A new Labour billboard has just been unveiled at what they call ‘il-Ferries’

Published: February 23, 2013 at 3:04pm

Down at what real Sliema people like me call ‘ix-xatt’ when speaking Maltese (as in ‘inzilt sax-xatt’) and what people like Kurt Farrugia call ‘il-Ferries’ (as in ‘imorru l-Ferries’), the Progressive Movement of JosephMuscatDotCom has put up a new billboard.


Nobody can keep a straight face, except those Laburisti posing as switchers, who miss the irony because otherwise it would mean undoing their whole identity and their huge emotional and possibly even financial investment in JosephMuscatDotCom.

I see that in the penultimate week of the campaign, they’ve decided it’s safe to call themselves Labour. You know, just when things are getting messy.

12 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Ha! Own goal.

    I told you grammar would be their undoing.

  2. Curious says:

    Ga qed jisfaxxa l-moviment, qabel ma rebhu l-gvern. Ahseb u ara wara x’ inhu gej.

  3. ciccio says:

    The moviment is imploding.

    Back to Labour.

  4. Sandra says:

    Obviously targeting first-time voters from ‘PN families’. Thank God, now we shan’t be looked on as snobs and tal-pepe, because they’re trying hard to do the same.

  5. U ajma, as if says:

    Mela mhux in English they did it. U ajma, ey.

  6. Min Jaf says:


  7. Gahan says:

    Malta jiixraqilha ahjar mil-Labour, ghalhekk ghandha titmexxa mil-Partit Nazzjonalista.

  8. Betty Boob says:

    It’s now totally passe’ to be a switcher.

    And this in one week.

    I bet they are momentarily considering hiding in a closet and re appearing after the 9th March if their new movement makes it to government.

  9. maryanne says:

    I have seen one with Mrs. Bortex on it. She’s voting Labour because she believes in meritocracy.

    I am eager to see Kenneth Zammit Tabona on a Labour billboard.

    • ciccio says:

      It’s WIP in Kenneth’s workshop. He is handpainting it himself.

      The message?


  10. old-timer says:

    They should hold a mass meeting strictly with switchers. The Granaries would not be enough – perhaps Ta’ Qali will be OK.

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