should have been put to pasture long ago and young wannabe posers of no substance or experience in a volatile economic time in world history.
This is as scary as being in a pre-op patient in an operating theatre and seeing that snotty young teenage kid with the skate board from your neigbourhood donning surgical greens and being allowed to operate on you because he claims to be a surgeon and the hospital administrators foolishly believed him.
Joseph Muscat is not particularly bright or charismatic enough to be the leader of any political party, and he is surrounded with other inepts that compound that very noticeable problem.
And that is not good enough in today’s complex world or worth the destruction of the work and the waste of years of hard work by a lot of common and not so common people regardless of their political stripe that have brought Malta closer to being a first world nation instead of a backwards Albania like island classified as “Third World” located just north of the African continent.
Joseph Muscat was continually exposed to Mintoff’s influence by by rabid Mintoffian nanna ever since he was a toddler.
His modus operandi and his objectives are Mintoffian. hiss conscious attempt to rub out Alfred Sant from PL history, and his plan for a second republic should be seen in that context.
The last thing Malta needs right now, or ever, is to be led by an inept and incompetent Mintoffian clown, sorry, clone.
That’s exactly what I used to think and how I felt. I can tell you that since the 1981 election I solemnly promised myself not to vote labour again UNLESS PN behaves in similar manner regarding basic human and democratic rights.
Today, with all the sleaze, double-speak and the twisted manipulation of facts, I am more than ever convinced that labour hasn’t changed at all. If anything, as you say, it is more menacing now that it has changed its image but not its heart and skin.
I have reviewed my position such that if I get utterly disgusted with the PN I still won’t vote labour. I will be happier voting AD or not at all.
Nothing and no one is perfect in life. In elections, as in life, you get in situations where you have to choose one way or another, and the best choice is always that of the lesser evil.
Tonight Lawrence Gonzi was interviewed by an MCAST student. Gonzi started the speech by contesting the “Shame on you” comments. He pointed out that it is Labour who should be ashamed. His main points were:
1) Labour closed down the MCAST. The Nationalist Party reopened it.
2) Labour withdrew students’ stipends. The Nationalist Party reintroduced the stipend system.
3) Labour closed down the MCAST. The Nationalist Party is currently building a new MCAST campus (yes, work was going on while the rabble was shouting “Taghna Lkoll” and “Irridu l-bidla.”)
4) Under Labour, unemployment increased drastically. Under the Nationalist Party, Malta has the highest number of working people in history.
He also reminded students that cheers and catcalls come and go. What really matters is that at the end of their courses, graduates will be able to find jobs related to their studies.
The above are all facts and can be easily verified.
Wouldn’t it be ironic if it was discovered that the Labour Party benefited from any misappropriated funds after all these years of blaming the government for high electricity tariffs.
Last night we have been given proof of were this country is heading, should the MLP gain power.
While the PN immediately passed any info to the police, so any allegations into the oil scandal are investigated, the MLP is defending it’s own without wanting to know what the truth is.
Hopefully this will serve as an eye opener to all those floaters, switchers or whatever they may want to be called, to think twice about to whom they are going to give their vote.
Muscat has defended that slimeball Toni Abela in the Attard and Safi scandals, despite the seriousness of the information and Abela’s almost criminal actions. Yet, he cut Joe Cordina lose as soon as his involvement in the oil scandal became evident. It was quick, efficient and ruthless.
It’s clear that not only did Labour know that the proverbial sh*t was about to hit the fan, but they also knew beforehand about the extent of his involvement and that he will probably hang over this.
Pity, I would have loved to see a Labour candidate in the dock just before the election. It’s exactly where JPO deserved to be before the last one.
Labour are trying (unsuccessfully) to wriggle out of this one.
Can we ask one very simple question?
What would have happened and what would snake Varist say if the Financial Administrator of the PN was a direcor of InterShore Services, instead of Joe Cordina? Simple. Two weights, two measures.
One suggestion. PL should start distributing baby pacifiers duirng their forthcoming mass meetrings. Ghax veru qed jahsbuna tfal.
On TVAM this morning. Labour is aware of what George Farrugia said about a gift in hs statement to the Police. Inside information, Chris Cardona said. May we ask through whom?
What’s this nonsense about the gift a clock? Labour are shooting themselves in the foot. Even if it were true, something Tonio Fenech is denying, the gift was allegedly given as soon as Tonio became minister. Where’s the connection with oil procurment?
