Mario and Godfrey get cunning

Published: June 4, 2009 at 12:45am
We'd rather be interviewing Godfrey Pirotta

We'd rather be interviewing Godfrey Pirotta

Joseph Muscat’s mentor Mario Vella was on Super One tonight, interviewing Godfrey Pirotta about the EP elections, and telling his slack-jawed viewers that it’s going to be a ‘photo-finish’ (now where have we heard that one before?).

Having looked at the numbers, nobody on either side of the political fence is under any illusion that it’s going to be other than three seats to Labour and two seats to the Nationalists.

I imagine that this was their idea of a cunning plan to bring out Labour’s more recalcitrant people – the ones who Joseph Muscat has said are refusing to vote because of Labour’s anti-EU ‘past’.

Muscat has even sought to justify the presence on his list of anti-EU people – Sharon Ellul Bonici being the worst of the lot – by saying “we have euro-sceptic candidates to cater for those who voted against EU membership.”

In that case, Sharon Ellul Bonici should be getting more votes than Simon Busuttil. Didn’t around 120,000 people vote against EU membership? If Joseph Muscat has been busy converting them all, he should be recruited by the Christian Scientists.

2 Comments Comment

  1. Marc Antony says:

    Myra Breckinridge is a wonderful piece. But, Vidal is quite a wonderful writer.

  2. Ed says:

    I cannot disagree more. The Labour Party never had problems getting their followers to vote for them, irrespective of what position they took. History backs me on this one.

    This (photo-finish etc..) is just part of their grand plan to come out strongly after the election (ivvutawlna hafna iktar milli hsibna) and an attempt to de-stabilise (broad to narrow meaning) the government(Tilef il-fiducja, sejjah elezzjoni etc..).

    Muscat’s personal development leaves much to be desired: irrespective of how exceptionally good and talented a person may be, it never makes sense (for obvious reasons) for someone to get to where Muscat is at his age.

    Given that this has happened, Muscat would possibly lack the ability to show adequate respect for other people (on the basic premise that he himself may after all be wrong) and their decisions, and to wait for his turn (he never felt the need) and dedicate the time to actually think about leading the country and not about how to get to be in a position to lead the country.

    He will continue to lead the Labour Party with this ‘Nescafe’ attitude. Expect the unexpected after this election.

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