‘AHNA IMISS’: this is a real Labour song and not a spoof

Published: February 23, 2013 at 3:12pm

15 Comments Comment

  1. rant says:

    I would say unbelievable, but I do believe that they can come up with such crap.

    • Mandy says:

      Gangnam Style and One Pound Fish are both chart-topping songs in most European countries.

      Most of the video on the link above is the actual video of the One Pound Fish.

      I hope Labour will be sued for copyright.

  2. Curious says:

    U ejja! This can’t be true?

  3. F. Vella says:

    Prosit, sur Demicoli. Is-sena d-diehla jibghatu lilek ghall-Eurovision u jkunu tawk ‘present’ ghall-porkerija li jirnexxilek tohrog biha. X’faqar jahasra.

  4. Jozef says:

    No wonder they opposed ACTA.

  5. haga mohgaga says:

    I’ll give him marks for honesty though: he is possibly the only Labour supporter who is singing about what the majority of the Labour-voting population is currently thinking in the back of their minds, and not this “ghax Malta jixirqilna ahjar” crap.

  6. AG says:

    These Labourites never cease to amaze me.

    Now excuse me while I rush out to buy a copy of a music CD called ‘Inhobbkom’.

  7. observer says:

    I never dreamt that ‘stennew minn kollox’ would include drivel like this.

  8. Matthew says:

    Very progressive and feminist.

  9. Wozatuni says:

    You’re kidding us… Right?!

  10. Betty Boob says:

    AHNA IMISS – to follow Cyprus, Greece, Spain, Portugal, France and dive headlong into the abyss.

    Alas, Mr Demicoli will have no market for his pathetic CDs by then! Miskien!

  11. fleur says:

    Is this how they want to attract the middle class?

  12. rcamilleri says:

    Not at all amazed by the lack of originality. I really hope that they would be sued for copyright infringement. Disgusting

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