Tonio Fenech is saying that ten years ago he wasn’t even a minister. Diversionary tactics at their best.
In connection with many of your previous posts, I’m pretty sure that Labour has known about the whole all scandal all along.
A few weeks ago I heard a rumour circulating about Joseph Muscat and a secret meeting (don’t know where or how though) with John’s Garage. This was around week 1 or 2 of the campaign (i.e. early January).
The meeting was so secret that those attending were asked to place any digital divice (including any mobile phone, iPod, iPad, computer, camera etc.) in a locker and were checked by security personnel before entering.
Unfortunately I don’t know any much more than this, even though I have tried for the past week to try and gain more information.
Given that this is Malta and everyone knows everyone else, more information was hard to come by as it was THAT secretive and sensitive.
Given the involvement of Labour candidates either as the defence council of the Farrugia family or now as actually involved in the case, as well as Labour’s sheer media interest in the case (which has now badly boomeranged against them), the fact that this meeting took place was of strategic importance.
I beg any journalists to investigate this case and those with more information to come forward to try and make more sense of this complicated jigsaw.
This morning on TVAM, Chris Cardona showed that the PL has a copy of Farrugia’s deposition. This could only have been leaked to the party by the Police, but isn’t it more likely that Franco Debono leaked it, in his declared battle against PN cabinet Ministers and the oligarchy?
Should some serious journalist (if they exist) ask Debono a straightforward question?
Shame on Times of Malta. The resignation of the Labour Party’s financial administrator should have been on the front page. Everybody is now showing his true colours.
There should be no doubt whatsoever in the eyes of the citizens that the empowerment of the Police is perfectly balanced by its delivery of order and safeguarding of public safety. Why any amount of leniency or insufficiently thorough investigation is permitted (was the son of the committee member of the Safi kazin interviewed?) is not clear to me.
I think the time has come when any preventive measures that Government is in a position to take against collusion by the Police against it, should be taken – with a sense of urgency applied.
“Din l-elezzjoni ġenerali hija wisq importanti għall-futur ta’ Malta biex inħalli l-Partit Nazzjonalista jużani biex jipprova jiddevja l-attenzjoni,u jpoġġi l-Partit Laburista f’dawl ikrah” – Joe Cordina
The only thing he has not added in his statement is the number of times in the past few weeks that he has been fooling around near his office in Victoria trying to mock Gozitan PN supporters and telling them they have oil on their trousers.
You know how easily word goes around in Gozo. It has been reported that he has not left his office today!
Ghas-servizz tieghek. Dazgur.
The Walrus and the F**king Carpenter.
The Fat Cat album. Miao.
Joseph changed the flag, the anthem, the logo and the image but he sent the Labour Party back to the Mintoff era. He tried to make us forget Alfred Sant’s era when it was relatively a “better” Labour Party.
I wonder whether there will ever be a time during my lifetime when the Labour Party will become an alternative party to vote for, not out of spite towards PN but because they actually deserve my vote?
The new Labour party that was built around wonder-kid Joey is an empty shell, a giant VOID.
It is all smoke and mirrors and it is “Jimmy Rigged” because not much effort was put forward in building it and it shows.
It is devoid of substance other than the old Mintoffijan “we hate them ’cause they are better then us” that is barely hidden under a thin crust and comes glaring out at embarrassing moments.
It is an amalgam of old nasty dinosaur opportunists from the golden years that should have been put to pasture long ago and young wannabe posers of no substance or experience in a volatile economic time in world history.
This is as scary as being in a pre-op patient in an operating theatre and seeing that snotty young teenage kid with the skate board from your neigbourhood donning surgical greens and being allowed to operate on you because he claims to be a surgeon and the hospital administrators foolishly believed him.
Joseph Muscat is not particularly bright or charismatic enough to be the leader of any political party, and he is surrounded with other inepts that compound that very noticeable problem.
And that is not good enough in today’s complex world or worth the destruction of the work and the waste of years of hard work by a lot of common and not so common people regardless of their political stripe that have brought Malta closer to being a first world nation instead of a backwards Albania like island classified as “Third World” located just north of the African continent.
Re your second para.
I have know Labour very well for the last six decades or so. I do not wonder whether it will ever be worthy of my vote.
