Poor Mrs Farrugia

Published: February 22, 2013 at 5:34pm

I don’t know her from Adam or even what she looks like, but I’m dying inside on her behalf. Having your handwork dissected at a press conference in the heat of an election campaign? I don’t think so.

I suppose everyone involved should be grateful that it wasn’t a crocheted afghan (or a nice pot). Jew forsi xi watercolour tal-fjuri.

A pertinent question in this regard: has Kenneth Zammit Tabona given Joseph and Michelle one of the watercolours he paints as a token of his admiration?

Or did they buy one as a token of theirs?

20 Comments Comment

  1. bystander says:

    Is there any chance we will get to see the timepiece in question?

    I like a nice clock.

  2. maryanne says:

    Is Joseph Muscat able to stand on a podium and answer the kind of grilling that Tonio is being subjected to?

  3. Jozef says:

    Trust Labour to confuse a plywood box with a battery-operated motor for the real thing.

    Peregin, just go down to Baystreet and take all the photos you need. You can even buy them in kit form, for a rainy day.


  4. Betty Boob says:

    Daphne! You just mirrored my thoughts! If anything this arlogg Malti should be auctioned now.

    I am sure its value has increased considerably after all this hype. I am more shocked at the red, red lies, rather than a woman making Maltese clocks and giving them away.

  5. Mark says:

    Svizzera fil-Mediterran.

  6. Seggy says:

    ‘L-Indemonjati u Maltin Oħra’ se jittella’ fit-teatru Manoel bejn il-Ġimgħa 22 u l-Ħadd 24 ta’ Frar.

    So now Albert Marshall is presenting a comic docu-drama about the recent happenings. I wonder how unbiased that’ll be just a few days before the election.

  7. giraffa says:

    Tonio Fenech was magnificent at this afternoon’s press conference as usual. He is right to seek action on the lie that Varist Bartolo and Chris Cardona have spun around a hand-crafted gift worth a few euros.

    It is essential that this ‘kwerela’ be brought to Court next week and settled before the election – I have no doubt the Labour Party will have quite a bit of egg to wipe from its collective face.

    Most of the journalists at the conference were clearly confrontational with Fenech, and more inclined to accept Varist’s lie as it sells more papers.

    You can now expect Super One to come out with the headline ‘Tonio admits to receiving a gift clock’ and blow this up to fit their puerile agenda.

    I just trust that the real switchers are following this exposure of the Labour Party’s den of lies, and to refrain from throwing our beloved country into an abyss.

    • Jozef says:

      I just hope the switchers realise that with Labour in government anyone can be dragged before Evarist’s inquisition.

      The man’s on Facebook.

    • maryanne says:

      Yes, Tonio Fenech was magnificent. Can you imagine JPO in his place?

      There would have been a deluge of tears or some mad hysteria, the result of too much tea.

  8. Daniel says:

    I too harbour sympathy towards this lady. However she might very well record a dramatic increase in clock sales over the next few months.

  9. zunzana says:

    Tonio Fenech– a MAN for all seasons

  10. Ivan says:

    Maybe it wasn’t worth much before, but now it has become a collector’s item and everybody wants to see it.

  11. U Le! says:

    Back in 1990 Eddie Fenech Adami was one of the guests at my wedding. He gave me a silver frame (which I still treasure).

    Years later his son Beppe knocked on my parents’ door on a house visit. Although he did not ask directly (he is too much of a gentleman) it was clear that he would appreciate their vote.

    Do you think Eddie was preparing the way for his son to get our vote?

  12. San'Alfred ta' Wied Ghammieq says:

    Possibbli Joseph Muscat qatt ma rcieva xi rigal PERSONALI minghand per ezempju Kenneth Zammit Tabona, William Mangion, Manwel Mallia, Musumeci, Engerer, Deborah Schembri jew xi wiehed jew wahda minn dawk l-eluf li Alla biss jaf x’weghdhom? Jew min xi KUNTRATTUR?

  13. Rumplestiltskin says:

    In Sliema this morning, amidst overflowing cafes and shops full of shoppers, a new billboard was being unveiled. It said: “Labour: Ghax pajjizna jisthoqqlu ferm ahjar.” How can anyone say or read this with a straight face?

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