Mallia sets his standards high and announces them on Super One TV

Published: February 23, 2013 at 2:08pm


Manuel Mallia said during Labour’s press conference this morning that he will not remember the people who bring him a bottle of Chivas, but he will remember if somebody takes him a Faberge egg (at which point he makes a gesture as though cupping one in his hands).

He also told us that he is a dilettant tal-antiques, not of reproductions (like Tonio Fenech’s homemade clock).

What was he thinking?

What it sounded like was this: “If you want to come to my attention when I am a government minister, this is what I want: Faberge eggs and real antiques. Forget the Chivas and above all, forget the homemade clocks.”

15 Comments Comment

  1. Makjavel says:

    We got the message, Dr. Mallia, only geniune antiques please and not home-made repros.

    • Angus Black says:

      There was once a Labour Minister (Lorry Sant) who insulted one of his close friends when the man presented him with a solid silver tea set after receiving a generous favour from him. He demanded (and presumably received) no less than Lm25,000, or else his business would become history.

      This was reported in a lengthy account of the ‘golden years’ of the Mintoff-KMB era, in MaltaToday. There used to be a link to the article until some three years ago when the paper converted to sleaze.

      So, it’s no surprise that Mallia, as minister would expect a bit more than decorated Easter eggs.

  2. Harry Purdie says:

    I have an antique bullfrog. Will that work?

  3. A Montebello says:

    I must have missed an entire chunk of the proceedings. Someone please put me right: Is Bullfrog Mallia confirming that the Maltese repro clock is just that? A repro clock by a dillettanta?

  4. TROY says:

    A few choice jewels and his head will look just like a Faberge egg.

  5. manum says:

    Manuel Mallia – very classy indeed. Faberge eggs, eh? A real Russian princess.

  6. Gahan says:

    Lil Mintoff Rolex tad-deheb ma kienx jibbastah.

  7. Gahan says:

    Is that Anglu on the poor elephant?

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