Brad and Angelina arrive at the Oscars

Published: June 4, 2009 at 12:32am

15 Comments Comment

  1. Mandy Mallia says:

    Talking of Brad and Angelina:

  2. tony pace says:

    Not even a simple apology, nothing. What a creep, what a hamallu, baxx u injorant. And we expect this sorry excuse for a git to be our next prime-minister.

  3. Pat says:

    I haven’t managed to follow the story much the last couple of days. Did the reason to his delay come up yet? Anyone know?

    [Daphne – When asked by journalists, his aides said there was “no particular reason for the delay.”]

    • Pat says:

      Phew! Here I was, thinking he was doing something important.

    • jenny says:

      Maybe Michelle kept him busy, changing nappies.

      [Daphne – As I recall, when asked during an interview who gives her the most trouble, her infant twins or her husband, she replied: Joseph. The only sons of older, doting parents make notoriously poor mates.]

    • Mandy Mallia says:

      Maybe he had the runs.

  4. Rita Camilleri says:

    Who the hell does he think he is, so smug and arrogant? I would have swatted him with a camera. They should have started without him. He thinks he is God’s gift to mankind.

  5. Godfrey A Grima says:

    Are you sure you did not mean Brat and Angelina?

  6. Vanni says:

    Well I am sorry, but they should:

    a) have started without him
    b) refrained from waiting outside like idiots
    c) if they didn’t do the previous, at least asked him if he was aware that he was nearly half an hour late, and asked him to explain his tardiness.

    What amazes me is not that he was late, which is normal crass behaviour from somebody without class, but the blind acceptance of the fact by the welcoming committee.

    • Tal-Muzew says:

      Mela, u nhallieh jidhol f’nofs programm ha nuru lin-nies x’ pastazata ta’ nofs bniedem ghandna bhala kap ta’ l-oppozizzjoni.

      • Vanni says:

        Le, ma nhallih jidhol xejn. Inkella ma jitghallimx, u darb’ohra jerga jaghmel l-istess.

        Haga ohra, dan lil-PM ghamila din il-bicca xoghol, ahseb u ghara x’jaghmel ghac-citadin. Jekk jigi jaqa u jqum mil-PM, kemm aktar jigi jitmellah min dak li hu jikunsidrah inferjuri minnu.

  7. james micallef says:

    May I point out that Guido Demarco was renowned to be ALWAYS LATE….dak hamallu baxx u injorant ukoll tghidulu?

    [Daphne – Iva.]

  8. james micallef says:

    Almenu tametti there are chavs in both parties.

    [Daphne – There are chavs in both parties, yes, but one is a chav party and the other is a party with some chavs in it. And in Labour’s promotional video, Sharon Ellul Bonici is even wearing the ultimate in chav apparel: a Burberry-check scarf: ]

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