It will never be. Period.
Joseph Muscat was continually exposed to Mintoff’s influence by by rabid Mintoffian nanna ever since he was a toddler.
His modus operandi and his objectives are Mintoffian. hiss conscious attempt to rub out Alfred Sant from PL history, and his plan for a second republic should be seen in that context.
The last thing Malta needs right now, or ever, is to be led by an inept and incompetent Mintoffian clown, sorry, clone.
That’s exactly what I used to think and how I felt. I can tell you that since the 1981 election I solemnly promised myself not to vote labour again UNLESS PN behaves in similar manner regarding basic human and democratic rights.
Today, with all the sleaze, double-speak and the twisted manipulation of facts, I am more than ever convinced that labour hasn’t changed at all. If anything, as you say, it is more menacing now that it has changed its image but not its heart and skin.
I have reviewed my position such that if I get utterly disgusted with the PN I still won’t vote labour. I will be happier voting AD or not at all.
Nothing and no one is perfect in life. In elections, as in life, you get in situations where you have to choose one way or another, and the best choice is always that of the lesser evil.
I’ve had a look at The Times’s comments board. The new Labour buzzword is “yardstick”.
Allow me to go back to the MCAST issue.
Tonight Lawrence Gonzi was interviewed by an MCAST student. Gonzi started the speech by contesting the “Shame on you” comments. He pointed out that it is Labour who should be ashamed. His main points were:
1) Labour closed down the MCAST. The Nationalist Party reopened it.
2) Labour withdrew students’ stipends. The Nationalist Party reintroduced the stipend system.
3) Labour closed down the MCAST. The Nationalist Party is currently building a new MCAST campus (yes, work was going on while the rabble was shouting “Taghna Lkoll” and “Irridu l-bidla.”)
4) Under Labour, unemployment increased drastically. Under the Nationalist Party, Malta has the highest number of working people in history.
He also reminded students that cheers and catcalls come and go. What really matters is that at the end of their courses, graduates will be able to find jobs related to their studies.
The above are all facts and can be easily verified.
Any further comment is superfluous.
Maybe in time we’ll find out he was one of the contributors to this costly Progressive Movement campaign !
Not many pawns left now.
With just two weeks to go, will the Electoral Commission have enough time to remove Joe Cordina from the ballot paper after he withdrew his candidacy?
Have the ballot papers been printed already? If they have I would make the Labour Party pay for all expenses involved.
Maybe Joseph can get out of this with a bit of coaching from JPO.
They seem so natural together.
Wouldn’t it be ironic if it was discovered that the Labour Party benefited from any misappropriated funds after all these years of blaming the government for high electricity tariffs.
Talk about hypocrisy.
Some hopes, dear Kevin.
They wanted the head of Garcia and got that of Gonzales instead.
Last night we have been given proof of were this country is heading, should the MLP gain power.
While the PN immediately passed any info to the police, so any allegations into the oil scandal are investigated, the MLP is defending it’s own without wanting to know what the truth is.
Hopefully this will serve as an eye opener to all those floaters, switchers or whatever they may want to be called, to think twice about to whom they are going to give their vote.
We should start drawing some parallels here.
Muscat has defended that slimeball Toni Abela in the Attard and Safi scandals, despite the seriousness of the information and Abela’s almost criminal actions. Yet, he cut Joe Cordina lose as soon as his involvement in the oil scandal became evident. It was quick, efficient and ruthless.
It’s clear that not only did Labour know that the proverbial sh*t was about to hit the fan, but they also knew beforehand about the extent of his involvement and that he will probably hang over this.
Pity, I would have loved to see a Labour candidate in the dock just before the election. It’s exactly where JPO deserved to be before the last one.
Labour are trying (unsuccessfully) to wriggle out of this one.
Can we ask one very simple question?
What would have happened and what would snake Varist say if the Financial Administrator of the PN was a direcor of InterShore Services, instead of Joe Cordina? Simple. Two weights, two measures.
One suggestion. PL should start distributing baby pacifiers duirng their forthcoming mass meetrings. Ghax veru qed jahsbuna tfal.
On TVAM this morning. Labour is aware of what George Farrugia said about a gift in hs statement to the Police. Inside information, Chris Cardona said. May we ask through whom?
