Vote Labour for cheaper prices – UNBELIEVABLE
February 22, 2013 at 9:09am
This comment was posted on timesofmalta beneath the story about the arraignment of two businessmen on bribery and corruption charges.
We are still in the mindset of price control and governments having a direct hand in how much goods and services are sold for.
And then looking at the reasoning: with Labour (u issa anke l-AD) in parliament we will have more money in our pockets (thanks to cheaper goods and services) to spend on our holidays abroad.
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The first thing this person should do what the “more money in his pocket” is enrol himself in a course in English.
Prices will go “dawn” according to this “axe” businessman LOL
Axed businees man
Minn kollox batut is-Sur Sultana. Hekk jidher, ghallinqas.
An axe businessman? No wonder he does a hatchet job when writing. Have standards sunk even lower at Elve Central?
Heralding the new ‘dawn’
Didn’t know there was a market in the axe business in Malta. If there ever was one, it must have gone dawn the tubes…!
Well, Daphne, he does have “expearance” as an “axe” businessman. I wonder whether he has an “ex” to grind or it is only trying to keep up “apperiences.”
Maybe that’s what happens in the axe business?
The illiterate ‘anthony sultana’ pops up all over the place on the online Times with his senseless, barely intelligible nonsense. I say barely only because the general gist is always there – blow the MLP trumpet till we’re blue (or red) in the face.
I’m not surprised he’s finding the going tough, mind you. Just how much work must his ‘axe business’ be getting these days?
I suppose he can “axe” his prices from now.
Narrow minded people with blinders. Low brow the lot of them.
I must admit that I have a terrible time understanding or reading the modified Maltese language written to reflect the spoken word by some people but an AXE business man just tops them all.
Axe business man?
Prices going dawn or prices going dusk.
I do not believe that the cost of living will ever go down.
We all remember billboards with Alfred Sant and his famous trolley.
In spite of this, Sant introduced 33 new taxes and increased our energy bills. Hope that after 9th March, (if the PL win the elections) Mr. Sultana will be in a position to give us a list of products with reduced prices.
No, please, not THAT again.
Remember the lists we used to get on Xandir Malta all day long, showing decreases of 5m or 1c on pilchards and tuna?
Somehow, they always forgot to mention that this translated into an inferior quality product, but who cares, as long as the price went down.
At one point even my cat wouldn’t touch it.
An axe business man? Is there such a great demand for axes in Malta?
Maybe. Quite recently a very sharp one was urgently needed to be used on Inspector Gadget.
Wow! He’s an “axe business man”!
He must have been the one who sold the axe to Joseph Muscat before he chopped Anglu’s head off.
An axe business man? Is there such a big market in axes? Well, I suppose there is, with all that grinding…
tay o tak in inglex
I give up!
On a brighter note, have a look at this site:
Interesting snippet from
“In December 2011 an extraordinary high amount of votes cast in the monthly election poll was registered. Deeper analysis of the multiple voters’ IP addresses show a clear result. Most of the multiple votes were cast from IP addresses located in the Hamrun area. uses software based devices to eliminate multiple votes.”
Not only will prices go ‘dawn’ but I will bet my bottom euro that they will tax ebay purchases ‘to support local business’.
Heard it on One yesterday (someone was complaining that he couldn’t milk his customers anymore because they are now buying his stuff cheaper on ebay) and the presenter was quite sympathetic (instead of telling him to get his act together and offer a better service to his clients).
Bet my bottom dollar er euro that there will be a tax on all online purchases in the form of a VAT increase, having to go to Maltapost Qormi to collect parcels, anything to put you off online shopping. Mhux hexx trid Grace (of the red alons) !
I do believe this was written tongue in cheek. The “axe businees” man gives it away.
Are we surprised that they don’t know how healthy economies work?
There is a flood of comments on – surprisingly, the ones allowed for upload – that look like the words of brainwashed idiots each responsible for delivering part of the mantra.
Each idiotic comment building on the other, interspersed with a couple of whispers of common sense which are promptly drowned by a fresh flushing of mantra.
Additionally, The Times has lost its edge along the way, perhaps that’s why it has also become less of an interesting read on the whole and comparatively to your blog. Perhaps they should have been more adamant on quality content not effect.
May I respectfully point out that Mr. Anthony Sultana, whoever he may be or whatever his real agenda is, does not represent AD, and less even understood what AD’s proposals entail.
Likewise I do represent AD, but some things should be obvious to all and sundry.
Judging from his English, I doubt how credible he really is …expert.
Not sure you can have much of a business selling axes in Malta, but there you go.
“Axe buisness man”? Which one? Temptation, Essence, Excite or Marine?
He means Ex-businessman.
Thanks for enlightening me. He reminded me of the deoderants I used when I was a teenager.
Economics, the economy and how it all works need to be taught from primary to tertiary level.
M’ghandhomx idea!
Most interesting logic from ” … an axe business man …”! Was he in the business of logging?
Daphne, Anthony Sultana is an ‘axe’ businessman – I believe he was involved in supplying axes for the History Channel reality show ‘Ax Men’.
He is thus speaking from ‘expearance’, and know exactly what he is talking about when it comes to the Labour government axing all our opportunities.
He changed his business to blogging
The Axe Effect
“The effect achieved when a large group of ignorant and insecure pubescent boys attempt to cover up their smell with excessive quantities of Axe while at the same time forgetting to bathe regularly. The resulting smell is a combination of that of severe B.O. and that of a severe chemical spill. ” – Urban Dictionary
Axe business man.
I see Labour aren’t the only ones who’ve rebranded themselves. In my days we used to call them pillaging Vikings.
Need for change? lol that’s insane
Lol lolZ hay hay! Viva l-Layber ha jgibu l-bidla hiiii!
Haga wahda tasal biex tghid: “Imma kemm hawn min hu assolutament u inkorregibilment cuc f’Malta”.
Anthony Sultana mhux wiehed biss hawn, tafu bhali, izda eluf fuq eluf.