What’s this nonsense about the gift a clock? Labour are shooting themselves in the foot. Even if it were true, something Tonio Fenech is denying, the gift was allegedly given as soon as Tonio became minister. Where’s the connection with oil procurment?
Tonio Fenech is saying that ten years ago he wasn’t even a minister. Diversionary tactics at their best.
Are you watching Chris Cardona on TVAM?
In connection with many of your previous posts, I’m pretty sure that Labour has known about the whole all scandal all along.
A few weeks ago I heard a rumour circulating about Joseph Muscat and a secret meeting (don’t know where or how though) with John’s Garage. This was around week 1 or 2 of the campaign (i.e. early January).
The meeting was so secret that those attending were asked to place any digital divice (including any mobile phone, iPod, iPad, computer, camera etc.) in a locker and were checked by security personnel before entering.
Unfortunately I don’t know any much more than this, even though I have tried for the past week to try and gain more information.
Given that this is Malta and everyone knows everyone else, more information was hard to come by as it was THAT secretive and sensitive.
Given the involvement of Labour candidates either as the defence council of the Farrugia family or now as actually involved in the case, as well as Labour’s sheer media interest in the case (which has now badly boomeranged against them), the fact that this meeting took place was of strategic importance.
I beg any journalists to investigate this case and those with more information to come forward to try and make more sense of this complicated jigsaw.
Don’t expect Muscat to see anything wrong. He told the media not to blow the Rabat PL Club attempted murder out of proportion (“ma’ nkabbruhiex”).
Joe Cordina started his working life at BOV in the glorious 70s/80s.
This morning on TVAM, Chris Cardona showed that the PL has a copy of Farrugia’s deposition. This could only have been leaked to the party by the Police, but isn’t it more likely that Franco Debono leaked it, in his declared battle against PN cabinet Ministers and the oligarchy?
Should some serious journalist (if they exist) ask Debono a straightforward question?
That was probably the biggest risk posed by giving a pardon to George Farrugia. He had that narcissistic, vindictive loose cannon tied to him.
Nevertheless the PN did the right thing, as it usually does.
And haven’t you noticed that Evarist Bartolo is now singing Franco Debono’s favourite song?
Shame on Times of Malta. The resignation of the Labour Party’s financial administrator should have been on the front page. Everybody is now showing his true colours.
The Times can’t risk its paper supply. If Joseph couldn’t get his hands on it, he went for its operations.
Perhaps Strickland House would grace us with its circulation figures.
When Evarist will be the chair of the commission to extend the BA’s authority to the press, we’ll have a good laugh.
Meantime, this blog is the news.
Muscat’s triple standards:
Anglu Farrugia – “get out”
Toni Abela – “stay put, why should you?”
Joe Cordina – (JC) “I’m leaving” -(JM) “so long”
Who is responsible for this leak?
There should be no doubt whatsoever in the eyes of the citizens that the empowerment of the Police is perfectly balanced by its delivery of order and safeguarding of public safety. Why any amount of leniency or insufficiently thorough investigation is permitted (was the son of the committee member of the Safi kazin interviewed?) is not clear to me.
I think the time has come when any preventive measures that Government is in a position to take against collusion by the Police against it, should be taken – with a sense of urgency applied.
With Labour, institutions, law, magistrates, protocol and the police serve the cause, not the state.
If they insist on a union for the police and the army, why not one for the judiciary?
How does justice fit the social dilemma? Are a rich man and a worker equal before a court of law?
If he can’t get executive power, he’ll revert to the judiciary and going by his second republic, the presidency.
From switchers bored out of their wits to frenetic prima donnas. The motive here is to get rid of the two party system. Too demanding.
“Din l-elezzjoni ġenerali hija wisq importanti għall-futur ta’ Malta biex inħalli l-Partit Nazzjonalista jużani biex jipprova jiddevja l-attenzjoni,u jpoġġi l-Partit Laburista f’dawl ikrah” – Joe Cordina
The only thing he has not added in his statement is the number of times in the past few weeks that he has been fooling around near his office in Victoria trying to mock Gozitan PN supporters and telling them they have oil on their trousers.
You know how easily word goes around in Gozo. It has been reported that he has not left his office today!
Iz-zejt jitla f’wicc l-ilma.
The Americans have a term for someone or something that changes all sorts of things to appear different than he/it really is: “A pig with lipstick.”